Micro$oft forces-people-to-look-at-adverts-patent

Story: A dystopian future - looking beyond Windows VistaTotal Replies: 1
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Feb 11, 2007
2:40 PM EDT
Quoting:SOFTWARE BEHEMOTH Microsoft has applied for an odd patent which forces people to look at advertisements. Patent number 20070033102 uses face-recognition webcams to tell if users are paying attention to the advertisement. If they don't, then the software will disable or repossess the computer.

The patent says that it can make sure that paid advertising is watched. It involves asking users a question about an advertisement or requiring data about the advertisement to be entered.

The idea is that when the advertisement is correctly answered then cash will be sent to a user account.

The big idea is that schools will make a bit of cash on the side by forcing kids to become marketing guinea pigs and the patented technology will make sure they obey.

You can see the patent here. µ

Feb 11, 2007
3:04 PM EDT
> the software will disable or repossess the computer.

If that doesn't drive people to Linux, I don't know what will.

> The big idea is that schools will make a bit of cash on the side by forcing kids to become marketing guinea pigs and the patented technology will make sure they obey.

While I certainly don't think that brainwashing and whoring out our children is beyond MS's eventual plan, this patent doesn't aim at that. Just a fantasy that the Inquirer staff thought up.

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