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New Eee PC Means Asus Must Focus on Software

Asus has announced that the next Eee PC will feature a touch-screen. This should lead to much more attention being placed on software, potentially giving the Linux Eee PC a boost.

Microsoft's Latest Patent Deal FUD

Microsoft is continuing to spread FUD about Linux and scare manufacturers into paying them to use Linux. The latest company to fall into Microsoft's demands is Onkyo.

Brainstorms That Fix The Little Issues

In the last week quite a few ideas have risen to the top of Brainstorm that point out that could improve Ubuntu in small, but important, ways.

Could a touchscreen desktop PC be better than an OLPC?

One community in Brazil is creating their own OLPC alternative: a touchscreen desktop. Is this solution better or worse than a little UMPC like the OLPC?

The Best of the Recent Brainstorms

Ubuntu Brainstorm is continuing to produce many good ideas. Some of the best this week include running background tasks only while the screensaver is on, checking for hardware compatibility before installing, and more.

Wal-Mart Giving Up on Linux Too Soon

  • (Posted by InTheLoop on Mar 11, 2008 4:20 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Editorial; Groups:
After stocking the gPC in stores for a few months, Wal-Mart has announced they will no longer be stocking any Linux-based computers in their stores, but they never even tried the Eee PC.

How many Linux-based UMPCs can you name? Test Yourself!

Think you know about all the Linux UMPCs? Can you name all the Linux-based UMPC in this list?

Ubuntu Brainstorm Brings Even More Democracy to Open Source

Ubuntu just launched Brainstorm, a system similar to Dell's Ideastorm that lets users propose improvements to Ubuntu and vote others' proposals up or down. The system has great potential in giving all Ubuntu users a voice in the future of the operating system.

One Small Feature of Ubuntu 8.04 That Could Make a Very Large Impact

With all the other features of the upcoming Ubuntu 8.04 release, one feature that could drastically increase the rate at which Ubuntu spreads has been largely overlooked.

Hardware Compatibility Sites: Does anyone do it right?

There are so many sites that claim to tell you what hardware works with Linux and what hardware does not, but do any of them really work well?

Acer Joings the Growing Inexpensive UMPC Market

Acer, who previously said they would not join the UMPC market, has announced that they will be joining in all the other companies trying to pick up some of the success of the Eee PC.

Dell IdeaStorm's First Birthday

Just one year after Dell launched the IdeaStorm website where users can submit and vote on ideas for Dell to improve, the list of changes Dell has made is impressive, including launching their first Linux PCs.

Why Linux Geeks Buy Macs

People often note the surprising number of Macs at Linux events. The question is why? The short answer is Macs are pretty. So now the question is why can't Dell or System76 rival Apple's design.

Microsoft's Security Claims Do Not Stand Up to Examination

Microsoft is constantly claiming that their products are more secure than the competition based on the same flawed argument over and over again. Filling in the data creates a very different picture.

What is up with Barracuda, Trend Micro, and ClamAV?

What was a standard law suit between two companies, Trend Micro and Barracuda, has been turned into a complicated situation involving open-source software by FUD.

Opera: the huge missed opportunity?

Tabs. Mouse gestures. User-agent switcher. Dedicated transfer window. Pop-up blocking and javascript abuse filtering. Integrated search box. Page zoom. Session saver. Chew on those features. We’ll be coming back to them.

Wanted: Linux-Powered Replacement for Budget Laptops

The Eee PC has captured a lot of attention for destroying its competition, but it does not meet the needs of an everyday computer. This is why Linux needs a good alternative to the regular laptops.

Asus Plans to Offer Windows on the Eee

Asus's Eee PC, an ultra-light notebook that runs Linux, will be available with Windows XP before the end of the quarter. Pricing has not yet been announced. It will be interesting to see which OS consumers choose.

Linspire PC: Even Better Than the gPC

The gPC has gotten a lot of attention, but it still has its flaws such as minimal hardware and a relatively untested Linux distribution. The new Linspire PC solves some of those flaws.

How will the Air effect the Eee?

Apple's new MacBook Air is in the same market as the Eee PC, but that does not mean the two will compete with each other. In fact, it appears the Air will help the Eee PC sell even more.

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