Xournal's great, wish is was more available...

Story: Xournal: Kid-Friendly Note Taker and PDF AnnotatorTotal Replies: 5
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Aug 11, 2011
12:36 PM EDT
Xournal's great and I use it all the time. I just wish it were as available on Android as it is in standard Linux distributions and Maemo (Nokia N900, etc). That said, I have found a great note taking app in Android and also use Grafitti for Android for note taking.

Aug 11, 2011
10:41 PM EDT
In order for normal Linux apps to work on Android, Android would have to start running more code than just cr@ppy java.

This is one of the many reasons Meego/Maemo are so important.


Aug 11, 2011
11:23 PM EDT
Quoting:In order for normal Linux apps to work on Android, Android would have to start running more code than just cr@ppy java.

Fear not, we probably won't need Android. Check this demo out



Aug 12, 2011
9:49 AM EDT
Quoting: In order for normal Linux apps to work on Android, Android would have to start running more code than just cr@ppy java.

Good point, but there is Xournal's closely related sibling, Jarnal, which is also excellent and based on java.


Aug 12, 2011
7:47 PM EDT
Except QT/KDE is a bloatware of a desktop.

"The core EFL libraries even with Elementary are about half the size of the equivalent "small stack" of GTK+ that things like GNOME use. It is in the realm of one quarter the size of Qt."

I know tablets are getting more powerful, but that power should be saved for the user's applications, not wasted on the UI it is running.


Aug 12, 2011
8:12 PM EDT
Quoting:Except QT/KDE is a bloatware of a desktop.

Bloatware is code that is not being used and consequently not needed, or badly written code. I don't believe the KDE libraries have much badly written code. What they have is a lot of code that is needed for the numerous features of KDE Desktop, and some special functions that have duplicate code that is in Qt functions.

The developers are working on two prong solution. They are merging some of the special functionality needed by KDE into similar Qt functions, and the other is re-organizing the libraries and excluding what is not needed for the Active Plasma (Tablet & Mobile) for much smaller footprint.

I guess will see if it stays bloated or not.

[Edited] Added link for other demos


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