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Review: Elementary OS 2 "Luna"

There aren't too many changes from the first beta; most of them revolve around the fact that Elementary OS has doubled down on making users follow its predefined workflow and no others.

Review: Linux Mint 15 "Olivia" KDE + Xfce

The KDE edition works extremely well. The Xfce edition has taken a few steps forward, but other things have pushed it a few steps back too.

Review: Korora 19 "Bruce" GNOME

  • Das U-Blog by Prashanth; By Prashanth Venkataram (Posted by PV on Jul 10, 2013 4:58 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews; Groups: Community, Fedora, GNOME
The 64-bit edition can't play nicely with Skype, and the GNOME edition seems a bit slow and unstable, which shouldn't be the case for a "more polished" update of GNOME. Putting the two together is...not great.

Review: Zorin OS 7 Core

It has been almost exactly a year since I reviewed Zorin OS 6 Core, which was based on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS "Precise Pangolin". The new version is based on Ubuntu 13.04 "Raring Ringtail", so I'm reviewing that now. What is Zorin OS? It is based on Ubuntu, uses a heavily customized GNOME 3 environment with Compiz as the WM and AWN as a panel. It also aims to look as close to Microsoft Windows as possible. It's fast, stable, configures Compiz properly, and has the programs that I need. I can't find much not to like.

Review: Linux Mint 15 "Olivia" Cinnamon + MATE

Cinnamon is still too unstable, MATE seems to exhibit a little latency, and Compiz appears to be entirely out of whack.

How-To: Make Xfce Like Unity

It's surprisingly easier to do than KDE. Unfortunately, this only works for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS "Precise Pangolin" and its derivatives, and not any newer versions, so enjoy this while you can!

Review: Semplice 4 "Atom Heart Mother"

What is Semplice? It is based on Debian and uses Openbox as its default WM. Unlike #!, which is based on Debian Stable (and issues preview releases based on the future Debian Stable release), Semplice is based on Debian Unstable "Sid", which allows it to be maintained as a rolling-release distribution. It generally works pretty well, though it was a little slow and resource-heavy, which are not characteristics typically found in a Debian-based Openbox distribution.

Review: SolydXK 2013.04.06

SolydK is pretty amazing, and so is SolydX. Both are recommendable to newbies.

Review: Korora 18 "Flo" KDE

In the last week of classes, since finished all of my assignments, I have had a little time to do some distribution reviews before starting to prepare for final exams. The second such review is of the KDE edition of Korora 18 "Flo". I have reviewed Korora before. Back then it was called Kororaa (with an extra 'a'), so I guess the name was shortened in a manner similar to that of Facebook (from "TheFacebook"). It's a distribution that essentially offers a bunch of niceties on top of Fedora with GNOME or KDE. This time I tried just the KDE version.

Review: CrunchBang ("#!") Linux 11 "Waldorf"

Last year it was pretty darn good, and it has essentially only gotten even better since then.

Review: Fuduntu 2013.2

This is the best iteration of Fuduntu I have seen since it became independent from Fedora, so it is a shame to see this amazing distribution go into that good night.

Review: Manjaro Linux 0.8.5 Xfce

It worked significantly better than last time and is way more polished. This could be among the first contenders for being an easy to use distribution based on Arch!

Long-Term Review: Chakra 2013.02 "Benz"

It was fast, lean, slick, and did what I needed to do - perfect for work!

Review: Pardus 2013 KDE

Given that there were issues in connecting to the repositories, I can't be too conclusive about Pardus, but it seems like it could be quite good.

Review: Linux Mint MATE 201303

It now works as well as Ubuntu-based Linux Mint. The only issues with it are the same issues from GNOME 2 anyway, so I can heartily recommend it to newbies.

Review: Chakra 2013.02 "Benz"

  • Das U-Blog by Prashanth; By PV (Posted by PV on Feb 16, 2013 1:29 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews; Groups: Arch, Community, KDE
It has a couple minor quirks, but all in all, it is an excellent distribution.

Review: Fedora 18 "Spherical Cow" GNOME

  • Das U-Blog by Prashanth; By PV (Posted by PV on Jan 18, 2013 5:40 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews; Groups: Fedora, GNOME
It seems to be good for beginner Linux users who may be ready to get their hands a little more dirty. More importantly, though, the Anaconda installer is amazing!

Preview: Elementary OS 2 "Luna" Beta 1

It takes way too many cues from Apple's Mac OS X, which puts me off a bit, but I feel like a lot of other people would like that. Plus, it is put together extremely well.

Review: Linux Mint 14.1 "Nadia" MATE + GNOME 3/Cinnamon

The GNOME 3/Cinnamon edition is still too unstable. The MATE edition is much better than in version 13 LTS "Maya", and I can now recommend it as much as I was past editions of Linux Mint with GNOME 2.

Long-Term Review: openSUSE 12.2 KDE

  • Das U-Blog by Prashanth; By PV (Posted by PV on Nov 16, 2012 4:19 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews; Groups: KDE, Novell, SUSE
It generally worked fine, but the unreliability of both Okular and the shutdown process means that better KDE distributions for long-term work use can be found.

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