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Customize your Cinnamon desktop with Javascript

We've seen, in the last years at least, a big rise of the Web in everything we do and everywhere we do it. Now, lots of people need only a browser window for work or for fun, making lots of previously-used pieces of software obsolete. With the launch of the Gnome 3 desktop environment, the Web made it's way inside our installed software in a very smart way: parts of the UI are actually writen in Javascript, a Web language by excellence. Or...maybe not that much. Fabrice Bellard wrote a PC emulator in Javascript, and here's another example: a desktop environment having important parts written in this language. So if you're feeling hacky and have some knowledge of Javascript, or even general programming concepts, this article is for you.

Learning Linux Commands: top

System monitoring is an important aspect of any more-or-less advanced Linux user, because there comes a time when you want to know what is taking precious resources or simply how much it does take. And despite what some people think, this is not applicable only to server systems. Desktop applications go haywire too, and you find your system slowed down to a crawl because some "rogue" app decided to eat up all your memory. For enterprise users there are lots of potent free or commercial solutions for monitoring, but for the old-school Linux user and/or someone that prefers to keep it simple, there is always top(1).If you're somewhat familiar with the command line, you will probably benefit more from this article, but that doesn't mean GUI-centric users won't.

Linux Desktop new goodies: Razor-Qt and Cinnamon

While there's no doubt that the leaders in the Linux desktop contest are GNOME and KDE, that does not mean they are catered for everyone. Different people have different needs and there were and still are voices in the community that criticize some of the choices the designers of the two desktops made. We, as always, prefer not to take sides, but we noticed that, as it often happens in Open Source, alternatives started to appear, addressing the aforementioned issues. Today we'll talk about two of the alternatives, so you know you always have a choice. So, for GTK and/or Qt fans that know how to install software on their distro of choice, we give you Cinnamon, an alternative to Gnome3, and Razor-Qt, a lightweight alternative to KDE4.

SysAid - IT helpdesk installation on Linux system

This article describes an installation of SysAid software on a Linux system using tomcat and Apache. SysAid is a commercial web-based help desk software and if you were thinking to install either its free or paid version in your organization this guide should help you to achieve it. The default installation of SysAid IT help desk is quite very straight forward. On top of this basic installation this guide will provide you with some extra settings on how to configure SysAid with Apache's https service using AJP proxy.

Learning Linux Commands: cut

  •; By (Posted by LinuxCareer on Jan 5, 2012 2:20 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
If you think that you can do Linux System administration without cut command, then you are absolutely right. However, mastering this fairly simple command line tool will give you a great advantage when it comes to the efficiency of your work on a user as well administration level. To simply put, cut command is one of many text-filtering command line tools that Linux Operation System has to offer. It filters standard STDIN from another command or input file and sends the filtered output to STDOUT.

C development on Linux - Pointers and Arrays - VI.

We have come to a crucial point in our series of articles regarding C development. It's also, not coincidentally, that part of C that gives lots of headaches to beginners. This is where we come in, and this article's purpose (one of them, anyway), is to debunk the myths about pointers and about C as a language hard/impossible to learn and read. Nonetheless, we recommend increased attention and a wee bit of patience and you'll see that pointers are not as mind-boggling as the legends say.

Remote GUI administration over SSH

If you've ever been in charge of a network you've definitely had the need for a secure remote connection. Maybe you just need to keep an eye on employees or kids. Doing so can be a hassle to some while crossing networks and subnets. On top of that, many businesses may have Internet but no DHCP to more protected machines. Many do this to network machines while keeping employees from surfing the Web. Whatever the case, Linux has many great tools to enable remote encrypted GUI administration. Even better, we will get everything we need for free for accessing a Linux or Windows client.

C development on Linux - Functions - V.

The C standard library offers a plethora of functions for many usual tasks. Also there are lots of libraries for extra functionality, like GUI design (GTK+) or database interfacing (libpq). However, as you advance in the C programming world, you will soon find yourself repeating the same instructions in the same order over and over again and that will become time-consuming and inefficient. So you can just wrap all those instructions in a function and just call said function when you need it. Here's what you're gonna learn by reading this article, plus some useful tips that will make your life easier. Any suggestions or problems go to the forums, as before.

Dual boot Ubuntu and Windows 7

You need Windows for a program you use for work, your favorite game runs only on Windows or you are a developer that works on some cross-platform project. And of course, you can't even think about giving up your favorite OS. Whatever the reason, you need Windows and a virtual machine won't cut it so all you're left with, if you don't have a spare machine, is dual-boot. I usually recommend against multiple-boot machines, but I can't argue with the fact that here are situations when the idea is very useful. So this is what this article is about: making sure you need a dual-boot system, acknowledging the requirements, making backups if need be and proceed.

Automating Linux installations with Kickstart

Red Hat, and their community effort, Fedora, are more or less enterprise-oriented. That being said, it's only natural they offer enterprise-specific tools that don't quite make sense on other desktop oriented operating systems. In the enterprise environment, where the system administrator has to manage lots of machines and installations, one tool that helps a lot is one that facilitates automated installations on several computers, using the same options for each of them. Instead of installing each system separately, the administrator just boots the installation media, tells the system where to find the options for installation and comes back after an hour to check on the system.

Guide to rsnapshot and incremental backups on Linux

rsnapshot is a backup tool written in Perl that utilizes rsync as its back-end. rsnapshot allows users to create customized incremental backup solutions. This article will discuss the following: the benefits of an incremental backup solution, rsnapshot's installation, its configuration, and usage examples.

C development on Linux - Flow Control - IV.

You have already been exposed to a small part of what flow control is in our previous part, namely the section about relational operators. As you start writing more complex programs, you will feel the need to control the order in which your program executes various parts. Flow control is present in most programming languages in one form or another, and what you're about to read here is essential to writing C programs.

Password cracking with John the Ripper on Linux

For those of you who haven't yet heard about John the Ripper (hereby called John for brevity), it is a free password cracking tool written mostly in C. Before going any further, we must tell you that although we trust our readers, we do not encourage or condone any malicious activities that may be performed using this tool or any other tools we talked about in the past. Security-related tools are often like a double-edged sword, in that they can be used for good but also for bad things. So although it might sound tempting, we recommend you to refrain from any damaging activities, if for nothing else, just because you have great chances to land in a jail cell.

Learning Linux Commands: awk

In this case, the title might be a little misleading. And that is because awk is more than a command, it's a programming language in its own right. You can write awk scripts for complex operations or you can use awk from the command line. The name stands for Aho, Weinberger and Kernighan (yes, Brian Kernighan), the authors of the language, which was started in 1977, hence it shares the same Unix spirit as the other classic *nix utilities.

Learning Linux Commands: sed

Welcome to the second part of our series, a part that will focus on sed, the GNU version. As you will see, there are several variants of sed, which is available for quite a few platforms, but we will focus on GNU sed versions 4.x. Many of you have already heard about sed and already used it, mainly as a substitution tool. But that is just a segment of what sed can do, and we will do our best to show you as much as possible of what you can do with it. The name stands for Stream EDitor, and here "stream" can be a file, a pipe or simply stdin.

Comparison of major Linux package management systems

One of the major differences between various Linux distributions is package management. Many times, this is the reason somebody steers away from one distribution to another, because he/she doesn't like the way software is installed or because there is software needed that isn't available in the distro's repositories. If you are a beginner in the Linux world and are wondering about the differences between distributions, this will be a good start. If you've only used one or two distributions for some time and you want to see what's on the other side of the fence, this article also might be for you.

Introduction to LaTeX on Linux

LaTeX is the typesetting system and a markup language that allows for the creation of documents. LaTeX is heavily utilized by the academic and scientific community. LaTeX produces beautiful type and is written in a language that is fairly intuitive. This article will discuss a brief history, introductory usage examples, front-ends, and further readings.

Learning Linux commands: dd

What you're reading is only the first of the many articles from the "Learning Linux commands" series. Why would we want to do such a thing? Because it's useful to you to have every option and possible use of a widely used command all in one place. You will find some options or even some commands that you didn't even knew existed, and your life as a Linux user / admin will become easier. If you're not afraid of opening a terminal and know the basics of using a Linux system, this article is for you.

Unix and Linux: a bit of history

If you don't like history, don't worry, I'm not a big fan either. But this kind of history is different: it's (supposedly) fun, educative, and right on time. Right on time because not so long ago one of the founding fathers of Unix, Dennis Ritchie, passed away, so we felt this article was in order. This is not the kind of article where you're supposed to have some knowledge about this and that. Many people don't know the origins of their operating system of choice, and in order to understand it better, you should know where it's coming from.

C development on Linux - Types, variables, operators - III.

As promised, starting with this part of our C development article, we will get started with learning, without further introduction. I couldn't find no better way to start other than this, because types, operators and variables are an essential part of C and you will use them all the time when writing your own programs. For example, you can write a simple C program without defining your own functions, but it's harder to do that without some variables, unless you wanna stick to "Hello, world!". A variable is nothing more than a location in memory holding a value that can be altered (hence the name).

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