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Story: Microsoft's New Home Page Shuns FirefoxTotal Replies: 22
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Jul 26, 2006
4:31 PM EDT
Or care. It just seems like they enjoy shooting themselves in the foot. Some people are masochistic though.

Jul 26, 2006
4:38 PM EDT
hehe. Yeah. On a sorta kinda maybe related note, anyone notice how hard it is to find the IE6 download these days (for those poor old M$ comps that SOME places still use)? And I don't mean just in XP, I mean in Pre-XP also (like on a fresh install of say 98 or 2k that can't use windows update cuz IE is too old). Kinda makes ya wonder what they're coding into IE7 that makes them so eager to get everyone to use it even though it's still beta.... Or maybe they're just getting desparate trying to regain some ground from FireFox...

Jul 26, 2006
4:53 PM EDT
> Kinda makes ya wonder what they're coding into IE7 that makes them so eager to get everyone to use it even though it's still beta....

Lest we forget, MS will always try to impose their proprietary rather than any open standard whenever they can get away with it. Ever user who has something besides IE has run into the banking site that won't work with other than IE and other annoying lock in's. I'm pretty sure that MS still doesn't 'get' the fact that this behavior actually drives people away rather than locking them in.

Jul 26, 2006
5:00 PM EDT
Yeah. You spend 10 minutes trying to find IE6 for some old box and get the distinct impression that they simply don't care about you (the user) unless you're running XP with the latest greatest updates and such.

Jul 26, 2006
5:46 PM EDT
I might spend 10 minutes, hours, days or months working around some lame-brain tie-in to MS, but I wouldn't spend 10 ms looking for a download of MS garbage.

Jul 26, 2006
5:58 PM EDT
> get the distinct impression that they simply don't care about you (the user) unless you're running XP with the latest greatest updates and such.

Impression? They've flat out stated so several times. And their recent dropping of support for 98SE and ME pretty much confirms the point.

Jul 26, 2006
10:07 PM EDT
If you're talking about then it works just fine for me (firefox running on SuSE 10.1).

Or are we talking about a different home page?

Jul 27, 2006
12:27 AM EDT
No, a different homepage Sal. The site you mentioned is being 'renewed', and the preview of that site is inaccesible, even with FF on WinXP SP 2 (just tested).

Have they forgot more than 10% of their _own_ customers run Firefox? Or is this an attempt to make the goodies only available to 'loyal' customers? Probably neither, they're just lame as usual.

Jul 27, 2006
5:13 AM EDT
Hmm. The link on the Information Week page now seems to resolve to If I manually type it does the same.

That said, even if it is now fixed, it's typical Micro-blunder-soft behaviour.

"Firewhat? Firefox? Never heard of it. Everything should, as far as posible, seem to indicate that perfect functionality is only possible using MS's own products. To use anything else is to invite problems or lose functionality".

Jul 27, 2006
6:24 AM EDT
>but I wouldn't spend 10 ms looking for a download of MS garbage.

Aw, c'mon grouch, tell us how you really feel about MS' software!

Jul 27, 2006
6:50 AM EDT
Well, ya gotta give them one thing - they keep techs like me employed. :)

Jul 27, 2006
8:28 AM EDT
I think that's the biggest reason people refuse to switch.

Jul 27, 2006
9:05 AM EDT
I just wish all those individuals doing free tech support for MS products would stop it.

MS spends boatloads of money claiming to be the best and boatloads of money trying to prevent people from really fixing the problems. I do not understand why millions of people give so much of their time to support a vicious entity that deliberately creates a lot of the problems these well-intentioned individuals work on for less informed folks.

Jul 27, 2006
9:52 AM EDT
Yeah. You spend 2 hours (or more) fixing some poor soul's winders box to get rid of all the spyware/adware/virii/etc, and 2 months later you get to do it again.

The amazing thing is, they seem more than happy to pay you to do the cleanup every couple months. You'd think they'd realize there must be a better way.

But then, people are so conditioned to just accept whatever MS gives them/does to them, that they just accept it and go on shelling out cash every few months.

Man, what would I do if I didn't have to spend time fixing windows for people? I might actually have time to learn about more advanced networking/*nix/etc. topics!

Oh well.

I just wish I could get my dad and sister off of winders.....

Jul 27, 2006
2:06 PM EDT
Have they forgot more than 10% of their _own_ customers run Firefox?....."

In a memo to Microsoft employees (one which I am still trying to get my hands on), MS employees were forbidden to use Firefox on any machine within the Redmond Campus or any facility owned by MS. I have a family member who is married to a mid-manager who is peripherally involved in the ie7 project. They are more than despondent that Firefox kicks the snot out of their best efforts so far and always will. The Firefox and FOSS community will always provide a superior product to IE and they know it.

My "MS buddy-by-marriage" uses Firefox at home and on my nephews computers exclusively. What does that tell you about the IE vs Firefox saga?


Jul 27, 2006
2:14 PM EDT
just wish I could get my dad and sister off of winders....."

I know it's tough to do, but I layed down the law to my family and friends about a year ago...helios does not do windoze. Not even my wife's. Fortunately, she has come around recently and now runs a pclinuxos/elive box.

It may chap thier butts some, but once you 'splain that you are not going to waste your time doing the same thing every 3-6 months or so, they begin to understand, As well, they are WAY more careful of what they download and install. The registry will still crater eventually, but then you don't have to fix it anymore.

Jul 27, 2006
2:23 PM EDT
That's what I said to my parents too. They needed a new PC and wanted me to build one. I put it really simple.

- Want Windows? Fine. Thats EUR 149. I'll install it but I will NOT help you out afterwards. - Want to try Linux? It's free, has no virusses, and if you are in trouble I can even help you from my home or from work (I installed FreeNX).

They went with Linux :-) All was well for a few weeks. Then my mom complained that there was no hearts game. I fixed that ( Three weeks later my dad came to me. He had been given a CD at his office with some software on it. Just some nutered 30-day trial thingy. Wine wouldn't run it. "But I want it!". Fine, that'll be EUR 149, I won't help you out anymore and you explain to mom why she can't play my game anymore.

He folded :-)

Edit: Good to see you back online, but I do hope you take it easy a bit.

Jul 27, 2006
2:39 PM EDT
Welcome back helios!

Jul 27, 2006
2:48 PM EDT
Yeah, welcome back helios! Is Washington in ruins yet?

Jul 27, 2006
3:18 PM EDT

Glad to see you're still with us. Hope you're doing well.

Jul 27, 2006
3:30 PM EDT
Helios, Helios, He's our man... sent Bill Gates to Foundation Land.

First they laughed and then they ran... Helios, Helios, He's our man.

Jul 27, 2006
3:40 PM EDT
> Is Washington in ruins yet?

I think it colapsed a few minutes after he left... or was that a few minutes before?

Anyway, welcome back :)


Jul 27, 2006
3:57 PM EDT
Actually, I think Washington was ruined before he got there.

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