Clever Mr. Kumar.

Story: Former CA chief accused of destroying evidenceTotal Replies: 2
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Feb 16, 2006
12:57 PM EDT
Hmm... This is interesting.

Let's analyze this a little.

Why would Mr. Kumar install Linux on his primary laptop?

If he was merely curious, why did he not use a LiveCD?

If he had problems with his installation of Windows, why didn't he reinstall Windows without reformatting? e.g:

If he was installing Linux for good- did he do a data-backup first?

If no, why not? After all, there could be documents there that could prove his innocence.

Without access to the details of the case, it doesn't make sense to comment on Mr. Kumar's disposition.

It appears that Mr. Kumar has thought this one through- Install Linux and claim non-culpability (on destruction of evidence). This because the installation requires a reformat (over which he has no control).


Feb 16, 2006
10:20 PM EDT
This is a nasty little story.

Firstly, installing an OS does NOT erase a computers memory. When are users going to learn THE HARD DRIVE IS NOT MEMORY? RAM IS MEMORY - the harddrive is STORAGE.


Secondly and perhaps more significantly, is a story connecting Linux and criminality. This is underhand and a bit obvious and how come no one ever mentions that 99% of people busted for child pornography and software piracy are running Windows? Yet here we have a clear linking of Linux and someone trying to escape conviction.


Feb 16, 2006
10:51 PM EDT
You're right.

The article could have stated that Mr. Kumar may have destroyed evidence. That it remained to be seen if was done intentionally or not. And it could have introduced the Linux installation aspect as Mr. Kumar's explanation.

I think that Linux is introduced into in the article is an unflattering manner.


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