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The green distro makes a switch from Ubuntu to Debian. Does it make the lightweight distro better or will we be returning to wattOS 7.5?
The true value of open source is people
Open source is valuable. Very few people would argue that point. There is most definitely a sense of intrinsic worth. But where does this value exist? Is it in the code produced or in something else?
Howto add two factor authentication to OTRS with privacyIDEA
Howto add two factor authentication to OTRS with privacyIDEA
In this howto we will show, how easy it is to add two factor authentication with OTP token to OTRS. This is done for the support agents to protect support cases and customer data against attackers and misuse. Nevertheless this can be done for the customers in the very same way.
LynuxWorks reverts to its LynxOS roots, changes name
LynuxWorks, which changed its name and launched BlueCat Linux alongside its older LynxOS RTOS in 2000, has renamed itself to “Lynx Software Technologies.” In a news announcement, Lynx CEO Gurjot Singh said the company’s “new name reflects broad market adoption of LynxOS and LynxSecure … in connected embedded systems.”
Mint 17: The best Linux desktop to date
I've used hundreds of Linux desktops over the years, and Mint 17 with Cinnamon is my favorite one to date.
Public access to works supported by new alliance
Molly Van Houweling interviews herself for the launch of a new non-profit she has co-founded: Authors Alliance will work to promote authorship for the public good.
City of Vienna increasingly turns to open source
The administration in the Austrian capital, Vienna, is expanding its use of open source solutions, including on its workstations, because of new requirements, open data, budget constraints and the major shift towards smartphones and tablets.
"Open source helps to solve IT vendor lock-in situations", Norbert Weidinger, ICT-Strategist for the city, said in a presentation on the city's use of free and open source solutions.
A quick look at Mint 17 (Gallery)
Mint 17 is a good, solid desktop that Linux and Windows XP users alike will feel at home in.
Installing Apache2 With PHP5 And MySQL Support On Ubuntu 14.04LTS (LAMP)
Installing Apache2 With PHP5 And MySQL Support On Ubuntu 14.04LTS (LAMP)
LAMP is short for Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP. This tutorial shows how you can install an Apache2 webserver on anUbuntu 13.04 server with PHP5 support (mod_php) and MySQL support.
PiCore 5.3 Linux is a 25MB operating system for the Raspberry Pi
This week PiCore 5.3 was released, featuring an updated kernel, recent Raspberry Pi firmware, and other improvements. The disk image is only 24.7MB.
Tiny COM runs Linux on Atmel Cortex-A5 SoC
Acme Systems unveiled a Debian-ready, 53 x 53mm COM using Atmel’s SAMA5D3 SoC, with microSD, optional NAND flash, and extended temperature support. Acme Systems, which earlier this year released an Arietta G25 computer-on-module built around Atmel’s 400MHz ARM9 SAM9G25 SoC, has now spun an “Acqua A5? COM using the SAMA5D3. Atmel’s 536MHz, Cortex-A5 based system-on-chip has also appeared in ShiraTech’s SODIMM-style AT-501 COM, which similarly ships with Debian Linux.
Installing Guest Additions And Mounting Shared Folders In Virtualbox Virtual Machines In PHPVirtualbox
Installing Guest Additions And Mounting Shared Folders In Virtualbox Virtual Machines In PHPVirtualbox
In this tutorial I will introduce some tips & tricks while using the phpvirtualbox. These tricks make phpvirtualbox functionality better & much more fruitful. I do not issue any guarantee that this will work for you!
Survey results: Top 10 hacker SBCs
Our SBC survey has now concluded, and it’s time to reveal the Top 10 SBCs list. Yes, the Pi is still in the sky… but some other winners may surprise you!
try out the calendar app california on Fedora 20
California is a new, simple, calendar app for Fedora from the Yorba crew (developers of shotwell and the geary email app). You can try out california on Fedora 20. logo concept from Mairin Duffy
The quick — back of the napkin — explanation of the Fedora.Next initiative is that Fedora will be producing 3 distinct products: Workstation, Server and Cloud. With the introduction of these products, each of them will need to have their own logo and a brand that ties them together.
A cryptocurrency to support open source development
Devcoin is an open source project designed to support open source projects through the use of a dedicated crypto currency.
Crypto currency is a new form of digital money which is decentralized and runs on a distributed network of computers. Cryptographic techniques are used to secure the network and each individual's funds, while open source code provides the shared protocol through which each wallet or service communicates with the public "block chain" where information on all transactions is stored. The most famous example of this is, of course, Bitcoin.
How to take a screenshot from the command line on Linux
There are various flavors of Linux screenshot utilities, including desktop-specific screenshot programs (e.g., KSnapshot for KDE, gnome-screenshot for GNOME, Screenshooter for Xfce), or general screenshot utilities (e.g., Shutter). One of unique screenshot utilities is Scrot (short for "SCReen shOT"), which is a command-line screenshot utility. While its interface is minimalistic, Scrot is, feature-wise, as powerful […]Continue reading...
The post How to take a screenshot from the command line on Linux appeared first on Xmodulo.
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How to take a screenshot while desktop menu is open on Ubuntu
How to take a full-length screenshot of a web page in Linux
How to take a screenshot of video on Android
How to launch a GUI-based desktop program from command line in Linux
How to access Dropbox from the command line in Linux
Install Ioncube Loader For All PHP Modes (CLI, CGI, FCGI And FPM) On Debian Wheezy
Install Ioncube Loader For All PHP Modes (CLI, CGI, FCGI And FPM) On Debian Wheezy
In this tutorial I will explain the installation of Ioncube Loader on Debian Wheezy so that it can be used in all PHP Modes. If one of the php.ini files does not exist on your server, then this php mode is not installed and you can skip that php.ini file.
Top 10 open source posts from April 2014
We had a great April at bringing in 373,457 page views and 206,314 unique visits. During the month, we announced the recipients of the Community Awards, receiving heartfelt praise from one of the winners. Here is a roundup of articles.
BRITS: Wanna know how late your train is? Now you can slurp straight from the source for free
National Rail Enquiries to open live database for all
Blighty’s train companies are finally opening up their live database of running services to programmers – giving third-party developers up-to-date info for free after years of criticism of the closed system.…
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