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I2P - Anonymity for the Masses

For many years people have wanted to protect their right to privacy. As technology changes, it seems that privacy evolves away more and more. I2P is a protocol used for an encrypted multi-proxy on the Internet. While, this sounds simple, there is actually a lot of work going on with I2P to achieve this. Unlike some multi-proxies, I2P will allow you to tunnel many more applications through it than just web browsing, making it a very robust protocol. I2P is available for all platforms, not just Linux. For this example I have used Debian Sid to perform the installation. With the exception of 'apt-get', these instructions should work fine with any Linux distribution.

Using Adminer to Manage your Databases

If you find yourself interacting with a database system such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, MS SQL, Oracle, or even SQLite, sometimes you find that some of the tasks you perform are more conveniently executed using a GUI rather then using the default management utility (usually run from a CLI) provided by the database system itself. Some of you may already use other tools such as phpMyAdmin, or phpPgAdmin. This article will talk about another web based database management tool known as Adminer. Adminer allows for the management of all the database systems mentioned above.This article covers Debian (& Ubuntu), Fedora, and ArchLinux.

The Monkey HTTP daemon

Yes, I know: why another webserver tutorial when there are so many good Apache howtos on the Internet? Because this is about what we've been saying for a while: use the right tool for the right job. And while we don't want to badmouth Apache, which is indeed a quality webserver, it offers lots of capabilities that aren't needed on a small scale machine. That's like using a Hummer for commuting, when a Smart would do just fine, if not better. So, if you need to quickly be online and offer services with a small website, Monkey might be for you.

Comparison of Audio Codecs and Conversion Utilities on Linux

If you like music as much as me you may find yourself taking time pondering to yourself what would be the best way of creating lossy backups of your CD collection?. This article will discuss standard audio codecs and briefly cover common conversion tools available to *NIX Operating Systems. Article written for Debian & Ubuntu, Fedora, and ArchLinux.

The other side of Intrusion detection on Linux: Snort

  •; By (Posted by LinuxCareer on Nov 8, 2011 12:52 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
You may wonder why the title contains the words " the other side". In our Tripwire article we've shown that there are two major types of Intrusion Detection Systems: network-based and host-based. While Tripwire is host-based, this time we will show you how to install and configure Snort, a network-based IDS/IPS. We will not repeat the theoretical introduction, because we already exposed it in the previous article. We'll go directly to installing and configuring snort for your needs. What we expect from you in terms of knowledge is thorough understanding of networks, security and system administration.

Steganography Made Easy in Linux

Steganography is the art of hiding messages within other messages or data. Most commonly we see this utilized with pictures. This is probably encryption at its finest. Mostly because it doesn't look like usual garbled text that we are used to seeing with encryption. The changes made by Steganography are so slight the human eye cannot perceive them. Even trained cryptographers may have an encoded message inside a picture and be unaware of it. There is a very deep science to this. Usually this is done by flipping parity bits at the binary level.

Writing manual pages on Linux

It's a very common fact that nobody likes to write documentation. Heck, nobody likes to read it either. But there are times when we have to read it in order to, say, finish the project on time, or, especially when working in software development, even write it. If you only have to read it, we always encouraged you to do so, but if you'll have to write the manual pages and need a kickstart, here's the article for you. If you worked previously with HTML your life will be easier, but if not it's alright. Writing manual pages for Linux is not that hard, despite the look of the pages when read in plain-text. So basically you'll need some Linux knowledge and the ability to use a text editor. You will learn (with examples, of course) the main concepts in text formatting as applied to man pages and how to write a simple manual page.

C development on Linux - C and other programming languages - II.

Since in our first part of this article we said we expected you, the reader, to have some programming knowledge, in this part we want to help you get a on where C stands in comparison to other programming languages you might know. The choice of those languages was pretty tough because of various criteria, but in the end we stopped at C++, Perl and Python. Since programming languages can be classified in lots of ways (depending on paradigm, syntax or style, for example), we didn't try to find languages that are in the same category as C.

Alternatives to KDE and GNOME on Linux systems

Before anything, this article is for those using KDE and GNOME and start feeling the need for more, or something else. This is not a trolling article (we hate that), nor is a rant against the two DEs. We respect the freedom of choice, and the Open Source world is all about freedom of choice. With this article we only want to show you what other options you have, the pluses and the minuses, with no bias whatsoever. We'll go less than technical with this article, and we hope we'll widen your perspective and help you use something that's really fit for your needs. All you need is a working Linux machine and the minimal knowledge of knowing how to install software on it, plus the use of an editor of choice.

Making use of your older hardware with Linux/BSD

Some of you may wonder what is the purpose of this article. First, because hardware nowadays is pretty cheap, you don't need older hardware anymore. Second, there are some articles across the Internet dealing with this already. The answer to the first problem is: well, you'll see in the article. The answer to the second is we have some experience with older hardware first-hand, and we found it to be very useful to this day, so we want to share this with you.

How to Make a Basic Intrusion Detection System with Bash

As most of us already WEP encryption has become a joke. WPA is quickly going the same way thanks to many tools such as Aircrack-ng. On top of this, wired networks are no strangers to unwanted guests as well. Anyone serious about security should have a good Intrusion Detection system in their toolbox. There are already some very good IDS's (Intrusion Detection Systems) available. Why would anyone want to re-invent the wheel in Bash??? There are a couple of reasons for this. Obviously Bash scripts can be very light weight. Especially compared to some of the GUI programs that are out there.

How can you help the Linux community

The whole Linux community is based on the concept of community and collaboration. Without it, Linus Torvalds' e-mail sent out 20 years ago would have been forgotten and none of us would have known about Linux. As time went by, it became easier and easier for users, regardless of experience and knowledge, to contribute to his/her favorite distribution. While we're at it, it's a common misconception that you have to be a programmer in order to help the Linux community. Well, nothing could be further from the truth. Anyone can help, provided he or she has Internet access, and, more importantly, the will to help.

Linux system and hardware monitoring made efficient

Whether you're a home user or a system/network administrator at a large site, monitoring your system helps you in ways you possibly do not know yet. For example, you have important work-related documents on your laptop and one fine day, the hard drive decides to die on you without even saying goodbye. Since most users don't make backups, you'll have to call your boss and tell him the latest financial reports are gone. Not nice. But if you used a regularly started (at boot or with cron) disk monitoring and reporting piece of software, like smartd for example, it will tell you when your drive(s) start to become weary. Between us, though, a hard drive may decide to go belly up without warning, so backup your data.

Creating packages for Pardus Linux with pisido

Pardus Linux is a relative newcomer to the Linux scene. Version 1.0 was released at the end of 2005, and since then, the project started using version numbers that remind us of what Mandriva uses for some time. So, the latest stable version is 2011.2, which means it's the second release for 2011. Pardus Linux is a distribution sponsored and developed by the Scientific & Technological Research Council of Turkey. It's a easy to use distribution, with a series of unique tools like Pisi (Packages Installed Successfully as Intended), which is the package manager. We will not give you a Pardus review, instead we'll assume you have the distro already installed and running and we'll tell you about a tool named PiSiDo.

Using MySQL to manage your music collection on Amarok

If you use Amarok and have a large music collection have you ever thought about using a database to manage your collection? This article will describe how to configure MySQL and Amarok to allow for the integration of one of the world's most popular databases to one of Linux's most popular media players.Works on any Linux Distro! This article covers Debian & Ubuntu, Fedora and ArchLinux.

C development on Linux - Introduction - I.

What you're just reading is the beginning of series of articles dedicated to development on Linux systems. However, with minor modifications (if any), you will be able to use this knowledge you will get by reading our series on any other system that uses the same tools (OpenIndiana, BSD...). This first article will deal gradually with the intricacies of writing C code on Linux. You are expected to have basic programming knowledge, either on Linux/Unix systems or on other platforms. The idea is that you should know the basics of programming, like what a variable is or how to define a structure. Even though, you will get this information from this article, we won't insist very much on beginner-level concepts.

Linux process scheduling made easier: lance

I guess many old school admins reading this will "crucify" me for trying to say that there is another process scheduling system besides cron. While cron does its' job and does it well, other more recent systems offer new capabilities that might help the administrator one way or the other. One example is lance, a young project written in Python which offers, among others, remote task administration and web-based control. Since the project is sometimes a little rough around the edges, don't start replacing cron tasks just yet.

Creating a package repository on Linux : Fedora and Debian

This article at is the logical continuation of our PXE article, because after reading this you will be able to network boot AND actually install the distribution of your choice. But there are other uses of creating your own repository. For example, bandwidth. If you manage a network and all the systems (or some) are running the same distribution, it's easier for you to just rsync in conjunction with a nearby mirror and serve updates yourself.

Network booting with Linux - PXE

  •; By (Posted by LinuxCareer on Oct 5, 2011 6:50 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
This article here is somewhat related to our previous one, in that it treats the subject of booting and installing Linux using the network, be it local or not. This time we will treat installing Linux without optical, floppy or other removable media, by just using the LAN. You are expected to have at least two computers in your network, and the client will need a NIC and a BIOS capable of using PXE. We will guide you from beginning to end, but some basic networking and Linux configuration knowledge, plus the use of an editor of your choice are required. You will learn what PXE is, how to configure a DHCP server, how to configure a TFTP server so the client can have access to the files, plus lots of interesting things, as usual.

One CD disk, multiple Linux distributions: Netboot CD

Every Linux user, after a while, starts creating a toolbox that he/she takes with him/her everywhere. However, that depends on the task at hand. You might need to install a distribution, you might just need a livecd, doing security-related work or just backup. And so the toolbox gets bigger and bigger, thus becoming less and less convenient. The subject of today's article is NetbootCD. NetbootCD is not a supplement for a live Linux environment, but rather it is designed to help you to install multiple Linux distributions using a single multiboot disk as oppose to requirement of 7 Linux installation disks.

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