Fixing Akonadi's warning of the non-existing leap second table

Posted by hkwint on Nov 19, 2010 2:41 PM
LXer Linux News; By H.Kwint - The Netherlands

LXer Feature: 19-Nov-2010

Ever since I installed Kontact 4.5, it has been showing an MySQL warning when starting. The exact error in the logs is:

Can't open and lock time zone table: Table 'mysql.time_zone_leap_second' doesn't exist trying to live without them

While it's only a warning, I don't like to have my logs filled with warnings. Hence, I went on a hunt to prevent this warning. Lots of posts said this issue is fixed in newer versions (certainly not for me!), or it doesn't matter. But that wasn't good enough for me so I felt relieved when I found a workaround yesterday, which I shall explain below.

Now, please mind I'm only a noob when it comes to databases and MySQL. So as a result I may be using the wrong terms, but I'll try anyway:

Besides my desktop, I recently hired a Virtual Private Server. It runs Debian Lenny, and I installed MySQL on it as well. Normally when connecting, this is done using the socket "/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock", the 'default instance' of MySQL.
Akonadi however uses its own 'local instance' of MySQL, which also uses another socket. Now, let's find out the difference between the two. We start with the Debian server.

  1. First, we connect to MySQL as root:
    $ mysql -u root -p
  2. Then, we list all databases:
    mysql > show databases;
  3. It shows a database called 'mysql' exists. This one stores settings of MySQL itself. Let's use it:
    mysql > use mysql;
  4. So, let's see which tables are in this database:
    mysql > show tables;
  5. Now, we see a time_zone_leap_second table is present!

Now, let's try the same with the local Akonadi MySQL instance: Step 1 becomes

  1. mysql -S ${HOME}/.local/share/akonadi/db_misc/mysql.socket

However, when performing step 2, we notice there's no database called 'mysql' here, so there can't be a leap second table in it as well! Luckily, fixing the issue is easy. In a shell, just enter

  • $ mysql_install_db --datadir=${HOME}/.local/share/akonadi/db_data/

and you should be fine! You can use the commands shown above to check the table is really existing in Akonadi's local MySQL database now.

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