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Linux Mint “Not in the Business of Picking Winners”, Continues With Xorg

Since Ubuntu’s announcement of the Mir display manager, the fate of Ubuntu derivatives such as Kubuntu and Linux Mint have been questioned and discussed by both the community and it’s leaders. Finally, one of those leaders has made its path clear. Clement Lefebvre has come forward in the Linux Mint Blog to announce that Linux Mint will be sticking with Xorg.

Linux Beats Mac Dramatically In Humble Bundle Total Payments

It’s long been the tradition in Humble Bundle for Linux buyers to outspend other platforms per payment, but this time Linux users have won another category; total payments by platform. How on the heels of Linux encroaching Apple’s territory in Steam usage, this is just phenomenal. But what does it mean?

Gnome Founder Miguel de Icaza Solves Identity Crisis, Moves To Mac

Today in his personal blog, Miguel de Icaza, founder of Gnome, and one of the most polarizing personalities in the free software world, announced that he is finished with the Linux platform –at least for personal use.

Two Major KDE Developers Weigh In On Mir, Wayland

To the average user, the announcement of Mir is simply news of something that’s going to ‘happen’. To the seasoned user, Mir raises a lot of questions.

HOW TO Install Oxygen Transparent In KDE 4.10

KDE has never been a dog, but if there is one thing in life that is better than a beautiful woman, it’s one with no clothes. And that’s precisely what we’re going to do with KDE today. This guide will show you how to install and use the Oxygen-transparent theme for KDE 4.10 in Kubuntu 12.10.

Gamer Rewrites Valve’s Steam Installer For Debian

Using vanilla Debian and want to play Steam without making a mess? One developer has the answer.

Steam For Linux Adoption Closes In On Mac

For those of you who have been abroad the Linux Steam train since the early betas late last year, things are really on the up & up.

Play HTML5 Games In Your Login Screen With MDM

MDM, the Mint Display Manager, now offers an awesome features for artists and web developers that want to design attractive login screens for Linux.

How To Install Anodyne In Ubuntu 12.04 And 12.10

Anodyne, an amazing Zelda-esque action RPG, has just been released, and you can get in now as part of a promotion at The Pirate Bay.

How To Install KDE 4.10 in Kubuntu 12.10

Hot on the heels of yesterday’s announcement — or today, depending where you are — of the availability of KDE 4.10, the software compilation has already been packaged by the hard working Kubuntu team over at Blue Systems. This should come as a surprise to no one, as the Kubuntu team has a healthy track record of bringing packages to backports as soon as possible. Are you using Kubuntu but haven’t seen your update yet? You might not have the backports repository enabled. Simply follow these steps to install it to your system an join the bleeding edge..

Ubuntu May Become Rolling Release With 14.04

Rollin’ Rollin’ Rollin’

Watchers of Ubuntu On Air, Ubuntu’s series of public Google Hangouts that detail some of the behind the scenes happenings, were greeted with some extremely interesting information. This information could potentialyl lead to the biggest (only) departure in the Ubuntu release model ever, and align it with Linux die-hard favorites such as Arch.

Canonical Kernel Team Manager Leann Ogasawara had this to say during the Hangout:

Lenovo Enters The Chromebook Game, Lends Credibility

So, with such success, why would Google needs to add any credibility to their already successful niche computing platform? Business, that’s why. And Lenovo is prepared to deliver savvy business folk what their hearts truly desire; a Thinkpad.

American Epic Meriwether Coming To Linux, With Your Help

Software firm Sortasoft LLC, of Brooklyn, NY, aims to bring a fresh and innovative RPG to Linux, and it’s not too short of it’s financial backing goals; but it hasn’t reached them either.

KDE Gains “Magic Monitor” Functionality With New KScreen

Well, it seems that after 2 decades –or probably 15 years– of headaches setting up multiple monitors in Linux, things are finally turning around in the user’s favor, or rather, KDE users favor. In the beginning, there was X. X allowed –and still allows for– WIMP interaction on the Linux platform.

Humble Indie Bundle 7 Will Be Worst Humble Bundle Ever For Linux

Those that are feeling a little miffed by the latest Humble THQ Bundle are probably anxiously awaiting the promised Humble Indie Bundle 7. Bundle number 7 is currently being promised on the Humble Bundle homepage to those users that are not bashful with their email addresses. While no communication has been sent by the Humble Gang yet, there are a few details available.

Linus Torvalds To 386: “I’m Not Sentimental, Good Riddance.”

If there is one thing we can all count on in the open source blogosphere, it’s Linus Torvalds no bullshit approach to communicating with the world. That same no bullshit approach was not absent today when Linus moved to officially axe “ancient 386 support” from Linux. Ancient? You bet. Support for the 386 architecture has been lingering along within the Linux Kernel since day one, 1991. Well now it seems that it is ready to jump into a binary casket, finally, long after it’s relevance and usefulness have passed.

WordPress Reaches 3.5, Rides The Coltrane

  • The Powerbase; By Dean Howell (Posted by lordpenguin on Dec 12, 2012 12:32 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
WordPress, everyone’s favorite open source comtent management system, reached version 3.5 today. Introduced with the release is a bevy of new features that are sure the leave the first half of the 3.x series in the dust.

KDE Welcomes Trojitá, Offers Multiple E-Mail Clients

Trojitá is a small, light, and fast IMAP e-mail client built with Qt. Now, Trojitá is officially a part of the KDE project, and one of the first applications in the whole suite to support Qt5. The announcement comes as a surprise to us, as there is already a well established e-mail client and PIM suite within KDE that takes advantage of KDE as a desktop environment.

Swiss City Mandates Use Of Open Source, Banishes Microsoft Officially

In an overwhelming majority vote, the city council in Bern, Switzerland has moved to implement all future infrastructure with open source technologies. The “Party Motion”, as it is called in Switzerland, was submitted over a year ago, and has finally been realized. Plans to move forward with open source design, strategy and implementation should begin immediately.

Introducing The Humble Not For Linux Bundle

My very first though was a foolish one; “They ported all of this games to Linux and I haven’t heard about even one of them until now?” Very foolish.

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