Superficial garbage anyone?

Story: Windows 7: The Linux killerTotal Replies: 19
Author Content

Dec 22, 2008
10:14 AM EDT
This article contains very little hard information and a lot of marketing style bs.

Question: How well does Windows 7 run on a netbook compared to XP and linux?

No answer from this "industry expert"

Question: Why wouldn't Microsoft be happy to allow XP to run on netbooks?

No analysis at all on this obvious point......

Maybe Windows 7 is a threat to linux on netbooks but I'd like to see some hard evidence rather than breathless overblown rhetoric and worthless "predictions".


Dec 22, 2008
12:38 PM EDT
I don't even bother to read this garbage anymore. A title like that indicates it's all hype designed to get clicks. Good for Digg, which is probably why I seldom visit Digg.

Dec 22, 2008
3:17 PM EDT
The touch screen will be the real linux killer. Dave

Dec 22, 2008
3:25 PM EDT
> The touch screen will be the real linux killer.

Why? you don't think linux can do touch screen?

Dec 22, 2008
4:00 PM EDT
The touch screen as a Linux Killer?

Well, everyone will start touching their screens, and we basement living Linux users will either inherit all of those pre-touched screens, or end up being ask to fix computers attached to those pre-touched screens.

Then we will be exposed to viruses. Not the computer kind, real viruses that attack real humans. Being basement living Linux users our underdeveloped immune systems will be unable to handle all of the viruses collected on the touch screens resulting in a decimation of the Linux population.

The FUD machine of the proprietary software houses will, of course, spin the news to spread fear that it is Linux use causing the death of Linux users, when really it is the fault of the germ laden touch screens.

This will result in the 'death of Linux', much the same as BSD has been 'dead' for 15 or 20 years now.

Since I have small children who regularly bring home nasty viruses from school, I may be more prepared for the coming onslaught than others.

Dec 22, 2008
4:04 PM EDT

I hope you were joking, however, I sense you are not. Hence, let me give you a hint, d'hacker is.

[Unfortunately all serious tags] Please tell me I am missing the joke. Like you know of cases where Linux already runs touch screens, e.g. in-flight entertainment, right?

Dec 22, 2008
4:18 PM EDT
gack, touchscreens give me the creeps. Them things got cooties. Plus they build them all feeble so they don't stand up to actual use.

Dec 22, 2008
5:10 PM EDT
I don't know about in-flight entertainment but Linux running touch screen devices is nothing new, particularly in the embedded market. We're talking UMPCs, PDAs, and cell phones. I know some Nokia devices definitely run Linux and have touch screen support. If embedded Linux can do it so can the full-blown distros if the necessary drivers are included.

What Preston Galla is ignoring is that in the 18+ moths of Linux netbooks before the Windows 7 release a whole lot of people will have come to know and like Linux. Asus claims to be selling 60% Windows netbooks and 40% with Linux. They estimate their 2008 sales will top 5 million units. That means Asus alone will have sold 2 million Linux netbooks this year. How many more can they sell in 2009 before Windows 7 releases? What about other vendors like HP, Dell, MSI, Sylvania, etc...?

In the meanwhile Linux is invading desktop space as a result of the netbook successes. HP has announced that it will have a consumer desktop model with Linux preinstalled. Asus is now selling "nettops", itty bitty desktop PCs, with a choice of Windows XP or Linux. Hardware vendors have learned that they can make money selling Linux. So long as that's true they aren't going to stop.

Linux has gone mainstream. There is nothing the Microsoft hype crowd can do to change that.

Dec 22, 2008
5:18 PM EDT
How does one "kill" Linux? It's just a stupid thing to talk about. 1994 called and it wants its debate back. MS Office killed WordPerfect. Linux is not shrink-wrapped, closed software.

As for touch screens, first the touch screen needs to kill off the keyboard, something that won't happen anytime soon. Then we need to figure out why Linux can support all of our current hardware but will not support touchscreens.

Dec 22, 2008
7:02 PM EDT
#6 (what's the "x" for?),

I think you got it! Brilliant! "Touch Screen Gunk Wipes Linux Off the Map!", the headline roars. We are doomed I tell you doomed ... (croak, gasp fsstist ...) gone.

Sorry to see you all go, but I do standup comedy, hence, I am immune being inoculated to an excess. With all the venom thrown at me, both figuratively and literally (the latter sometimes airborne, sharp object covered with spittle from the pursuing raging mobs) I have super resistance. I will survive and so will Linux. Some of us live in the basement, but some of us also encounter the real world at its worst when the Sun goes down (which is nearly every day on the NASDAQ). We will be there to continue the fight. We might become guerrilla fighters, but the battle continues.

Whatever I and other survivors use Linux, Unix or Plan 9, it is only a temporary setback. Our enemies grow slack and lazy. Then they fail to notice our regained health and see too late their imminent doom.

That is the Future.

Dec 22, 2008
11:06 PM EDT
I'm a prisoner fan and number6 was already taken on a message board I used to be long to in the eighties.

So I started using number6x and have used it in other places as well.

My name is pretty common so it gets used long before I join any groups.

Dec 23, 2008
3:25 AM EDT
***So I started using number6x and have used it in other places as well.***

Just to clear up something 100%

You are "" number 6 "" , not "" Caprica 6 "". Right ?

Dec 23, 2008
10:35 AM EDT
nikkels, correct

My name is sean lynch

Dec 23, 2008
3:41 PM EDT
Quoting: herzeleid,

I hope you were joking, however, I sense you are not. Hence, let me give you a hint, d'hacker is.
I'm just playing along, assuming nothing - but if there's a punch line, I'd love to hear it.

Dec 23, 2008
5:24 PM EDT
No, now that you admit you were onto it the whole time, you were to explain the joke to me.

Jan 06, 2009
12:56 PM EDT
>> As for touch screens, first the touch screen needs to kill off the keyboard...

You old curmudgeons!

The keyboard killer is here.

Edit: added quote

Jan 06, 2009
1:36 PM EDT
That thing is kind of like trying to type on the Wii.

Jan 06, 2009
2:31 PM EDT
Except Mac users really would claim it was the greatest thing ever.

Jan 06, 2009
3:07 PM EDT
And if Vista ditched the keyboard, we'd be stuck with dozens of articles about the death of Linux because it still relies on the keyboard.

Jan 06, 2009
7:44 PM EDT
I think back a little while to the preview of the 2nd Gen OLPC, which has no keyboard, instead it has dual touch screens, one of which can be the keyboard as/if/when needed.

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