XBOX 360 blocks "Linux" from being used as a motto online

Forum: LinuxTotal Replies: 15
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Feb 26, 2008
1:49 PM EDT
This is for all you console gamers out there who own a X-BOX 360 and play online.

Here is the link to the video I found on YouTube

How stupid is that?

Feb 26, 2008
3:07 PM EDT
I thought that was because it blocked all trademarks from being used...or at least that's the story I hear. Dunno, don't own a 360, never will.

Feb 26, 2008
3:44 PM EDT
rijelkentaurus is right. You can't use Windows, Microsoft or XBOX either in your motto.

Be glad they warn you instead of trying to replace it:

Feb 26, 2008
4:09 PM EDT
I still think its stupid, as long as its not a curse word or words who cares what is in a motto.

By the way, Just what is a motto for in XBOX anyway?

Feb 26, 2008
4:16 PM EDT
Of course it's stupid, all these big businesses who want to be the Everything Police. An itchy vile weeping pox on all of them.

Feb 26, 2008
5:19 PM EDT
Power breeds the desire to manipulate and coerce in order to preserve itself. /rant

Feb 26, 2008
5:36 PM EDT
/me blocks all console gamers from using "life" in their names/mottos since they don't have one to begin with :P

Feb 26, 2008
6:09 PM EDT
Quoting: rijelkentaurus is right.


Feb 26, 2008
10:22 PM EDT
Quoting:By the way, Just what is a motto for in XBOX anyway?

It's some kind of byline that you get to see alongside someone's character. Something like "Scott -- Eating n00bs for breakfast".

Feb 27, 2008
12:25 AM EDT
Ah hah!

Kind of like a quote or phrase to be associated with. So I take it that all political and religious words are banned too?


Feb 27, 2008
5:40 AM EDT
Quoting: So I take it that all political and religious words are banned too?

I don't think so...unless it's Scientology, which is probably trademarked.

This is interesting, however....

Feb 27, 2008
8:10 AM EDT
See, if all religious and political words were also banned, I would have no issue with this because at least the censorship would be across the board, but its not.

Feb 27, 2008
10:36 AM EDT
Quoting: at least the censorship would be across the board

I see your point.

I wonder, can you have your motto as L I N U X rocks!!!?

Feb 27, 2008
10:55 AM EDT
Penguinista comes to mind as a test.

However I stopped console gaming way back when Sega had that additional CD player that you could use with your console.

Feb 27, 2008
11:00 AM EDT
I had a mad at a game, the PS2 went sailing through the air...didn't look as nice when it landed as it did when it took off....

At that point, I figured my blood pressure needed a break, and I can't justify spending the money that is required at this point. And I don't have the free time I used to have....

Feb 27, 2008
12:08 PM EDT
Quoting:See, if all religious and political words were also banned, I would have no issue with this because at least the censorship would be across the board, but its not.

It would make for some boring twee mottoes too.

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