No Geode for Linux.. how sad, never mind

Story: Geode in Firefox 3.1: Lost in LinuxTotal Replies: 12
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Oct 14, 2008
8:36 PM EDT
Quoting:Firefox will soon integrate Geode (via the W3C geolocation API specification) into its browser, thereby exposing the user's current location. Meanwhile Linux users will have to forgo this service in that it involves proprietary software.

Not a problem, in fact I'm rather happy about it. Sometime I really, really like proprietary.

Oct 14, 2008
8:45 PM EDT
I'm with you on this one, tracyanne. I could not agree more. I'd call this a plus for Linux users.

Oct 14, 2008
9:17 PM EDT
I agree, I have ZERO interest in anyone knowing exactly where I am that I do not choose to tell. Why would I want to have a function like that turned on...oh wait, I didn't...


Oct 14, 2008
9:22 PM EDT
The only possible use I can think of for such a function would be for use with things like Google Maps, to show you where you are in relation to your desired destination.

Oct 14, 2008
9:24 PM EDT
Yeah but is it that hard to just type in where you are?


Oct 14, 2008
10:41 PM EDT
It's all about advertising ...

Oct 14, 2008
11:15 PM EDT
I wonder if that violates rights to privacy, I seem to recall that some states are pretty adamant about not revealing information.

Oct 14, 2008
11:22 PM EDT
Long live Iceweasel! (And any other Firefox-based browser compiled from source!)


Just sayin'......

Oct 15, 2008
12:11 AM EDT
What TCP port does this geolocation API use? I'll make sure to block it off.

Oct 15, 2008
5:51 AM EDT
No Geo Location in Firefox on Linux is a good thing. I 'm sick of all those "helpful features" based on location.

Google is a big culprit too. I just hate to see Google jump to Dutch, just because I happen to live in The Netherlands. I just type, not Even worse, I get Dutch pages high in rank first and most of the time I couldn't care less about those.

I run my computing in English, I'd love to see my service providers pick up on that.

Oct 15, 2008
9:32 AM EDT
> Yeah but is it that hard to just type in where you are?

Sometimes you don't know where you are. :( That's when the feature would be most useful.

Of course, most of those times you don't have Internet access, so it wouldn't help.

Oct 15, 2008
12:01 PM EDT
The concept behind the feature is actually pretty exciting to me, provided of course that it's optional and can easily be turned on or off from site to site. The location information COULD come from gpsd, or hand-typed location, or whatever.

The problem here is that Mozilla corporation chose to do it with a proprietary service. What's worse, if I understand correctly what this proprietary glob of code needs to do is get down into your system and ask your wifi cards what Wireless Access Points it sees (and then sends that information to the special Proprietary Company's Database to query where those access points are located, if they're in the proprietary database). Even leaving aside the disturbing idea of requiring closed proprietary service for "open source" browsing, the requirement for low-level access might become a bad trend.

Isn't "we can't figure out how to tie the browser to a low-level system function" the same excuse they gave for not having a fully functional release of the command-line-like plugin (Ubiquity) for firefox on Linux (where the complaint seemed to be that they couldn't decide how to get lower-level access to window-handling functions in X11 instead of using normal popup windows for some reason)?

Is Mozilla trying to turn Firefox into the next "Internet Explorer" here?

Oct 15, 2008
12:39 PM EDT
Let's see...gps + client side application that you configure for various coordinate boxes/wifi networks (if see AP X launch Y website, if in Area X bring up X location map, etc.). Yeah, you really need an online proprietary service to do that.....

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