I don't know but ...

Story: Red Hat Global Desktop delayedTotal Replies: 4
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Aug 04, 2007
11:00 AM EDT
does anybody else really run into wmv files anywhere. I don't run into them any anymore (except at work and that is starting to change a little). I think flash has pretty much won that war. And when I create multimedia for web sites or myself I use ogg/vorbis - it is patent free and sounds/looks better to me and recommend to anybody that asks.

the only site that I had a problem with was cnn and that was because they dealt with microsoft with drm - but even they are changing in that a lot of their on line stuff in turning into flash. I think they got the hint about drm along with they are following youtube's paths.

I can see where they want a deal with reading windows codec but to me it wouldn't be an item for delaying shipment. but what do I know.

now thanks to jobs and gates we have to pay a price to read multimedia on the internet. Sigh - I just wish people would get the least bit educated and stop paying for codecs when they don't have to (I don't mean redhat - people in general).

Aug 04, 2007
11:49 AM EDT
I run into them and use them constantly. There is still alot of entertainment media that is .wmv based to be had out there that isn't found on youtube or similar conglomeration services.

Aug 04, 2007
1:58 PM EDT
Yes I cam across WMV and WMA often enough that it pays to have the Win32 CODECs from PLF installed.

Aug 04, 2007
9:00 PM EDT
Yes, here the same.

Ubuntu + restricted handles them pretty nicely though. How legal it is I don't know. What, me feeling guilty?

What I resent is that the Finnish Yleisradio is using WMV precisely because it offers drm... hey, I paid my licence fee already, thank you very much.

Aug 05, 2007
1:35 AM EDT
The CODECS are quite legal here, and I suspect also in Europe.

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