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As EU tightens screws on Android, Google focuses on a Fuchsia future
Google plans to replace Android with Fuchsia beginning with a smart speaker in 2021, says Bloomberg. Fuchsia could help Google sidestep Android-related legal threats from Oracle and the EU, which just slapped Google with a $5.1 billion fine.
Vivaldi Browser Adds Privacy-Focused Search Engine Qwant as New Search Option
Vivaldi Technologies informed Softpedia today that they've added a new search engine to the growing list of search options of their Chromium-based Vivaldi web browser.
Installing Rapid Photo Downloader 0.9.9 on openSUSE Leap 15
Have you noticed? After installing Rapid Photo Downloader from the openSUSE repositories, it doesn’t launch. As indicated in an earlier blog post, this program is really great to download your photo’s into the right folders in one go. Version 0.9.9 is a big overhaul for this application. If you want to use it right now, you need to install it using these instructions.
How to add Linux to your Chromebook
VIDEO: With a sufficiently advanced Chromebook, you can now install and run Linux natively on it.
How to List All Running Services in Linux from the Command Line
In this tutorial, we will go through several methods of listing/showing all running services and processes on a Linux-based server or machine.
Using the Best CPU Available on Asymmetric Systems
Dietmar Eggemann posted a patch from Quentin
Perret to take advantage of
energy-efficient CPUs on asymmetric multiprocessor
(AMP) systems. AMP is
distinguished from SMP (symmetric multiprocessor) systems in that an SMP
system uses several instances of only one type of CPU, while an AMP system
might use CPUs of differing speeds, feature-sets and so on.
Master The Linux Command Line
If you use Linux long enough, you will most likely have performed actions via the terminal in some capacity, even if it was something as simple as installing a package. You might even know how to create directories or folders, move, copy or rename files and folders, run software, run the odd script now and then, or even attempted to compile software from source code.
Oldest swinger in town, Slackware, notches up a quarter of a century
Venerable Linux distro still keeping it clean, after all these years
Slackware, the oldest Linux distribution still being maintained, has turned 25 this week, making many an enthusiast wonder where all those years went.…
Minecraft 'Update Aquatic' is a huge update which brings the new launcher officially to Linux
Minecraft's Update Aquatic is a huge update to the sandbox builder that's now out, it also brings the new launcher officially to Linux.
Incomplete Path Expansion (Completion) For Bash
bash-complete-partial-path enhances the path completion in Bash (on Linux, macOS with gnu-sed, and Windows with MSYS) by adding incomplete path expansion, similar to Zsh. This is useful if you want this time-saving feature in Bash, without having to switch to Zsh.
Building tiny container images
When Docker exploded onto the scene a few years ago, it brought containers and container images to the masses. Although Linux containers existed before then, Docker made it easy to get started with a user-friendly command-line interface and an easy-to-understand way to build images using the Dockerfile format. But while it may be easy to jump in, there are still some nuances and tricks to building container images that are usable, even powerful, but still small in size.
First pass: Clean up after yourself
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How to Upgrade to Linux Mint 19 Step by Step Tutorial
A step-by-step screenshot guide demonstrating how to upgrade to Linux Mint 19 from Linux Mint 18.3.
How to install UFW and use it to set up a basic firewall
Setting up a firewall can be a huge pain. Iptables isn't exactly known for its friendly syntax, and management isn't much better. Fortunately, UFW makes the process a lot more bearable with simplified syntax and easy management tools.
How To Install Asterisk on Ubuntu 18.04
Asterisk is the most popular and widely adopted open source PBX platform that powers IP PBX systems, conference servers and VoIP gateways. It is used by individuals, small businesses, large enterprises and governments worldwide.
Aria2 WebUI: Clean Web Frontend for aria2
Aria2 WebUI is an open source web frontend for aria2. The software bills itself as the finest interface to interact with aria2. That’s a lofty goal considering the competition from the likes of uGet Download Manager (which offers an aria2 plugin).
3 Emacs modes for taking notes
No matter what line of work you're in, it's inevitable you have to take a few notes. Often, more than a few. If you're like many people in this day and age, you take your notes digitally.
At Rest Encryption
There are many steps you can take to harden a computer, and a common
recommendation you'll see in hardening guides is to enable disk encryption.
Disk encryption also often is referred to as "at rest encryption", especially
in security compliance guides, and many compliance regimes, such as PCI, mandate
the use of at rest encryption.
EncryptPad: Encrypted Text Editor For Your Secrets
EncryptPad is a simple, free and open source text editor that encrypts saved text files and allows protecting them with passwords, key files, or both. It's available on Windows, macOS, and Linux. The application comes with a GUI as well as a command line interface, and it also offers a tool for encrypting and decrypting binary files.
Google Fined by EU for Antitrust Violations, Qt Creator 4.7.0 Now Available, New ownCloud Version 10.0.9, pfSense Gold to Be Free with the 2.4.4 Release, Kobol Relaunches Helios4
News briefs for July 18, 2018.
Mozilla Responds to European Commissions Google Android Decision
The decision by the European Commission today to sanction Google for practices regarding the Android mobile operating system drives home the importance of true openness in the mobile ecosystem. These are complex issues, and we expect that we will be evaluating the remedies and their repercussions for some time.
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