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Nifty extensions

Apparently, the only thing that stopped developers from creating useful extensions was the lack of a place to publish them. With the launch of the Extension Repository, the number of extensions listed there has shot up, and there are no signs of a slowdown. Although quantity doesn't always mean quality, the repository already offers a few nifty extensions that can expand the functionality of and make your work more efficient.

[Poll] Browser shootout: What's your pick?

Last time we looked almost 60 percent of Tectonic readers were using Firefox as their preferred web browser. Tell us what you’re using right now. Vote here.

2.6.24-rc7, A Lot of Rather Small Changes

"It's been two weeks since rc6, but let's face it, with xmas and new years (and birthdays) in between, there hasn't actually been a lot of working days, and the incremental patch from -rc6 is about half the size of the one from rc5->rc6," began Linus Torvalds, announcing the release of the 2.6.24-rc7 Linux kernel. He then quipped, "and I'll be charitable and claim it's because it's all stabilizing, and not because we've all been in a drunken stupor over the holidays."

Speaking of So-called 'Conspiracy Theories' in Linux

Prelude: “A couple of years ago this guy called Ken Brown wrote a book saying that Linus stole Linux from me... It later came out that Microsoft had paid him to do this...” --Andrew S Tanenbaum, father on MINIX

FOSS supporters need to think for themselves

Many of those who utilize free and open source software read related news sites and blogs pertaining to events, news, opinions, and more. As of late, I have become slightly disappointed to say the least.

LXer Weekly Roundup for 6-Jan-2008

LXer Feature: 6-Jan-2008

Happy New Year and Welcome to the first LXer Weekly Roundup of 2008. This week we have a petition for the free use of codecs, our own Carla Schroder talks about how some people should not use computers, the Top 10 Open Source applications on the desktop, 355.6 million reasons the Novell-Microsoft deal is working, Hans Kwint tells us why Open Source is the way to go, who is the most hated company in the PC industry and how to destroy the GPL from the inside.

Burning a Linux ISO image on CD

  •; By Mikołaj Smal (Posted by michux on Jan 6, 2008 7:24 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
To be able to install a GNU/Linux distribution you need to burn a downloaded ISO image on a CD/DVD disc. At least this is the simplest way to achieve this goal. In this tutorial I am going to describe an easy way to do this under Windows and Linux operating systems and how to prepare your PC for a Linux OS.

Apple, Linux Set to Get Cozy

  • (Posted by thevarguy on Jan 6, 2008 6:18 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux
Apple and open source fanatics are about to engage in a group hug, The VAR Guy has learned. It will soon be easier to run Mac OS X and Linux side-by-side on Apple servers. How will this magic occur? The answer will surface at Macworld Expo January 14 in San Francisco. Here's what to expect.

OLPC: Intel contributed little to the project

The day after Intel announced that it would leave the One Laptop Per Child board, the nonprofit organization shot back that the chip giant had contributed little to help the project during its six months with the group. In a statement Jan. 4, the OLPC project claimed that Intel violated written agreements with the board of directors, did not help in developing software with the project and "disparaged" the OLPC's XO laptop.

Free software, free speech

I expect people of the free press to defend the right of free speech, not to call for its restriction or abolishment. If free speech disappears, what does free software mean? "Free" like in "free beer"? If you express an opinion there will always be someone who doesn't agree with you. That comes with the trade. That is professionalism. If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

Open Source Security Firm Gains Momentum

Open source companies often lose their way when they try to build channel and partner programs. One rare exception is Untangle, an open source security firm that has lined up 60 partners since September. You can find some quick details about the company and its momentum over at, a fast-growing editorial site for managed service providers (MSPs)

MintKDE4 0 Ultumix0 0 1 2 Ultimate Edition

Ultimix Ultimate Edition is the Ultimate Linux Distribution and it's not bloated. It still runs at top speed as long as you have enough free hard drive space for it. To install Ultumix Ultimate Edition you will need to read the ReadMe file included in this torrent first and you will need to make 2 DVDs because this distribution contains the top 21 Games of 2007 and yes they all work as long as you install your 3D drivers. There is even a tool to do that too.

Intel dumps OLPC, Negroponte loses it

There are numerous news reports covering Intel’s withdrawal from the One Laptop Per Child project. The company says it decided to leave the OLPC board because the One Laptop organisation had demanded it stop supporting other efforts in emerging markets. Of course what the OLPC board was specifically referring to was Intel’s Classmate, a laptop for developing markets launched in 2006.

OpenLDAP + Samba Domain Controller On Ubuntu 7.10

This document is a step by step guide for configuring Ubuntu 7.10 as a Samba Domain Controller with an LDAP backend (OpenLDAP). The point is to configure a server that can be comparable, from a central authentication point of view, to a Windows Server 2003 Domain Controller. The end result will be a server with an LDAP directory for storing user, group, and computer accounts. A Windows XP Professional SP2 workstation will be able to join the domain once properly configured.

Why I Won't Use KMail or Kontact

KDE 4 is scheduled to be released soon, and it looks like it has a lot of cool new features. Unfortunately, everything I've seen about it says that it's still going to be missing an important feature that many computer users (especially Windows convert to Linux) absolutely require and have come to expect — apparently because a few developers don't like or use that feature. And to make matters worse, every time I've ever seen anyone complain about it, many of the responses have tried to convince them that "no one needs" that feature. In other words, "I don't use that feature, so you shouldn't have a choice to use it." I think the whole situation is an embarrassment to the entire Linux community, because it reinforces the (mostly untrue) stereotype that Linux users are antisocial, elitist geeks.

MintKDE4.0Ultumix0.0.1.2 Released!

Ultumix was released last night via the torrent server.

Vector Linux release 5.9 goes Gold with an emphasis on Green

Re-tasked PCs deliver a greener world and a more equitable availability of technology

Red Hat CEO says committed to open source

Red Hat's new chief executive said on Friday that the company will continue to pursue a business model under which it makes its software available at no cost and makes money selling services to businesses. "We are a mission-based company. Democratizing information is a social good," Chief Executive James Whitehurst said in an interview with Reuters. "We will be open source. We will be the leader in open source."

Linux Commands Line - v1.0

A fairly comprehensive list of Linux commands organized by function. A nice list to have handy for anyone who uses or administrates a Linux system.

The Noahpad

  •; By Daniel Bartholomew (Posted by plumcreek on Jan 5, 2008 6:59 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
We have another entry in the UMPC (that’s Ultra Mobile PC to those who might not know) market. I was impressed with the eeepc from ASUS and I was considering purchasing one. But now I’m saving my pennies for this guy.

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