you mean...

Story: Microsoft offers security serviceTotal Replies: 6
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Jun 02, 2006
12:35 PM EDT
The "service" they should be providing as a part of the OS? You mean a service that is necessary because the base system encourages viruses?

So, let me get this straight...I am being asked to purchase a "service" to fix a problem that the service seller caused/propagated/encouraged in the first place?

Oh, gee...where do I SIGN UP???

Someone want to Give Ballmer a call and attach a link explaining the RICO act to him?


Jun 02, 2006
12:46 PM EDT
Remind me to get Dave to add a Humor section to the site.

Jun 02, 2006
12:54 PM EDT
You should be nervous if the man that just sold you an airplane starts pitching parachutes.

Jun 02, 2006
2:42 PM EDT
Not only is this putting the fox in-charge of the hen house, but paying him for the privilege!


Jun 02, 2006
3:09 PM EDT
If ethics are not an issue, then, it's easy to find business opportunities. Parachutes anyone?

Jun 02, 2006
9:38 PM EDT
Yup, the boat isn't sinking. It's just that the water has become rebellious and sneaky and is attempting to invade the boat in a manner likely to upset the craft. This is not in anyway the fault of the boat maker, despite the holes being a blatant design flaw that have known about for years and you must now purchase some "bung me boat" plugs and fit them yourself.

Please remember the circling sharks are in fact the MS License police and the BSA and are supposed to look hungry, mean and threatening.

Failure to purchase "bung me boat" plugs will result in a feeding frenzy with you as dinner.


Jun 02, 2006
10:00 PM EDT

Don't forget that all those boats littering the bottom of the harbor are due to silly users not patching properly. You can't really blame the manufacturer if the user fails to keep the boat in perpetual dry-dock for continuous refitting.

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