Showing headlines posted by freethinker

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Listen to the Music with KsCD

  • TUX Magazine; By Marcel Gommans (Posted by freethinker on Dec 24, 2004 5:38 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial
If you are looking for an easy to use program to listen to your favorite CDs then you should try KsCD. KsCD comes with KDE and if you use that window environment it will most likely be installed by default. You can find it in the Kicker menu under 'Multimedia'.

Quick Do-It-Yourself Greeting Cards

  • TUX Magazine; By Michael Stibbs (Posted by freethinker on Dec 21, 2004 9:08 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial
Did you, like me, forget to buy greeting cards in the midst and stress of the few weeks leading up to Christmas? If so, we have to come up with a quick solution. There are just four days left. I create my own cards with Scribus, a top-notch Linux desktop publishing package (DTP) and send them as PDF by email or printed and sent by regular mail.

Let it snow, let it snow, let it xsnow.

Oh the weather outside is freezing, but the warmth from your monitor is making it feel like you are in the tropics. Christmas is coming up fast and this blaze of heat is making it difficult for you to get into the spirit of uncontrollable shopping madness. The clock is ticking and you're still at the keyboard looking for inspiration. Well, everyone, I've got just what you need.

Choosing a Linux Distribution

  • TUX Magazine; By Marcel Gagné (Posted by freethinker on Dec 16, 2004 2:14 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
For new Linux users, the hardest thing can be trying to get an answer to one simple question: "Which Linux distribution should I use?" Back in the world of that other OS, the choice is pretty simple since you had no choice, or as Henry Ford might have put it, you can have "any color you want as long as it's black". In the Linux world, you can get black, yellow, red, blue, green, and every color in between. I personally think it is a wonderful thing that so many Linux distributions exist. Aside from creating a rich OS landscape, it furthers creativity and fosters innovation in software design. This can only be a good thing. While this makes for a colorful world, it can be very confusing for the new user.

Firefox, Thunderbird, and Transitional Applications

Firefox and Thunderbird represent that I call "transitional applications", Linux programs that run on other operating systems (eg: Windows) thereby offering an equivalent for users who haven't yet switched to Linux. Let's face it, change is difficult for people. As with any dangerous addiction, quitting cold turkey isn't easy which is why there are products like nicotine gum and the patch -- these are a smoker's transitional applications. So it is with moving from Windows desktops to Linux desktops. Quite honestly, a move to Linux isn't nearly as difficult as some would have you believe and most people will find themselves at home very quickly, but sometimes it helps to pave the way by introducing some Linux familiarity to the Windows desktop . . . and saving yourself a small fortune in the process.

Konqueror Web Shortcuts

  • TUX Magazine; By Marcel Gagné (Posted by freethinker on Dec 9, 2004 4:37 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: KDE
Konqueror's real strength comes from its tight integration into the KDE desktop but that's not all. This amazing program is a file manager par excellence with capabilities that would require a pretty generous article, something I may yet do here. What I want to tell you about right now though is a means by which Konqueror lets you get at information on the Internet with nothing more than a few keystrokes.

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