Wallpepers, Themes, Screensavers

Story: Oxygen Wallpaper ContestTotal Replies: 9
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Aug 05, 2007
6:05 PM EDT
This is one area that I find not in the least friendly. Installing Themes is particularly non user friendly.

Aug 05, 2007
7:12 PM EDT
Doesn't that depend on your desktop "environment"?

Maybe the great race to make the most pretty looking distractions will finally make or break the GNOME/KDE rivalry.

Or will xfce theme its way to the front of the pack?

Sadly, I cannot say whether themes and such are friendly or unfriendly, as I don't give a slying fhit. My "theme" is KDE 2 with flat icons, it's looked substantially the same since the summer of 2000. I just copy my old ~/.kde directory to my new installations, and there it is.

I've seen some pictures, though, with Goth themed desktops, Harry Potter themes, Space themes, and some are quite pretty, but what do these people _do_ other than play with their themes? They're so distracting I can't see getting any work done on them.

Aug 05, 2007
10:25 PM EDT
My "theme" is KDE 2 with flat icons, it's looked substantially the same since the summer of 2000.

Dude, that's scary. And arguably almost as obsessive as the "change the theme and wallpaper everyday" brigade. ;-)

I change wallpapers every few days but tend to leave the window borders and so on alone once I've got a nice looking theme applied. There's just too much excellent art on the net and I'd rather have it on the desktop than print it off and put it on the wall.


Aug 06, 2007
12:27 AM EDT
I like to change my desktop theme from time to time, but often when I come across a really good one, It's a bugger to get it installed. There doesn't seem to be any consitant way of doing it. Sometimes it's a tar.gz file, sometimes it's an RPM, and I have not as yet found a way of installing a theme via the KDE theme manager.

Aug 06, 2007
12:46 AM EDT
The theme manager themes are really no good as a means of distribution since you still need all the relevant styles and window decorations installed. I find that a lot of the styles on kde-look are available in some of the repositories, but it'd be nice if there were up to date distribution specific ones out there dedicated to themes and styles alone. I like grooming my desktop for looks and usability, so I'm all for making the browsing, evaluation, and installation process easier.

Aug 06, 2007
5:27 AM EDT
Ooops, sorry, I didn't mean that the background never changes. "Theme" for me means how everything looks, not just the background.

Backgrounds change by whim. Right now, it's a slice of the Hubble Deep Field image, thousands and thousands of galaxies....

Aug 06, 2007
4:41 PM EDT
I used to have an image of a halo galaxy[1] on my desktop. My desktop is for most of the time covered with windows, so I don't get to see it much, but there were times where this gigantic "eye" suddenly appeared and I though it was Sauron, or something... Pretty scary ;)

[1] this one: http://hubblesite.org/gallery/album/galaxy_collection/pr2002...

Aug 06, 2007
5:12 PM EDT
Oh yeah! Hoag's Object! That's what I had up last week!

For a wisescreen system, I'd like a high-res of the Sombrero galaxy.

Aug 06, 2007
7:37 PM EDT
I currently have different coloured desktops, all 9 of them.

Aug 06, 2007
8:03 PM EDT
I used to have Angelina Jolie up on mine, but once my wife found out we used to date, she made me take it down.

and yes, I did date Angelina Jolie...and Stevie Nicks and Heather Locklear...yeah, Heather Locklear...

That's the ticket.

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