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I just discovered something
 LXer Feature: 14-Dec-2009 The rest of you may already be aware of this, but I just discovered something about Ubuntu I was not aware of.
I discovered this while reading through a copy of Full Circle Magazine (issue 24 actually), I have in my ebook reader.
In response to Question #2: A
separate /home partition has
not been necessary in a while.
Ubuntu's installers do not
remove directories named
"home" when installing.
Mounting a separate home partition is not necessary, because Ubuntu doesn't remove any directory named /home when you install Ubuntu, and that is why the default ubuntu install doesn't create a seperate partition for the home directory, and why it has been unnecessary for me to go to all the trouble of manually creating a /home partition.
Even more anoying is that when I was corresponding with Canonical about how to custom build the installer to create a /home partition, instead of telling me it was unnecessary, they kept offering to sign me up for unnecessary paid support services. |
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