Micrapple ?

Story: Microsoft Details Windows on ARM, Desktop Apps SupportTotal Replies: 13
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Feb 11, 2012
6:31 PM EDT
My first impressions are that Microsoft with WOA is using the exact same business structure as Apple: you buy this item, we lock you in it totally for extra apps and you don't get our OS any other way except by purchasing our hardware product. Okay, fine, though I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole...the question is, however, will the "kids" buy it ? I rather think not, judging by all the reports and personally obtained information I have obtained. Wait and see ?

Feb 11, 2012
9:07 PM EDT
This is why I think Win8 will be a non-starter. MS has, once again, assessed the situation, crunched numbers, and come up with a completely ridiculous and non-starter solution to the present problem they find themselves in... If they honestly believe that porting a locked in, proprietary OS is going to put them on top,... even if they do port their office suite to it (in a crippled fashion, I'm sure), they are delusional.

Feb 11, 2012
9:17 PM EDT
Without a start-button, of course it's a non-starter.

Feb 11, 2012
9:39 PM EDT
Do not forget, they have effective monopolistic control over desktop and laptop systems.

Feb 11, 2012
10:42 PM EDT
@JaseP......yep....I have already seen at least two separate, serious articles predicting that Win8 is already dead.

It's demise is forecast for a variety of reasons, but the main ones from the above articles appear to be that: Win8 does nothing more than Win7 already does and it could just as easily be released as a service patch; the tile screen presented to the user is unpleasant to work with; the removal of the "start" button is a retrograde step; why should users have to once more learn an entirely new way of operating an OS, it costs time and money; business has just upgraded to Win7 (although many are STILL sticking with WinXP) and simply hasn't the time or money to start another upgrade process just so Redmond's coffers continue to fill.

I even saw an item discussing Win8 which criticised "a general tendency of DE developers to move towards DE structures that are neither wanted by the users, nor gave improvements in serious computer work". Must have been a Linux devotee ?

Feb 11, 2012
11:24 PM EDT
Linux devotee?!?! Nope,... this is just a going trend... Ticking off users with UI changes is a new sport.

Feb 11, 2012
11:30 PM EDT
JaseP,......Oh dear, do I detect a faint trace of cynicism ? :-)

Feb 11, 2012
11:39 PM EDT
@cr, no, without a Start button, it's a non-stopper!

Feb 11, 2012
11:54 PM EDT
@DrGeoffrey......Of course, currently, you are quite right, but I have hopes the pendulum is finally swinging. This is due to the French court decision, presently applicable to the whole of the EU, which successfully challenged the right of Microsoft to force its software as a preloaded package onto any new pc and that the customer has the right to refuse the package and demand a refund.

Feb 12, 2012
8:16 AM EDT
gus3: i sense that you are trying to be funny, but i am afraid you lost me.

look, don't get me started. cr made a good joke with a great pun that everyone can follow, and the you come and ruin the mood with an obscure pun that seems to have everything backwards. i was reading this thread happily until you stopped everything in its tracks and forced me to think. i mean, it kinds stops being funny when you have to think about the meaning of a joke. so, no more show-stoppers please so we can get back to the discussion.

greetings, eMBee.


Feb 12, 2012
1:07 PM EDT
@mbaehr: To shut down Windows, you first click the Start button.

So, without a Start button, how can Win8 stop?

Feb 12, 2012
1:46 PM EDT
Quoting:So, without a Start button, how can Win8 stop?

That's easy. Use the method Windows users have known for years works without fail. You wait until the accumulation of crap from bad programming overwhelms the system and forces a hard shutdown or reboot.

Under ExPee that takes about a week. But, I'm sure MS's programmers have figured a way to shorten that.

Remember, it's not a bug, it's a feature!

Feb 12, 2012
2:30 PM EDT
Some interesting youtube videos I found about Windows 8, Enjoy.

how is windows 8 is shutdown





Feb 12, 2012
6:44 PM EDT
Sounds like Windows 8 might cause Microsoft itself to shut down. We can always hope

That last video by Fettoosh was quite good. It was good to hear someone say Apple had it right in that there needed to be a separate system for Mobile and Desktop. Perhaps Gnome and Ubuntu developers might think about this since particularly the latter are aping Apple lately.

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