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Finnish enterprise Linux vendor adds Red Hat's "Update 3" to offering
Finnish software maker Lineox now includes the latest source code updates from Red Hat. As part of its mission to provide the latest software, Lineox's "Always Current Linux" program is touted as offering a migration path for IT administrators who want to upgrade their legacy Red Hat systems.
Open source group welcomes parties' stance
Australia's Open Source industry body, Open Source Industry Australia, today said it was pleased that all the major parties had made significant open source announcements within a week of a survey request from the organisation.
Nonprofit brings Linux and open source to Hawaii
Hawaii schools, affected by lean budgets like many other US states this year, have upgraded their computer systems through the help of the open source community and Linux. A local nonprofit, the Oahu-based Hawaii Open Source Education Foundation (HOSEF) has supplied over a dozen Hawaiian schools with computers "recycled" with the Linux operating system and raised awareness of OSS.
How to fight software patents -- singly and together
Software patents are the software project equivalent of land mines: Each design decision carries a risk of stepping on a patent, which can destroy your project.
Linux in Government: Neglecting the Community, a Commentary
Linux vendors get failing grades in Linux community relations.
Two Years Before the Prompt: A Linux Odyssey
Derek Croxton has written a rather long editorial on how he sees the Linux and Open Source communities, and his personal experiences with Linux, the editorial it titled “Two Years Before the Prompt: A Linux Odyssey” is over 3,500 words.
The numbers are in, and Linux is up
The popularity of pre-packaged Linux servers continues to roll on. The market for server hardware shipping with Linux reached more than $900 million in the second quarter of this year, according to research firm IDC. Revenue grew by almost 50% from the same quarter a year ago, and numbers of units shipped were up 38%.
Tutorial: SpamAssassin and Amavisd: Go Ninja On Your UBE Woes
The bad news is, it's SpamAssassin, not SpammerAssassin. The good news is it kills spam quite effectively, and fits nicely into an anti-spam, anti-virus gateway. This article, which shows how to use SpamAssassin with Postfix, is the first in a series on building an anti-spam and anti-virus gateway. This gateway works equally well for a single PC, or for a large network, and it's built of four components:
Sybase releases free top-of-the-line database for Linux systems
Dublin, Calif.-based Sybase, the veteran IT company best known for PowerBuilder and a score of middleware products, has joined a growing list of companies in releasing open source databases and other software to lure more customers to their premium products. To the company's credit, it is not releasing a second-hand piece of software, as IBM did last month with Cloudscape, a leftover from the Informix catalog.
Marines still need a few good parts
Following up on an earlier NewsForge story, we recently exchanged email with LT. Phil Geiger -- medical officer with the Third Batallion, Sixth Marines in Iraq -- about the current status of their efforts to establish an unofficial wireless network to allow Marines to communicate more often and more easily with friends and families. This self-help project -- with volunteer assistance -- is now operational, but the Marines could use more assistance.
What's New in SpamAssassin 3.0
During the process of writing my book, SpamAssassin, I began to use the beta and release candidate versions of the soon-to-be-available SpamAssassin 3.0.0 (SA 3), so I could be sure that the book would cover any differences. This major release is anticipated to occur in the next month or two. What new features can administrators expect? We'll take a look at a few in this article.
Mozilla logs are wide open - shows windows users dominate usage
Looks like our friends at Mozilla have left their web logs wide open to the public.
IBM seeks to ease database burden
IBM next week will release a major revision of its DB2 database, providing fresh ammunition in the ongoing battle for supremacy in the database marketplace.
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