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Microsoft Patent Trolls and IBM Against 35 U.S.C. § 101 and for Software Patents, Blackmail
With the Defend Trade Secrets Act of 2016 gaining traction and with Section 101 limiting the scope of patents in United States we now see increased lobbying and trolling by companies on the decline — companies whose last remaining ‘asset’ is a large pile of software patents
How to Install Latest Roundcube Webmail on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
Roundcube is a free and open source web-based webmail solution written in PHP. It is a web-based IMAP client, so you can also access your email server from your web browser. This tutorial shows you how to install RoundCube on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver).
Google tips AI co-processor and IoT framework for Linux and Android Things gateways
Google unveiled a stripped-down “Edge TPU” version of its Tensor Processing Unit AI chip plus a Cloud IoT Edge stack for Arm-based IoT gateways that run Linux or Android Things. An NXP-based dev kit is due in October. Google announced a lightweight, embedded version of its enterprise focused Cloud Tensor Processing Unit (Cloud TPU) AI […]
Install OpenCV on Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver Linux
OpenCV is a multi-platform open source, computer vision library and it is a part of Ubuntu's universe package repository. The objective of this article is to install OpenCV on Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver Linux and provide a simple OpenCV example.
Slackware creator in strife, claims store has not paid him
The creator of the second oldest Linux distribution, Patrick Volkerding, claims he is in financial strife after the store, with which he reached an agreement to sell his work, stopped paying him two years ago.
How to deploy Mattermost on Ubuntu 18.04
Mattermost is an enterprise grade, instant messaging platform, an open source self-hosted Slack alternative. It’s written in Golang and React and can use MySQL or PostgreSQL as a database backend.
How do private keys work in PKI and cryptography?
In a previous article, I gave an overview of cryptography and discussed the core concepts of confidentiality (keeping data secret), integrity (protecting data from tampering), and authentication (knowing the identity of the data's source). Since authentication relates so closely to all the messiness of identity in the real world, a complex technological ecosystem has evolved around establishing that someone is who they claim to be. In this article, I'll describe in broad strokes how these systems work.
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Some of Intel's Effort to Repair Spectre in Future CPUs
Dave Hansen from Intel posted a patch and said, "Intel is considering adding
a new bit to the IA32_ARCH_CAPABILITIES MSR (Model-Specific Register) to tell
when RSB (Return Stack Buffer) underflow might be happening. Feedback on this
would be greatly appreciated before the specification is finalized." He
explained that...
Aerocore 2 drone board runs on Jetson TX2
Gumstix announced a version of its Aerocore 2 drone control board that runs Linux on Nvidia’s Jetson TX2. The Geppetto customizable board provides a Cortex-M4 running PX4, and offers USB 3.0, micro-HDMI, and support for LTE, GPS, and 4x HD cameras. The Aerocore 2 drone control board arrived in 2014 and was followed in 2016 […]
Build an interactive CLI with Node.js
Node.js can be very useful when it comes to building command-line interfaces (CLIs). In this post, I'll teach you how to use Node.js to build a CLI that asks some questions and creates a file based on the answers.
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Full Drive Encryption with Debian 9.4 or Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
This tutorial will show you step by step how to encrypt a full drive with Cryptsetup on Debian 9.4 or Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver). The drive that gets encrypted may not be part of an LVM volume.
A look at some top Linux games released in 2018 and what's coming
If you're new to Linux and you're wondering what notable releases have made their way to Linux in 2018, here's a quick list of some good stuff on the table.
Put platforms in a Python game with Pygame
This is part 6 in an ongoing series about creating video games in Python 3 using the Pygame module. Previous articles are:
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Oracle Database 18: Now in downloadable Linux flavour
Oh, and Windows, but cool kids don't use that
Oracle Database 18 is now available for on-prem download on Linux, according to a talkative senior Oracle chap.…
Review of the ASUS VivoBook X402NA-FA112T
I have recently bought a new 14? laptop, the ASUS VivoBook X402NA-FA112T as it is called in the Netherlands. On the website, this model is known as the ASUS VivoBook E402NA. Although this is a budget laptop, its a big improvement over my previous laptop (the Acer Aspire One 725). Both machines happily run openSUSE Leap 15. This review provides an overview of the new hardware and how it performs when running openSUSE Leap 15.
Why moving all your workloads to the cloud is a bad idea
As we've been exploring in this series, cloud hype is everywhere, telling you that migrating your applications to the cloud—including hybrid cloud and multicloud—is the way to ensure a digital future for your business. This hype rarely dives into the pitfalls of moving to the cloud, nor considers the daily work of enhancing your customer's experience and agile delivery of new and legacy applications.
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Install ELK as Centralized Logfile Management Server on CentOS 7
This tutorial explains how to setup a centralized logfile management server using ELK stack on CentOS 7. As anyone who not already know, ELK is the combination of 3 services: ElasticSearch, Logstash, and Kibana. The tutorial will use MySQL log files as source to be monitored.
youtube-dl: Download Video and Audio Files From Streaming Sites
When conversation turns to indispensable command-line multimedia software, youtube-dl inevitably gets a mention.
How to boot Ubuntu 18.04 into emergency and rescue mode
Systemd has nowadays become the de facto standard init system for all the major Linux distributions. Superseding SysV and upstart, it also replaced the classical way of defining system runlevels, using system targets, a special type of unit. In this tutorial we will see how to boot an Ubuntu 18.04 system into the emergency and rescue systemd targets, and what kind of environment they provide to the users.
The Beginner’s Guide to the pwd Command in Linux
The pwd command is one of the most basic commands in Linux. Here we will learn how to use pwd to output the full path name of your current directory.
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