i am not impressed

Story: Some Excellent Features of Telegram!Total Replies: 4
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Jul 11, 2019
12:48 PM EDT
i am forced to use a few different chat applications, and among those telegram annoys me the most. (that doesn't mean it's the most annoying, but others that might me more annoying i don't use as much, or not at all (like whatsapp))

the article claims how great it is that i can pin 5 chats.

uhm, why can't i pin as many as i like? i have hundreds of groups and contacts, and i'd like to pin a dozen or so, as they are the most important.

that's a small thing. what's really horrible is how hard it is to connect to someone. i made this experience several times already. i am standing next to someone in the physical realm on planet earth, yet telegram makes it extremly hard for the two of us to connect. why is that? i should be able to type someones ID or better yet, scan a qr code and be on the way. maybe i am just blind and can't figure out how to do it right, but this should be easy.

same goes for joining groups within telegram. i should be able to type the name of the group, search for it, and join.

so far the only may that works is to type in the full url as if i was clicking a link in a browser to join.

again, am i missing something?

greetings, eMBee.

Jul 12, 2019
12:14 PM EDT
I find most messaging apps on Linux to be unnecessarily painful to use. The last time I tried Jami, there was no support for contacts which is pretty terrible.

What I cannot understand is why so many seem pretty unpolished, like someone thought it would be a good idea then lost interest, like the plethora of music player apps.

Jul 12, 2019
2:06 PM EDT
jami? i could not even get that one started. it kept crashing. (this was just a few weeks ago)

greetings, eMBee.

Jul 12, 2019
2:43 PM EDT
After reading this LXer article


I selected Signal messaging app. It simply works (except when that Android 9 killing feature wipes it from memory if the user does not use it too much).

Xabber is a very good XMPP messaging app, but no file/media features.

Didn't try Telegram, no time. After reading your comments, well... I trust you.

Jul 13, 2019
12:17 AM EDT
any app i use because of other people using it that i need to reach. in fact the only app by choice is riot which uses matrix to connect to gitter, freenode, etc... since there alternatives exist.

i don't have any contacts on signal, and almost everyone i talk to says that signal is not as secure as it claims.

but the article you linked to effectively makes the opposite conclusion. i am going to have to research that some more.

greetings, eMBee.

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