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Digital signatures with GnuPG

Learn how to digitally sign files using GPG, and how to put digitally signed files to work in your life.

Sysadmin security: Auditing your perimeter and access points

Each year brings new exploits, vulnerabilities, and attacks. You need to keep a close watch on how strangers can access your network.

Linux commands: exploring virtual memory with vmstat

There are many commands, tools, and variations of the two for you to put to work when it comes to system statistics in Linux. However, if you need the specifics around virtual memory, you want to use vmstat. Here is a detailed look at the vmstat command, its basic syntax, and how to use it.

Inodes and the Linux filesystem

Linux filesystems are complicated things to understand, especially when you get down into the weeds of data and metadata. Inodes are behind the scenes working hard...... Let's take a look at what precisely an inode is and what it does for us. What's so important about inodes that I need to keep an eye on them? Find out in this introductory article.

Enable Sysadmin: A May 2020 round-up

May 2020 was a great month for the Enable Sysadmin community! We published 33 articles and received over 240,000 page views. Today, we are looking back at our top ten articles to give readers a chance to catch up on any of the great content they may have missed! In this list, you will see various topics covered and we are confident that some, if not all will be of interest to you!

8 tips for getting the most out of virtual training

Remote training isn't new but it certainly is the standard for distance learning. Find out how you can make the most of training during difficult times.

Linux security: Protect your systems with fail2ban

Linux security is a constant struggle but you can use fail2ban to protect authenticated services.

Linux networking: To route or to ip route?

Which route will you choose? Old school or new-fangled.

4 tips to help you get the most out of the Linux df command

df stands for "disk free" (I have also seen it referred to as "disk filesystem"). It is a *nix command that allows the user to display the available disk space on a given filesystem. Take another look at df and learn its secrets.

Sysadmin skills: What junior sysadmins need to know

It's not about being a tech whiz. Junior sysadmins need the foundational skills that help them grow.

Posting to social media with curl

Want to curl your own social media posts? This is the way to do it.

New features for running containers on NFS with rootless Podman

New options in Podman make it easier to use rootless Podman on an NFS home directory.

Sysadmin careers: The 5 steps of problem solving

One of the best things that my mentors helped me with was the formulation of a defined reasoning process that I could always use for solving problems of nearly any type. That process, the algorithm, is very closely related to the scientific method and is what we will cover in this article. This is your five-step guide to problem-solving like a boss.

A simple Python HTTP server for your sysadmin toolbox

If you need a quick and easy web service, the Python SimpleHTTPServer might be right for you.

How to create GPG keypairs

Creating GPG keypairs in Linux is a simple process, but understanding how it works can enhance your security.

Linux networking: socket stats via ss

Remember netstat? Say hello to ss as netstat's chattier replacement.

Use curl to interact with an API

Learn how to use command line gem curl to do more than simple file transfer.

Linux security: 8 more system lockdown controls

Locking down a system isn't rocket science but it's not intuitive either. Learn additional security controls that won't cost you anything but time to implement.

The Ansible Tower demo lab mission

An introduction to deploying playbooks to build a home lab with Ansible Tower.

Getting started with GPG (GnuPG)

A brief introduction to encrypting files with the GNU Privacy Guard (GPG, or GnuPG).

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