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Using nfsstat and nfsiostat to troubleshoot NFS performance issues on Linux

Latency issues often plague NFS implementations, but now you have the tools to troubleshoot them.

Security monitoring in Linux with Tripwire

Loved by sysadmins and hated by intruders. Get the inside scoop on Tripwire to enhance your system's security.

Linux system housekeeping 101: Managing file storage

Keeping your filesystems respectably clean is an ongoing task and there are pitfalls to avoid along the way.

Setting up logrotate in Linux

Logs can be a pain to deal with but they are also lifesavers when you need to find out what went wrong on a system. Find out how to set up this essential service on your systems.

Using word modifiers with Bash history in Linux

So you've mastered parsing Bash history? Now you're ready to explore Bash modifiers available to the history command.

Remote support options for sysadmins

Remote support often feels like you're trying to wash dishes from across the room. Find out how to get closer to the sink and your users.

How to create a volume group in Linux with LVM

Explore the next step to logical volume management bliss by creating a volume group from your physical volumes.

Network troubleshooting with packet captures

Capturing network traffic packets provides insight into what's happening on your network but you don't want just anyone to do it.

An introduction to the diff command

Explore the diff command to compare file content in different ways.

Keepalived and high availability: Advanced topics

This article closes out a three-part foundational Keepalived series and covers some advanced high availability concepts.

Help with COVID-19 research using Folding@home on Linux

Are you hoping to contribute something positive during the global pandemic? Find out how you can help with Folding@home.

Running a quick NMAP scan to inventory my network

Use Nmap, the open source network mapper tool, to better understand what's happening in your network.

Mounting and mapping shares between Windows and Linux with Samba

Create an air of interoperability in your network with Samba. Your Windows and Linux systems can work together.

Parsing Bash history in Linux

The history command isn't always about reducing key presses. Find out how you can leverage command history into more efficient system administration.

How to create a physical volume in Linux using LVM

Logical volume management is still a mystery to some sysadmins. Begin to unravel the mysteries in this first installment of a short series covering LVM. via #EnableSysadmin

5 Linux backup and restore tips from the trenches

Find out five backup and restore tips from someone who's been there, failed, and then succeeded.

Pulling podman images from a container repository

Check out podman's new container image pulling options.

PXE booting with UEFI hardware continued

In this second of two articles on setting up a PXE boot system, you'll put the finishing touches on your environment and learn some troubleshooting skills.

Getting started with Samba for interoperability

The Samba suite helps you to easily share files between Linux and Windows systems. This first article of two teaches you how and where to begin with interoperability.

Setting up a Linux cluster with Keepalived: Basic configuration

In this second of three Linux HA cluster articles, you'll explore the fundamentals of Keepalived installation and configuration.

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