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Learning Linux Commands: export

The export command is one of the bash shell BUILTINS commands, which means it is part of your shell. The export command is fairly simple to use as it has straightforward syntax with only three available command options. In general, the export command marks an environment variable to be exported with any newly forked child processes and thus it allows a child process to inherit all marked variables. If you are unsure what this means read on, as this article will explain this process in more detail.

How to setup and use FTP in Ubuntu Linux

FTP is a service known to almost anyone who works with Internet on daily basis. This guide will describe in detail how to setup an FTP server on Ubuntu Linux in simple to follow steps. We will show how to setup an FTP server in normal and stand-alone mode. We will also provide some security tips for your new FTP setup. This guide will use lightweight and efficient FTP server vsFTPd, which is designed to withstand on servers with high load.

Running GNU R on Linux operating system

GNU R can be run on the Linux operating system in a number of ways. In this article we will describe running R from the command line, in an application window, in a batch mode and from a bash script. You will see that these various options for running R in Linux will suit a specific task. Some of them are more suitable for simple statistical analysis that can be done in one line of code, others for more sophisticated programs that require executions of a larger number of R expressions. Finally, we may want to run a program that will take a day or two to run on a Linux cluster. In this case we will run R in a background, which allows us for logging out from the cluster.

Learning Linux Commands: alias

The alias command is a handy tool to have if you often work on the command line. If set correctly it will help you to type your commands faster as well as it will even help you to correct your typos. alias is a shell builtin command, which means that no installation is required as it is available on your system by default. This tutorial will teach you how to use the alias command in the Linux operating system by explaining the alias command in more detail with use of examples.

Using OpenSSL to encrypt messages and files on Linux

OpenSSL is a powerful cryptography toolkit. Many of us have already used OpenSSL for creating RSA Private Keys or CSR (Certificate Signing Request). However, did you know that you can use OpenSSL to benchmark your computer speed or that you can also encrypt files or messages? This article will provide you with some simple to follow tips on how to encrypt messages and files using OpenSSL.

Introduction to GNU R on Linux Operating System

This article will deal mainly with the installation of R on Linux, but also will provide a simple example on how to use R for plotting. This is the first article of the series of R articles so subscribe to our RSS feed for regular updates. Everyone, who is interested in using R for their work or is simply interested in this software is invited to follow this series of articles. The main objective of these articles is to provide a quick reference to R with illustrative examples.

Setting up apt proxy Server Approx on Ubuntu Linux

Approx is a proxy server for Debian archive files. Having such a service within your LAN with multiple Debian like systems will provide you with number of benefits such as update speed since any update package needs to be downloaded only once. This will also lower down Internet download usage requirements, etc. This article will describe a process of approx setup for Ubuntu Linux.

Learning Linux Commands: split

If you have not hear about split command than you are missing a lot. As command's name suggests split command helps you to split file into smaller files. split works on any file whether it is binary or text file. This is quite useful if you cannot fit entire file on storage device such as tape or you want to split large file to be able to send it via email which has file size restrictions. You can also split large text files such as log files to smaller chunks based on the number of bytes. This article will describe syntax and usage of split command.

Oracle Java JDK 7 on Ubuntu Linux - Source or RPM Installation

In the previous article we have discussed how to install OpenJDK java on ubuntu from the standard Ubuntu repository or Oracle's Java JDK 7 using Personal Package Archives ( PPA ). This article will cover installation of Oracle Java JDK 7 from a source package or by converting RPM Java package to the Debian software package format.

Simple CGI and Apache examples on Ubuntu Linux

CGI ( Common Gateway Interface ) is an interface between Web client and the web server that runs your CGI script/program. CGI is a quite old and was largely superseded by different programing languages such as PHP, etc. However, it still can find its place in Linux system administrator's hands as a quick tool for system monitoring and administration via web browser. This article describes in step-by-step manner how to run basic CGI scripts with various programming languages and scripts using Apache web server on Ubuntu Linux.

How to Install Java on Ubuntu Linux

How to install Java on Ubuntu Linux? Although, this topic is a quite self explanatory to an experienced Linux system administrator it still creates lots of confusion for beginners in terms what version of Java I need, how do I install it or how to change my system settings between multiple different types of Java versions. The aim of this short article is to shed some light on this topic as we will show how to install Java JDK for both Oracle and as well as OpenJDK.

How to determine OS of the remote computer

  •; By (Posted by LinuxCareer on Jan 12, 2013 1:51 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
Here is a small tip on how to determine OS of the remote computer using nmap command. This can be quite handy if you are trying to create inventory list of your LAN hosts or you simply do not know what is running behind certain local or remote IP address and you need some hints. Using nmap for this kind of job does not mean that you will be able to identify remote OS with 100% accuracy but nmap will certainly provide you with some quite solid educated guess.

Configuring virtual network interfaces in Linux

Did you know that you can assign more that one IP address to a single physical network interface? This technique is quite useful, for example when working with Apache and virtual hosts, as it allows you to access same Apache server by using two different IP addresses. The process of creating a virtual network interface in Linux is a quite simple matter. It involves a single execution of the ifconfig command.

Identifying File types in Linux

When navigating the Linux file system you are sure to encounter different file types. The most used and obvious file types are regular files and directories. However, the Linux operating system has more to offer in terms of file types as it also includes another 5 file types. This short article will help you to recognize all the 7 different file types within the Linux operating system.

Linux Command Line & Bash Shortcuts

Although you may think that you have learned to master Linux command line with bash shell, there are always some new tricks to learn to make your command line skills more efficient. This article will teach you a few more basic tricks on how to make your life with the Linux command line & bash more bearable and even enjoyable.

Internal vs External Linux shell commands

It is our firm belief that Linux, despite its advances on the desktop side, as well as on tablets, should be taught starting with the command line. That's because it's an operating system that borrows heavily from Unix(TM), and there was nothing more than a text interface on it at the very beginning. Studies have shown that, if applicable, one is more efficient on the command-line rather than using a graphical user interface (GUI). "If applicable" means that we're not referring at photo/video editing or some other task that requires a graphical environment.

C development on Linux - Getting a package in the official Debian repositories - XII.

  •; By (Posted by LinuxCareer on Oct 23, 2012 11:33 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
This is the last installment of our C development series, and arguably the most non-technical one. If you followed us from the beginning and practiced as much as possible, you now have some basic knowledge on C development and how to package your (favorite) application for two of the most used Linux distribution families, Debian and Redhat. This article is about the community, how to contribute, how to collaborate and finally, how to get your package in the official Debian archives. If you read the previous articles in the series you won't need any other technical knowledge; all you need is the will to put your knowledge to work for community's benefit.

C development on Linux - Packaging for Debian and Fedora - XI.

You're already in the know regarding the C programming language. You got the taste of it and felt like you want to go further and write your own. Or maybe help the community and package that favorite software of yours for the distribution you like and use. Regardless of the situation, this part of the C development series will show you how to create packages for two of the most popular distributions, Debian and Fedora. If you read our articles so far and you have some solid knowledge of the command line, and you can say that you know your distro of choice, you're ready.

blackPanther OS - A nice-looking distribution

This distribution we chose to show you today sure is an interesting combination. According to their Distrowatch page, it's a combination of features from Mandriva, on which is based, Fedora and Ubuntu, and can be used at school, work or home. Are these rather bold statements true? Stay tuned to find out.

Using Clonezilla: beginner and advanced approaches

Every system administrator I know develops in time the habit of putting together a toolbox where, as time passes, many useful pieces of software get added up, as the recurrent need arises. Please do not imagine this in the most classical of the sense, as this is not about a carpenter's toolkit, nor a mechanic's toolbox. It usually is a CD portfolio with live CDs, installable most-used distributions, vendor-specific tools and whatever not. Of the (indispensable) live CDs, one usually sees in the aforementioned toolbox a disk cloning item. What does it do?

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