Bad Title fehBuntu

Story: The Perfect Setup - Ubuntu Feisty Fawn (Ubuntu 7.04)Total Replies: 2
Author Content

Apr 20, 2007
1:04 PM EDT
This could easily also been titled for nearly any debian derived distro.

Does it make any difference in the long run? no.

Is it annoying as can be? yes

just sick of the "How Ubuntu to Ubuntu make Ubuntu an Ubuntu server Ubuntu." type titles.

After he gave root a password, it started being a generic Debian how-to.

Apr 20, 2007
1:41 PM EDT
heh, while I too am totally bored with Buntu Madness, we should keep in mind that all the growth in Linux is noobs. They may be Windows refugees, or have some Unix or Mac experience, but wherever they are from it's all new to them. So howtos like this that spell out every detail and have lots of pictures and that take advantage of the buzz are good things.

If you need something to gripe about, please join me in hissing at the beastly embedded code windows that require scrolling all directions at once, and you can't copy the text without scrolling. Hiss. Bad. Make them go away.


Apr 20, 2007
1:49 PM EDT
> Is it annoying as can be? yes

Yes, I agree. On the site I manage I got that one in today. I have the choice of putting it in the 'tutorial' section, but, it so annoyed me that I stuck it in 'reviews'... Petty, I know, but, at least I didn't stick it in 'editorials' as tempting as that was.

We're getting more and more stuff submitted that are basic Debian setups with a Ubuntu hype label pasted in, and no mention of Debian at all. I usually add a note to the submission saying that the thing works as well or (probably) better on Debian, but that's getting old, and, purposeful or not it's damned RUDE.

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