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Linux Gnome Hack: Open Terminal (shell prompt) in Current / Selected Directory

Nautilus is the official file manager for the GNOME desktop. It has ability to run add-on scripts written in any scripting language. This tutorial explains how to open a shell prompt or gnome-terminal at the current location while browsing directories and files via nautilus Linux / UNIX Gnome file manager.

On The Horizon: Microsoft's Cloud Utility

Could Microsoft become the next Consolidated Edison? It could happen.

The new openSUSE community-elected board speaks

The openSUSE project has a new board, and the new board has big plans. The distribution's first board was appointed by Novell in November 2007, tasked with the unusual job of "bootstrapping" a community-elected board that could guide the project with a balance of Novell and non-Novell influence. Less than a year later, that community-elected board is now in place, and looking forward to its new role. Pascal Bleser was on the bootstrap board, and took part in laying the groundwork for the new, permanent board election process. "We first initiated the creation of Guiding Principles that were primarily driven by Cornelius Schumacher (who happens to also be on the current KDE e.V. board of directors) but discussed on our opensuse-project mailing list, growing with the input of community members.

Tutorial: Quick Firefox Tip: Word Count Bookmarklet

Authors need to count the words in articles and manuscripts. But when it's an HTML document all full of tags, you don't want to count the tags. Akkana Peck shows a fast way to count only the words.

CNN: Obama the Open Source president

After Barack Obama's speech last night following his victory, CNN analyst Alex Castellanos -- a Republican pundit -- made a reference to "The Cathedral and the Bazaar" and implied that the new administration may bring an "open source" mentality to American government.

IBM Tests Lotus Symphony for the Mac, Seeks Partners

IBM has started testing Lotus Symphony -- the open source application suite -- for Mac OS X. But that's not all. Big Blue is preparing a channel push and seeking integration partners to help promote Symphony to customers. Here's the scoop.

Introducing Pylons: A hacker’s web framework

Python has a good reputation for tasks like systems programming, network programming, and scripting, but Python for the web is becoming red hot. Part of this has to do with the very popular web framework Django, that was developed at a newspaper to help quickly create Content Management Sites. . Another reason is that Google App Engine–Google’s Cloud Computing offering for developers–only exposes a Python API.

I didn't know you could do that in Linux!

Here are 12 tips, tricks, tweaks and techniques to make you say "I didn't know you could do that in Linux." Sure, not every one may be your cup of tea but here are 12 items to help you have the most positive Linux experience you can and to show why Linux is a superior operating system to other alternatives.

US Court: New Criteria for Software Patents

  • Linux Pro Magazine; By Britta Wuelfing (Posted by brittaw on Nov 6, 2008 2:27 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
A current U.S. court case would make it harder for software patent trolls to file for dubious patents and make legal claims based on existing ones

KDE Community Improves Desktop with KDE 4.1.3 Codenamed "Change"

The KDE Community today announced the immediate availability of "Change", (a.k.a KDE 4.1.3), another bugfix and maintenance update for the latest generation of the most advanced and powerful free desktop. Change is a monthly update to KDE 4.1. It ships with desktop workspace and many cross-platform applications such as administration programs, network tools, educational applications, utilities, multimedia software, games, artwork, web development tools and more. KDE's award-winning tools and applications are available in more than 50 languages.

R1Soft Announces Hot Copy for Linux

Data protection software developer R1Soft ( has announced its upcoming release of a free beta version of Hot Copy for Linux, a command line utility that takes instant snapshots of disks or volumes on any Linux server, providing an unprecedented level of flexibility for IT administrators.

Apple, Psystar Seek Trial On Nov. 9, 2009

The presidential election has nothing on the Apple-Psystar copyright imbroglio when it comes to drawn out affairs. The two companies filed paperwork with the California court hearing their dispute in which they ask the court to set a trial date on Nov. 9, 2009. In the joint filing, Apple and Psystar said they expect the trial to last about 10 days. The court has yet to approve the timetable.

Fedora 10, a "Live" solution for One Laptop Per Child.

This special edition of Fedora 10 will be available for the OLPC XO Laptop Give 1 Get 1 promotion.

Sun, IBM launch ODF tools initiative

Sun Microsystems Inc. and IBM are expected on Wednesday to announce the Open Document Format Toolkit Union, an open-source project aimed at making it easier for developers to use ODF. Sun is contributing an initial set of code for an application programming interface (API) that developers can use to work with ODF files without having to know the ins and outs of the technical specification, the companies said.

Ultrasol - 400 different Solitaire games in one pack in openSUSE

Ultrasol is a collection of nearly 400 different solitaire or patience games. There are games that use the 52 card International Pattern deck, games for the 78 card Tarock deck, eight and ten suit Ganjifa games, Hanafuda games, Matrix games, Mahjongg games, and games for an original hexadecimal-based deck. It includes many different sets of playing card images and all under standard solitaire type window.

Not Free at Any Price, Why I Switched to the OLPC and Why I Dropped It

The One Laptop Per Child project, launched by MIT professor Nicholas Negroponte in 2003, was supposed to lead millions of children around the world to information technology and freedom. The plans aimed for low cost, enabling many children to use the machines, and free software, so they would have freedom while using them. I thought it was a good idea; I even planned to use one myself when I found in the OLPC’s promise of free software a way to escape the proprietary startup programs that all commercial laptops used.

Open Source Systems Management Ramps Up

  •; By Sean Michael Kerner (Posted by red5 on Nov 5, 2008 8:31 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Community; Story Type: News Story
"When times are good, people aren't as critical of their applications and they tend to overpay," Mark Hinkle, vice president of community at Zenoss argued. "The economic slowdown has helped to illustrate the value of open source. When times are tough, you start re- evaluating how you do business."

Create Web services with Ruby on Rails and Action Web Service

  • IBM/developerWorks; By Deepak Vohra (Posted by jmalasko on Nov 5, 2008 7:52 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
In this article, discover how the Action Web Service module implements Web services functionality in Ruby on Rails. Action Web Service creates server-side support for SOAP and XML-RPC Web service protocols. You can declare and publish APIs using Action Web Service.

Listen to your music anywhere with Subsonic

If your music library is tied to your CD collection or MP3 player, you can still hit the road without losing access to your tunes. Subsonic is a free, Web-based media streamer that lets you -- and your friends -- access your music collection over the Internet. Subsonic can handle large music collections, running into the thousands of CDs. It also works with video; in fact, it can let you remotely access any format that can be streamed over a standard HTTP connection. If needed, Subsonic will convert your collection to a streaming format on the fly, taking into account the available bandwidth. You can use any browser and media player combination to listen to your music; I went for Firefox and RealPlayer, but other combinations are equally valid.

Open Source and Managed Services: Coming Together?

  •; By Joe Panettieri (Posted by thevarguy on Nov 5, 2008 5:58 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Untangle and other open source software providers are moving into the fast-growing market for managed services. But many IT consultants and managed service providers have yet to discover the power and flexibility of open source. Will the situation change anytime soon? Here are some thoughts from MSPmentor, which covers managed services and SaaS.

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