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« Previous ( 1 ... 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 ... 1163 ) Next »How to set up Samba as a Primary Domain Controller
A domain controller is a server which groups multiple computers to centralize their authentication system. When you are using a domain controller, you don't login to your computer, but instead login to the domain controller. Every authentication request is handled by the Primary Domain Controller (PDC). Usually you hear about PDC using a Windows based […]Continue reading...
The post How to set up Samba as a Primary Domain Controller appeared first on Xmodulo.
Related FAQs:
How to set up a primary DNS server using CentOS
How to enable user authentication for a Postfix SMTP server with SASL
How to monitor failed ssh login attempts on CentOS
How to mount a remote directory over ssh on Linux
How to force ssh login via public key authentication
Wireless speakers run Linux, control IoT stuff
Musaic is prepping an OpenWRT Linux and AllJoyn AllPlay-enabled wireless speaker and Internet radio that doubles as a home automation hub.
Docker 1.0 brings container technology to the enterprise
With the release of Docker 1.0, container technology took a big step forward in catching up with enterprise datacenter and cloud virtualization.
Everyone can and should learn to code? RUBBISH, says Torvalds
Outspoken Linux creator Linus Torvalds has taken issue with the oft-repeated assertion that in today's world everybody should learn computer programming, saying he just doesn't believe in it.
What makes this journal the most open?
F1000Research, a scientific journal with a strong focus on open access and life sciences, operates quite differently than even the average open access journal. The team there uses new approaches to publishing scientific research; a few of their most noteable characteristics are..
DARPA gamifies open-source software testing
Secret-squirrel military tech bureau DARPA has designed a series of computer games which can help to verify open source software. It is working on the games under the auspices of its Crowd Sourced Formal Verification programme. The idea is to perform the soft of software verification which is generally conducted by technical experts. “There are not enough human experts or available time to demonstrate that software is secure and reliable – so what we’ve done is repackage what human experts would normally do and produce tens of thousands of game levels for players on the internet to play games for us,” Matthew Barry, who is principal investigator at Kestrel Technology, the firm working with DARPA to develop the games, told
New state laws target patent trolls
Patent reform may have stalled this year at the federal level, but patent trolls may soon find their actions curtailed by a number of patent abuse litigation laws that have been passed or are pending in over twenty U.S. states.
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How to set up Internet connection sharing with iptables on Linux
In this tutorial, I'll explain how to share a single Internet connection among multiple devices on Linux. While consumer-grade WiFi routers have become mainstream nowadays, making this problem a non-issue, suppose you don't have one at home. However, say you have a Linux box already assembled with a modem and a LAN card. The modem […]Continue reading...
The post How to set up Internet connection sharing with iptables on Linux appeared first on Xmodulo.
Related FAQs:
How to run iptables automatically after reboot on Debian
What are available iptables management tools with GUI?
How to set up a PPTP VPN connection between Linux and Windows XP
How to check Internet speed from the command line on Linux
How to set up a transparent proxy on Linux
Tools for Diagramming in Fedora
If you’re a big-time open source fanatic like me, you probably get questions about open source alternatives to proprietary tools rather frequently. From the ‘Alternatives to Microsoft® Visio®’ department, here […]
Red Hat's CEO Sees Open Source Cloud Domination
The case for open source dominating the cloud rests on the fact that it’s already the foundation for many popular cloud services and enterprise applications. Whitehurst aptly notes that outside of Microsoft Azure, the underlying infrastructure of all the major public cloud services is built upon open source software. Furthermore, software like Linux, Apache, MySQL, WordPress and many others are already widely used and trusted by most enterprises.
New OpenSSL Flaws Aren't a Heartbleed Repeat
The discovery and disclosure of seven new flaws is proof that the open-source model works and that OpenSSL can be secured.
Split, merge, and delete pages of a PDF document with PDFmod
PDFMod is an awesome little utility available in Fedora that allows you to split, merge and delete pages of a PDF document. You simply open a document up in PDFMod, […]
Science experts and geeks share their open source projects
Open Science Week will begin on June 9!
People from around the open source community will share with us, starting on Monday, how open source is being used to better and improve the world of science—in areas of academia, research, access, software, and more.
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The new (potential) notification system for Fedora
Allan Day recently blogged mockups for a possible redesign of the notifications area. This new design still has the notification area appearing from the bottom of the screen, but rather […]
OnePlus One Review: The CyanogenMod Powered Smartphone
The OnePlus One uses a version of CyanogenMod 11 called 11S. This is based around Android 4.4.2 Kitkat (for those of you keeping track, the current version in the handset is 11.0-XNPH22Q). As one of the first phones to ship out of the factory with CyanogenMod installed (as opposed to sitting down with a multitude of flashing tools, roms, and long linux command line incantations to switch over an existing Android handset), this significantly reduces the barrier of entry into the world of CyanogenMod.
A Conversation With Linus Torvalds, Who Built The World's Most Robust Operating System And Gave It Away For Free
In 1991, 22-year old Finnish computer programmer Linus Torvalds released his own operating system. Now, some 23 years later, Linux is everywhere. It powers your Android smartphone. It sorts mail for the US Postal Service. It runs the controls for CERN, the world’s largest particle physics laboratory, it steers nuclear submarines, and it powers more than 95% of the world’s 500 fastest supercomputers.
More branding ideas
We previously posted about some of the logo design ideas that Máirín Duffy was working on for the 3 products of (Cloud, Server, and Workstation). Since that post, Máirín has also posted a bunch of other iterations, and I also entered the fray with a few ideas of my own.
Private file and mail server gizmo runs Ubuntu
OpenProducts is prepping an Ubuntu-based private file and email server called OPI with LUKS-based microSD encryption, and optional USB or cloud backup.
Public Fedora Board Meeting Monday June 9th 2014
Matthew Miller just announced that fortnightly public Fedora Board meetings are starting up again. The first meeting will be on Monday the 9th of June at 17:00 UTC time.
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