
Story: You discover something new everydayTotal Replies: 7
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May 31, 2007
5:09 PM EDT
Thanks. It took me a while to find it, Window Behavior >Advanced. When I first installed Linux, I played around with it a lot. But lately I've become an old fuddy duddy and haven't been exploring that much. GNU/Linux is such a rich environment that one should never stop exploring.

May 31, 2007
6:07 PM EDT
LOL...I cut my teeth on gnome. Unfortunately, I broke a few of them off trying to get it to do things I wanted it to do and couldn't. Last thing I want to do is start a gnome vs kde war but something tells me that isn't hard to instigate around here. oops.

Anyway, thanks for reminding me of this feature. there are so many more that most people never the amazing amount of configurations you can do with each theme, color scheme and style. QT itself is amazing.


May 31, 2007
6:54 PM EDT
Thats odd, amazing how opposite things can be. The first thing I do for KDE and/or Fluxbox is set a hotkey to remove window borders. Since the keyboard has the winkey I just use that for the Mod key for all my shortcuts.

win-key d = remove window borders win-key f = firefox win-key c = run command / fbrun win-key t = terminal

May 31, 2007
7:16 PM EDT
I use the Win-key+Arrow keys for switching to an adjacent desktop.

May 31, 2007
7:34 PM EDT
Quoting:I use the Win-key+Arrow keys for switching to an adjacent desktop.

I use the scroll button on my mouse. Just position the Mouse over the Desktop background and Scroll, or if the windows are full screen over the pager (which I keep in the panel).

I really like the fact that I can simply drag windows to a different desktop. I have the desktops laid out in the pager in a 3 by 3 grid, and if I move a window left or right it will move to a desktop that is left or right, as seen in the Grid, So that I can move from desktop 1 to 2 to 3 to 1, for example. If I move up or down the window will move from 1 to 4 to 7 to 1, for example. I can't get it to move diagonally as is possible with Mettise.


Jun 01, 2007
4:26 PM EDT
F[1-8] for me. :-)

Jun 01, 2007
4:38 PM EDT
win[1-8] here.

Jun 01, 2007
8:58 PM EDT
>"I use the scroll button on my mouse. Just position the Mouse over the Desktop background and Scroll"

I use my scroll button for other things, like scrolling. I tried that once for about 10 minutes. I drifted off a window while scrolling along and my desktops whizzed by like a merry-go-round gone berserk. That was enough for me. Even the more staid "Active Desktop Borders" may be too much for this "slow driver".

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