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New Technologies Lead to New Linux and Cloud Training Options

At KubeCon + CloudNativeCon in Copenhagen, Denmark recently, I met many users, technologists, and business leaders -- all aware of the dramatic pace of innovation and eager to learn about the new technologies that are coming out of open source space. With these rapid changes, many companies are now also worried about finding skilled developers who are well versed in the latest technologies.

New Cherry Trail Pico-ITX SBC also available in 7- and 10-inch touch-panels

Estone Technology (AKA Habey) has launched a Linux-friendly “EMB-2610” Pico-ITX SBC built on an Atom x5-Z8350 with WiFi, BT, and optional PoE, and also introduced 7- and 10-inch touch-panel PCs built on it.

Generating Good Passwords, Part I

Here's a new method for generating secure passwords with the help of 1Password. This is a terrific password manager. You can learn more about it here, but the key feature I'm using is a combination of having it securely store my passwords for hundreds of websites and having a simple and straightforward password generator feature.

Publishers need to stop using insecure HTTP

Academic publishers play a major role in the dissemination of scholarly information. As a society, we need to be able to rely on these publishers to provide information securely, accurately, and with content integrity. We also want to ensure that our personal information (e.g., a site password) is secure, and scholarly publishers have a responsibility to the community to protect our data.

How to find your IP address in Linux

  •; By Archit Modi (Posted by bob on May 17, 2018 11:06 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
Internet Protocol (IP) needs no introduction—we all use it daily. Even if you don't use it directly, when you type on your web browser, it looks up the IP address of that URL and then loads the website.

Tiny, Linux-driven i.MX7 module starts at $34 in volume

E-Con’s 55 x 30mm “eSOMiMX7” COM can simultaneously run Linux and FreeRTOS on the Cortex-A7 and MCU-driven i.MX7 SoC. It offers up to 2GB RAM and 64GB eMMC, with options including WiFi/BT, up to 2x GbE, extended temp support, and an “Acacia” carrier.

Update on Fight for Net Neutrality in U.S. s up to the House

Today, the U.S. Senate passed a Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolution to save net neutrality and overturn the FCC’s disastrous order to end net neutrality protections. We’re pleased this resolution passed – it’s a huge step, but the battle to protect net neutrality and reinstate the 2015 rules isn’t over. The next step is for the motion to go to the House of Representatives for a vote before the order is supposed to go into effect on June 11. Unfortunately, the rules in the House will make passage much harder than in the Senate

Building a DIY amp kit that's great for vinyl records

  • (Posted by bob on May 17, 2018 2:55 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
About a week after I wrapped up my last article where I talked about needing another stage of amplification to take advantage of my new 0.4mV phono cartridge, all the remaining bits and pieces I had ordered online to build the Muffsy phono head amplifier kit arrived. read more

Termux turns Android into a Linux development environment

So you finally figured out how to exit Vim and you can write the most highly optimized version of "Hello World" this side of the Mississippi. Now it's time to up your game! Check out Termux for Android. read more

How to Install Flarum Community Software on Ubuntu 18.04

Flarum is a free and open source software written in PHP and Mithril.js. It is simple, fast, beautiful and responsive software that is specially designed to be consistent and intuitive across platforms, out-of-the-box. You can easily setup communities in minutes to stay in touch with group of people using Flarum.

Edge computing and the importance of open infrastructure

  • (Posted by bob on May 16, 2018 8:43 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Mobile; Story Type: News Story
Old sci-fi films painted a picture of how computers would permeate every facet of life in the future. It has come to pass, and it happened almost without us noticing: having PCs at home became commonplace, our mobile phones turned into small smart devices, and our cars began making decisions for us, controlled by thousands of sensors and controllers. read more

Cooking with Linux (Without a Net)

Today, we're going back to WSL and trying to run X Windows and we're going to take a Linux distribution most people have never heard of out for a spin.

A guide to Git branching

  • (Posted by bob on May 16, 2018 3:46 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
In my two previous articles in this series, we started using Git and learned how to clone, modify, add, and delete Git files. In this third installment, we'll explore Git branching and why and how it is used. read more

Speeding Up Netfilter (by Avoiding Netfilter)

Netfilter was designed for flexibility at the expense of speed. According to tests, bypassing it could speed up the system by as much as 15%.

How to retrieve source code of Python functions

  • (Posted by bob on May 16, 2018 12:03 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Python; Story Type: News Story
Sometimes we want to know what some functions' source codes look like or where they are, or we need to manipulate the source codes as character strings. In such cases, we need to have a convenient way to retrieve our Python functions' source codes. There are two Python libraries that may help: read more

Void Linux gave itself to the void, Korora needs a long siesta -- life is hard for small distros

If you want your fave to survive, you'll need to dig deep If you're new to Linux you'd be forgiven for thinking there are only a half-dozen distributions – names like Ubuntu, Fedora, openSUSE, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux tend to get most of the headlines.…

Everything You Need to Know about the Cloud and Cloud Computing, Part II: Using the Cloud

The cloud is here to stay, regardless of how you access data day to day. Whether you are uploading and sharing new photos with friends in your social-media account or updating documents and spreadsheets alongside your peers in your office or school, chances are you're connecting to the cloud in some form or another. Here's how to get started with AWS, install Apache, create an EFS volume and much more.

GSConnect, Mozilla Firefox 61, Scientific Linux 7.5, GNOME and Nautilus

News briefs for May 15, 2018.

EFAIL and KMail

On Monday, a security vulnerability in the OpenPGP and S/MIME email encryption standards and the email clients using those, called EFAIL was published. What is this about and how is KMail affected?

What's Your Open Source Strategy? Here Are 10 Answers.

  • The Mozilla Blog; By Patrick Finch (Posted by bob on May 15, 2018 11:23 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Editorial; Groups: Mozilla
A research report from Mozilla and Open Tech Strategies provides new perspectives on framing open source strategy. The report builds on Mozilla’s “Open by Design” strategy, which aims to increase the intent and impact of collaborative technology projects.

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