LXer Features
LXer Weekly Roundup for 06-Apr-2008
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Apr 06, 2008
An OpenOffice Letterhead Tutorial
LXer Feature: 06-Apr-2008In this week's Roundup we have all kinds of ISO and Microsoft related articles like Microsoft's Great Besmirching, OpenXML ISO approved and Microsoft's new weapon against open source: stupidity, amongst others. Also we have So why don't I run Linux?, Time is right for Linux PCs to emerge, Linux's Impact: The Return of XP and we have a tutorial written by Thomas King on how set up a letterhead in OpenOffice. With April fools just having passed I decided not to have a FUD section this week, it would have been just a little too much fun.
By Thomas King - Apr 03, 2008
LXer Weekly Roundup for 30-Mar-2008LXer Feature: 3-Apr-2008
This tutorial is a guideline on making your own letterhead on Open Office. Although there are letterhead templates in the wild, you may have a design in mind that you can only put together yourself. This should give you enough background information to do this on your own. Depending on how much glitter you want on it, it may take some artistic skill - sorry, I cannot impart that in this document. :)
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Mar 30, 2008
A response to Patrick Durusau: Who Loses If OpenXML Loses?
LXer Feature: 30-Mar-2008In this weeks Roundup we have alternative development tools for Linux, hacker super bowl pits Mac OS Vs. Linux and Vista, is open source anti-American? and What CAN’T Linux do? Also, the Var guy suggests that Costco's not mentioning Linux in their marketing of the Eee PC is a good thing and in our FUD section we a couple of articles about the OOXML vote and our own Sander Marechal responds to Patrick Durusau's letter.
By Sander Marechal ('s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands) - Mar 26, 2008
LXer Weekly Roundup for 23-Mar-2008This is a response to Patrick Durusau's recent letter Who loses if OpenXML loses?. The only one who loses if DIS 29500 fails is Microsoft, whose Office 2007 cashcow will run into trouble. Everyone else, including the OpenDocument Format, do not need an ISO stamp of approval on DIS 29500. The current Ecma 376 standard, flawed as it is, is more than enough to work with. Read more to find out why.
Updated on 26-Mar-2008 12:34 PM I emailed a copy of this article to Patrick and he responded. I have posted his response at the bottom of the article.
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Mar 23, 2008
LXer Weekly Roundup for 16-Mar-2008
LXer Feature: 23-Mar-2008In this week's roundup we have an early look at KDE 4.1, the Supreme Court rejects Microsoft's Novell appeal - 12 years later! 25 Simple Games for Linux, CodeWeavers to release CrossOver Games, A Wine 1.0 release in our lifetime and reviews of Spicebird and Clonezilla. To wrap things up we have two FUD articles, an old argument about Linux viruses and Apple fixes some Open Source Vulnerabilities.
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Mar 16, 2008
Care and Feeding of Baby Linux Users
LXer Feature: 16-Mar-2008In this week's Roundup we have several Microsoft related articles, how to back up Linux with ease, a petition for open standards in the European Parliament, 10 Linux commands you’ve never used, OLPC: one virus per child and the future belongs to Linux. Ken Starks tells us "You only know good when you've seen bad..." and our own Carla Schroder replies with the "Care and Feeding of Baby Linux Users" and we have a couple of FUD articles for your enjoyment as well.
By Carla Schroder - Mar 15, 2008
LXer Weekly Roundup for 9-Mar-2008
LXer Feature: 15-Mar-2008This brand-new Linux user, this refugee from the Redmond wastelands, was stretching her wings and trying to fly. She edited xorg.conf all by herself, though not quite the right way. She exposed a bug in Ken's customer support (don't use writable CDs for recovery disks). Now how many new Linux users can even find xorg.conf, let alone have the boldness to muck with it? Or even experienced users? The Ubuntu forums are cram-full of command-line fear and loathing; the very sight of a text file drives them into seizures. I think Paula's eagerness to explore and try new things should be rewarded.
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Mar 09, 2008
LXer Weekly Roundup for 2-Mar-2008
LXer Feature: 9-Mar-2008This week in the LXer Weekly Roundup we have, a Linux Powered Mini PC, What is your favorite scripting language?, The latest Mandriva release, Red Hat calls strike one against Microsoft, WaSP gives browsers "fail" grade and How to create a Linux box for your Mom. Plus,Amazon's Linux answer to iTunes is a winner, Linux clocks double-digit growth and real results on the power of the OLPC computers in Astounded in Arahuay
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Mar 02, 2008
LXer Weekly Roundup for 24-Feb-2008
LXer Feature: 2-Mar-2008In this week's LXer Roundup, speed up your Linux with Preload, KDE 4: Wow Factor Fully Engaged, learn 10 good UNIX usage habits, Richard Stallman steps back from Emacs, Best Buy Sells Linux, several articles concerning Microsoft plus audio conversion tools and Improve Security with PAM.
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Feb 24, 2008
LXer Weekly Roundup for 17-Feb-2008
LXer Feature: 24-Feb-2008In this week's LXer Roundup we have five must-have apps for a new Linux install, 11 Versions Of WINE Benchmarked, how to build your own RAID storage server, a Asus Eee PC product diary, the 2007 LinuxQuestions.org members choice winners, Linux anti-virus programs explained, Microsoft gives away its developer software and in our FUD section we have part 5 of Linux FUD patterns and a Linux advocate who gets his facts wrong, and runs with it.
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Feb 16, 2008
SCALE 6x Roundup
LXer Feature: 17-Feb-2008In this week's Roundup we have more Microsoft-Yahoo fallout, Booting Linux in under 40 seconds and Linux-Unix cheat sheets to help you remember all those commands that make you look smart in front of your friends. AMD launches a open GPU website, SCO group returns from the dead after receiving some emergency funding, a couple of articles about Linux on Mac hardware, someone asks if they should put Windows XP on their ASUS Eee PC and for a belated Valentine's day gift we have Linux, the language of love.
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Feb 14, 2008
SCALE 6x Pictures
LXer Feature: 13-Feb-2008Here is a roundup of articles from the 2008 SCALE 6x conference in Los Angeles.
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Feb 13, 2008
LXer Weekly Roundup for 10-Feb-2008
LXer Feature: 13-Feb-2008Here are some pictures I took while attending SCALE 6x this year in Los Angeles.
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Feb 11, 2008
LXer Weekly Roundup for 3-Feb-2008
LXer Feature: 10-Feb-2008This weeks Roundup has several sections this week for your reading pleasure, Linus gets quoted a lot, Microsoft cuts off access to old formats, Is MS Office adware?, Google chimes in on the Microsoft- Yahoo merger plus more. KDE 4.0.1 hits the streets, How to boot Linux in less than 40 seconds and in our FUD section a voice in the dark proclaims there is no year of the Linux desktop. Look for a SCALE roundup tomorrow where I will have pictures and a collection of SCALE related articles.
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Feb 03, 2008
Dutch government software tender favours Microsoft software
LXer Feature: 3-Feb-2008In the ramp up to SCALE next weekend we have a SCALE announcement, a concise history of Linux, Nokia acquires Trolltech. We have articles on VLAN's and Rootkit detectors on Linux, How to apply Unix philosophy to personal productivity, Eight interesting improvements in GNOME 2.22, Mythbusters- Vista gets BUSTED and the big news of the week, if not the month Microsoft offers to buy Yahoo for $44.6 Billion dollars.
By Webwereld / H.Kwint (summary & translation) - Jan 31, 2008
[ My personal opinions are between () parentheses. If you like to read a rather unbiased article, skip the bits between brackets and you should be fine - hkwint ]LXer Weekly Roundup for 27-Jan-2008(Dutch source here)
Yesterday Webwereld.nl (a Dutch IT-site called "Webworld") revealed it laid its hands on a 'non-public' document which describes a non-public tender for new software for 3k to 21k desktops for the financial department of the Dutch government. It seems the tender favours Microsoft and other closed software over other solutions leaving little chance for open source software. That's because the tender asks for support for several closed / proprietary platforms like Active Directory to manage logins and firewalls, and (the patent encumbered) .NET. After protest from society and politicians, the Dutch Minister of Finance / Vice Prime Minister, Mr. W. Bos answered the Dutch government will switch to open standards and open source software in 2012, but at the moment this is not a viable option (not viable since they are locked in rather badly it seems).
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Jan 27, 2008
LXer Weekly Roundup for 20-Jan-2008
LXer Feature: 27-Jan-2008In this week's LXer Roundup we have an article on how to access Linux partitions from Windows, should your business choose KDE or Gnome when running Linux, Ken Starks Yanks The Window Shade, The Everex Cloudbook gets ripped apart by FCC, An open letter to Linus Torvalds, Apple cripples Sun's open source jewel and a field guide to free software supporters. Plus a humorous press conference, a couple of FUD articles and Linux For The Masses? Bet On This Winner.
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Jan 20, 2008
LXer Weekly Roundup for 13-Jan-2008
LXer Feature: 20-Jan-2008With more computer manufacturers announcing their Linux pre-installed offerings and retailers announcing the availability Linux based computers in their stores, this week's Roundup should be called "Coming soon to a store near you". Lenovo is finally getting their Linux laptops to market, Acer makes a trial run of laptops with Ubuntu on them, Shuttle reveals a $200 Linux box, Sears has Freespire based PC's for $199 after rebate and Everex's 2 pound, $399 Cloudbook is coming to a Wal-Mart near you. Also, KDE 4.0 hits the streets and in a collection of Microsoft related articles McAfee "accidentally" forgets to read the license, Pamela Jones says goodbye to Mandriva and the EU opens two new investigations against Microsoft while Bill Gates offers free customized Windows Live services to Finland's primary and secondary public schools.
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Jan 13, 2008
LXer Weekly Roundup for 6-Jan-2008
LXer Feature: 13-Jan-2008In this weeks Roundup we learn how to burn a Linux ISO image on CD, some nifty OpenOffice.org extensions, gOS 2.0 Screenshots, KDE 4.0 is Released, The VAR guy dumps Open Source for Microsoft Office, an interview with Linus Torvalds, a whole slew of articles on the OLPC and XO laptop. In our FUD section we have McAfee throwing FUD at the GPL and how to be creative with an article title.
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Jan 06, 2008
Closed source is dead, open source is the way to innovation!
LXer Feature: 6-Jan-2008Happy New Year and Welcome to the first LXer Weekly Roundup of 2008. This week we have a petition for the free use of codecs, our own Carla Schroder talks about how some people should not use computers, the Top 10 Open Source applications on the desktop, 355.6 million reasons the Novell-Microsoft deal is working, Hans Kwint tells us why Open Source is the way to go, who is the most hated company in the PC industry and how to destroy the GPL from the inside.
By H.Kwint, the Netherlands - Jan 02, 2008
LXer Feature: 2-Jan-2008Unblocking Blockheads or, Some People Should Not Use Computers or, "The Marching Morons" Comes TrueLately, some articles appeared which stated the open-source way of development didn't bring us any innovation. Jaron Lanier even goes further by saying closed source is the better approach to innovation. However, these people miss a lot of important points and facts about innovation, and therefore the conclusions they make are false. Having read a lot about innovation myself lately, I will try to show that the open-source way of doing things leads to more innovation, and more important, I will give some real life examples showing the closed-source inventions aren't that innovative at all, and pointing to some open-source inventions the other writers missed.
By Carla Schroder - Dec 31, 2007
LXer Weekly Roundup for 30-Dec-2007
LXer Feature: 31-Dec-2007A sizable number of humans have devoted their lives to erecting barriers to learning anything new. You can see it when you talk to them- when something as simple as "click this button" produces a glazed expression and drool, you know you've lost them forever. Of course they'll waste hours of your time complaining about how stupid computers are. But even though it's easy money to nod and pretend to listen, and then bill them for every minute wasted on empty complaining (I never had enough nerve to charge a whining penalty, and I wish I had), it's not how I want to spend my time. Life is too short.
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Dec 30, 2007
The Chumby: Fun, Hackable and full of Potential
LXer Feature: 30-Dec-2007In this week's LXer Roundup we have several OLPC articles, Carla Schroder gives a tutorial on building your own Linux music studio, Steven Rosenberg pits Debian Etch with Xfce and Damn Small Linux with JWM/Fluxbox against each other, SCO gets delisted, Why there's more to Linux than Ubuntu, Linus talks about Linux and a great review of the Chumby by our very own Sander Marechal.
By Sander Marechal ('s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands) - Dec 28, 2007
LXer Weekly Roundup for 23-Dec-2007
LXer Feature: 29-Dec-2007
Thanks to a friend who knew a friend who knew someone else, I was lucky enough to get my hands on a Chumby for a few days even though it is only available as a limited preview and not outside the Unites States. It's probably one of the first Chumbies in Europe. I only had it a few days as it was only lent to me by the owner, but this gave me ample opportunity to play with the device, give a thorough review and hack it a little. And what fun I have had!
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Dec 23, 2007
LXer Weekly Roundup for 16-Dec-2007
LXer Feature: 23-Dec-2007It looks like people are starting to get their hands on some OLPC's and the reviews have started coming in too. We also have a review of Carla Schroder's new book, KOffice takes a stand against OOXML, screenshots of the BBS's new iPlayer and Damn Small Linux 4.2, Open Source alternatives to Adobe, how to make a holiday slideshow and one of our readers has a Debian adventure of their own.
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Dec 16, 2007
Test: Do Linux filesystems need defragmentation?
LXer Feature: 16-Dec-2007In this weeks roundup Andy Updegrove continues his series on ODF vs. OOXML, Open Source Fonts, a new version of Picasa for Linux, our own Hans Kwint asks "Do Linux filesystems need defragmentation?", KDE takes a stand on OOXML and Carla Schroder gives her advice to those brave enough to run Debian Volatile. Also, Microsoft decides to stay quiet on what Unix code it may own, someone figures out how to get a OLPC laptop to run XP, why the NYSE using Linux is important and Richard Stallman finally goes off the deep end.
By H.Kwint (The Netherlands) - Dec 10, 2007
LXer Feature: 10-Dec-2007 Back in 1999 I remember the first PC entered our house coming preloaded with Windows 98. One of the things I liked about it was the defragmentation screen where blocks presenting 'datablocks' on the harddrive were moving over the screen for almost eternally. I remember at that time it seemed like a logical maintenance requirement for any filesystem.LXer Weekly Roundup for 09-Dec-2007However, when I started using Linux four years later, I was told that with Linux I didn't need to defragment my filesystems anymore, since Linux filesystems don't get fragmented in first place. At that time it left me puzzled, but after a few years of using Linux without defragmenting my filesystems - and without any problems! - it seemed defragmentation was something antique. Nonetheless I still wondered how on earth it was possible the 100k+ files in Gentoo's portage system - updated every time I synchronize the portage tree - didn't fragment my filesystem. Or was my filesystem fragmented and did I not know?
Only recently, I found a script that is actually able to put numbers to all this gut-feelings, and the results were quite surprising in my opinion.
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Dec 09, 2007
LXer Weekly Roundup for 02-Dec-2007
LXer Feature: 09-Dec-2007In this weeks roundup we have several articles concerning the OLPC and Microsoft. Plus the MPAA is forced to take down its university toolkit, Dell may have helped boost Linux's market share, when bad things happen with your good software, a review of Mint 4.0 and the X11 Desktop Environment. I wrap things up with a couple of funny articles about 'someone' dropping support for OOXML and trusting your bartender, enjoy!
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Dec 02, 2007
LXer Weekly Roundup for 25-Nov-2007
LXer Feature: 02-Dec-2007This week we have the beginnings of a book for Andy Upgrove, a couple articles about Firefox, Richard Stallman's guide to writing, South Africa, Netherlands and Korea move towards ODF support, Ten things you can do to help open source and Microsoft spreads the FUD with a Windows to Linux Security comparison.
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Nov 25, 2007
LXer Weekly Roundup for 18-Nov-2007
LXer Feature: 25-Nov-2007How do you release your version of Linux without actually releasing it? Just ask Google, whether by coincidence or design Walmart has started selling computers pre-installed with a version of Linux called "gOS" that is seriously Google centric and guess what? Its not a bad little distro and the computers? They're selling like hotcakes. We have some Linux gaming news, One shoppers Linux inspired assault on Black Friday, Macedonian Students start to get there Edubuntu computers and a funny take on SCO's lawsuit.
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Nov 18, 2007
LXer Weekly Roundup for 11-Nov-2007
LXer Feature: 18-Nov-2007With the holidays upon us I thought a Top-10 gift ideas for the Linux Gadget Geek would be good reading. gOS makes a big splash, Info and opinion on Walmart selling $199 PC's, a DSL 4.0 review, Linux continues to dominate the TOP500 World’s Fastest Supercomputers, Forrester thinks that Linux is for real, Carla Schroder continues her "Linux Backups For Real People" series and a computer consultant finally installs Windows..for the first time ever.
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Nov 11, 2007
LXer Weekly Roundup for 04-Nov-2007
LXer Feature: 11-Nov-2007Some of the big stories this week include the Open Document Foundation, a call for papers for SCaLE 6x, four ways to extract the current directory name, the BBC admits a massive underestimate of its Linux users, Linux Backups For Real People, Part 2, a Linux game company opens its doors, Vista vs. desktop Linux: One year in and never use Babel Fish to talk to a foreign minister.
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Nov 04, 2007
LXer Weekly Roundup for 28-Oct-2007
LXer Feature: 04-Nov-2007I have a slew of great articles for you in this week's Roundup starting with a trick most FOSS users already know of, how to crack Windows passwords with Linux. Plus Andy Updegrove sets the Record Straight on (Non)Voting in SC 34, Phoronix reviews ATI: Linux vs. Windows Vista, François Bancilhon of Mandriva writes an open letter to Steve Ballmer, new Asus laptop and Everex desktop offerings, an interview with Pamela Jones of Groklaw, Carla Schroder's Tutorial: Linux Backups For Real People, Part 1 and an Italian Judge Tells HP To Refund Pre-Installed XP.
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Oct 28, 2007
Adventures in Digital Photography With Linux, part 5: Aperture, Shutter Speeds, and ISO
LXer Feature: 28-Oct-2007It looks like it was a busy week in Open Source News. Carla Schroder continues her series on digital photography with part 5, Microsoft concedes in European antitrust case, Where are the American Linux desktop users?, GIMP 2.4.0 is released, a NY investment company offers to buy SCO for $36M, a Battle For Wesnoth game review and ripping and encoding audio files in Linux. In our funny article of the week we have, The World's toughest jobs: Microsoft's interoperability chief, funny stuff.
By Carla Schroder - Oct 22, 2007
LXer Weekly Roundup for 21-Oct-2007
LXer Feature: 22-Oct-2007Welcome back! In part 4 we ranged all over the place, from how to manage and edit your photo archives with Linux, some discussion on choosing lenses, and finally getting down to the most important part of getting high-quality photographs: understanding aperture, shutter speeds, and ISO. Part 4 covered the fundamentals of aperture, so let's leap in to shutter speeds and ISO. This applies to point-and-shoot cameras as well as the fancy DSLRs with herds of different lenses; if you don't understand these three photography fundamentals, you won't understand how to get the best photos.
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Oct 21, 2007
Day two at T-DOSE
LXer Feature: 21-Oct-2007Some of the big stories this week include Linux vs. Windows Power Usage, Microsoft gets two licences approved by the OSI, Kevin Carmony switches to Ubuntu and on top of all that we have a slew of LXer features including a couple of reports from T-DOSE, Carla Schroder continues her series on Digital Photography and a reader submitted article with some advice for those trying to decide between Windows or Linux.
By Sander Marechal, The Netherlands - Oct 16, 2007
Adventures in Digital Photography With Linux, part 4: Fundamentals
LXer Feature: 16-Oct-2007Sunday was the second day of T-DOSE in Eindhoven, The Netherlands, a technical open source event aimed at developers. See our previous article for the coverage of the first day. Today's topics: Search Engine development with AdvaS, A GNU Edu overview, Sebastian Kügler about KDE 4.0 and an overview of Free Software events in Europe. I was also able to talk in person with a few people, such as Olivier Cleynen, who's presentation from yesterday about FOSS marketing is also covered in today's article.
By Carla Schroder - Oct 15, 2007
Choosing Windows vs. Linux - Which One & Why & What Lies Ahead!
LXer Feature: 15-Oct-2007So far in this randomly-appearing series I haven't talked all that much about Linux, but mostly camera gear. Today I'm going to talk about photography fundamentals. Because a skilled person can use an image editor to doctor any photo to look like anything, but for me that is not the point. I'm not interested in devoting my life to repairing inferior photos; I want to take the best-quality pictures possible and not have to spend endless hours mucking about to make them look like anything. So step one is Find Good Camera Equipment, and step two is Learn To Use It.
By cyneuron - Oct 14, 2007
With the arrival of Windows Vista , lots of people are looking for alternatives. And Linux has emerged as the best contender. As I have used Windows XP and Linux for last 5 years, and Vista since its release. I thought why not write an article for the people who may want to know/use/switch to Linux from Windows.LXer Weekly Roundup for 14-Oct-2007
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Oct 14, 2007
Day one at T-DOSE
LXer Feature: 14-Oct-2007I have a lot of big stories for you this week. Linus gets mad, Amsterdam's open source test is successful, Red Hat and Novell get sued with a little help from Microsoft, 12 tips for KDE users, an article on how to protect your Linux system during startup, a review of KOffice and our own Sander Marechal interviews John Hull of Dell. All this and more in the LXer Weekly Roundup.
By Sander Marechal & Hans Kwint, The Netherlands - Oct 14, 2007
LXer Feature: 14-Oct-2007The LXer Interview: John Hull of DellIn its second year, T-Dose, the Dutch Open Source event aimed at developers takes place in Eindhoven. Your two LXer editors went there to find out what's happening and what's new in open-source land. Todays topics include QTopia for PDA's and smartphones, open source software in the iLiad digital paper device, KDE4 application programming, the Lodel publishing tool, efficient data structures and how to overtake proprietary software without writing code.
By Sander Marechal - Oct 12, 2007
LXer Weekly Roundup for 07-Oct-2007
LXer Feature: 12-Oct-2007It has been over four months since Dell started shipping computers preloaded with Ubuntu GNU/Linux to home consumers in the United States. Lets take a moment to look at the progress that has been made so far. John Hull, manager of the Linux Engineering team in Austin was kind enough to let me interview him by e-mail. Besides commenting on the current state of affairs with Ubuntu on Dell machines, he also offers some insight in how the Linux team at Dell works and opens a small window into the future of Linux at Dell.
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Oct 07, 2007
Heroes of Linux and FOSS: Ken Starks, AKA Helios
LXer Feature: 07-Oct-2007Some of the big articles this week include Mono becomes a trap, are computers sold with no OS profitable?, an editorial by Carla Schroder, Swedish police save 400 cars by using MySQL, Is Ubuntu losing its crown to PCLinuxOS?, The Next Leap for Linux and a tribute to Ken Starks. All this and more in the LXer Weekly Roundup.
By Carla Schroder - Oct 04, 2007
Linux Journal: How Not To Run A Business
LXer Feature: 04-Oct-2007This was originally going to be a comment attached to Build 'em Right, Build 'em Strong, Build 'em Linux. Then it grew and grew, and I decided that Ken deserved his own feature. And then I realized that there are a lot of unsung heroes of FOSS, so watch this space for future installments. I encourage all of you fine LXers to write your own "Heroes" features- there are a lot of people out there who deserve some recognition.
By Carla Schroder - Oct 01, 2007
LXer Weekly Roundup for 30-Sept-2007
LXer Feature: 01-Oct-2007I have to wonder- where on Earth did Ms. Fairchild get the idea that alienating her customers is a good business practice? So what if she finds sexist, demeaning humor funny? It doesn't belong in Linux Journal. I paid my subscription money in good faith for many years, trusting to receive good Linux articles. If I want to read about blowjobs or read about how helpless and stupid women are, I don't expect to find it in Linux Journal. There are abundant sources for that elsewhere.
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Sep 30, 2007
Linux Education in America: Inspiration from Russia?
LXer Feature: 30-Sept-2007Big stories this week include the "Give one, get one" OLPC promotion, an LXer Feature by Paul Ferris entitled, Linux Education in America: Inspiration from Russia?, The 7 Most Influential GNU/Linux Distributions, The Top 21 Linux Games Of 2007, GPLv2 and GPLv3 for beginners, Slackware: the classic distro and an article you shouldn't read.
By Paul (FeriCyde) Ferris - Sep 24, 2007
LXer Feature: 24-Sept-2007LXer Weekly Roundup for 23-Sept-2007The reason that the Russian announcement is funny boils down to the perception over the years that Russia equates to totalitarianism, whilst here in America we're all about Freedom and innovation. Yet our educational system -- the very underpinnings of how we're growing out future technological talent, is based upon the inversion of what one would expect given the respective reputations of both countries.
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Sep 23, 2007
The LXer Interview: Benedikt Meurer of Xfce
LXer Feature: 23-Sept-2007Some of the big stories this week include: A non-profit that refurbishes computers with FOSS get hassled by the EPA, Microsoft wants in on the OLPC, SCO blames Linux for having to file for Chapter 11 and IBM joins up with OpenOffice.org and then releases its own free office suite. All this and more in the LXer Weekly Roundup.
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Sep 19, 2007
Linux Freedom Never Cries
LXer Feature: 19-Sept-2007I interview one of the lead developers of the Xfce desktop environment, in The LXer Interview of Benedikt Meurer.
By Paul (FeriCyde) Ferris - Sep 17, 2007
LXer Feature: 17-Sep-2007As I write this, I'm two weeks away from Ohio Linux Fest, a community event in Ohio focused upon Free Software.
I get to use Linux a lot these days. It's ingrained in my professional and personal life so much that it's easy to forget just how much territory the Free Software movement has gained. That realization made me aware that possibly we've taken a lot for granted.
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