LXer Weekly Roundup for 28-Oct-2012

Posted by Scott_Ruecker on Oct 29, 2012 2:47 AM
LXer Linux News; By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.)

LXer Feature: 28-Oct-2012

The latest installment of the Weekly Roundup. Enjoy!

Review: The ARM-powered Samsung Chromebook: The new ARM-based Samsung Chromebook is far more than an amazingly cheap, good lightweight laptop. It will revolutionize how we use PCs.

Under the Hood with Arch and Gentoo: Arch and Gentoo are rolling community distributions that emphasise self-help and choice for the adventurous user. Richard Hillesley investigates…

Ubuntu Uproar Echoes Through Blogosphere: Well it's been another wild week here in the Linux blogosphere, but this time the cause will come as no surprise to anyone who cares about Linux or FOSS. Last week, of course, was the week that included Oct. 18 -- a date most of us have had marked on our calendars for the past oh, say, six months. Why? Because it was none other than the official release date of Ubuntu 12.10 "Quantal Quetzal."

When I realized why open source rocks: West Virginia: a state made up entirely of the Appalachian Mountain range. Whether you're there to experience the beautiful New River Gorge, or to watch the Mountaineers play at home, the mountainous theme never subsides. The Appalachian region has the Most Beautiful award locked down, however its height and elevation face a slightly different opponent. Towering over the city of Morgantown, WV, home to West Virginia University and the Mountaineers, stands a fierce competitor. An engineering marvel, over ten stories tall. The Engineering Science Building!

Five new RPG games for Linux: If you love RPG (role-playing games) and you think there's no future for these games on Linux, this post is for you. I’ll show you five new RPG games developed from scratch that run on Penguin: Questverse, Hale, Dawn, Flare and Arakion. Just a warning: these are projects in the making, so none of them are ready to be fully played. But if you like this genre, read on, you won't be disappointed.

Dear Microsoft, Thanks for Windows 8! Love Linux: From the 'End of the Traditional Desktop' files: Microsoft has a big launch event today in New York City for Windows 8. Surprisingly I got invited, but no I won't be there. Linux users like myself however really should thank Microsoft though, Window 8 is truly a great gift.

Raspberry Pi GPU Driver Turns Out To Be Cr@p: While it looked hopeful at first with today's announcement of a fully open-source graphics stack for the Broadcom VideoCore found in the popular Raspberry Pi development board, upon closer examination it's actually not that good.

Windows 8 launch – Jim Zemlin and the Free Software Foundation have their say: Windows 8 and the open source, Linux and free software communities are at odds, and the leaders come out to explain why

Mark Shuttleworth's big mistake: Last week marked eight years since Ubuntu made its appearance on the GNU/Linux scene. Since October 2004, there has been a release of this distribution every six months, the initial buzz being very loud and then gradually fading away.

5 Free Linux Astronomical Data Analysis Tools: Professional astronomers spend far more of their time analysing data and writing articles than actually observing celestial objects. Amateur astronomers are also keen to analyse the data they have collated. Software that can process and analyse images is therefore essential to astronomers. Fortunately, high performance scientific software has always been a strong area for Linux.

Ubuntu 13.04 Will Run on the Google Nexus 7 Tablet: The Ubuntu Developer Summit for Ubuntu 13.04 will start next Monday, on October 29th and the development team is preparing to give attendees a demonstration of Ubuntu OS on the Google Nexus 7 tablet.

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