"mv Linux.org GetGNULinux.org"

Story: The Linux Desktop MythTotal Replies: 6
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Aug 18, 2006
9:51 PM EDT
Quoting from the article:

Quoting:The first place I went (what I thought made sense) was Linux.org. It was a confusing site with many links. The download link takes you nowhere and asks you to go to the distributions link. Some of the download links were to older versions of distros. I didn't know which distro to pick or what distinguished one distro from another. There seemed to be hundreds of distros available.

There is now a much better place to start for those who decided to try GNU/Linux for the first time: http://www.getgnulinux.org/

It currently recommends Ubuntu and SuSE, but we are discussing possible alternatives, at least to SuSE, among other things regarding the further improvement of the site: http://www.nuxified.org/forum/105


EDIT: Just to note for clarity's sake. That project is started by Olivier Cleynen. Nuxified.org just hosts the discussion forum for the site.

Aug 18, 2006
10:03 PM EDT
Thanks for the clarification, Libervis.

I went to Linux.org in June 2004--over two years ago. I'm glad to hear it's improved since then.

Aug 18, 2006
10:42 PM EDT
No problem aysiu. Linux.org is still pretty much the way it was. GetGNULinux.org is a new independant site.

Btw, that was overall a great article. :)


Aug 18, 2006
10:58 PM EDT
Oh, I guess I misread your first post!

So Linux.org is still not that great?

I did check out getgnulinux.org, and I wish I'd seen that two years ago (or that it'd been around then). It's straightforward and inviting--not cluttered at all.

Aug 18, 2006
11:09 PM EDT
Yep, Linux.org still seems to be the old self.

But now there's a better alternative.

Aug 19, 2006
9:11 AM EDT
You migh consider our GNU/Linux PC vendor list (recent):


Dave is working at making the list available as a database right here on LXer. :-)

Aug 19, 2006
7:07 PM EDT
Yep, I am refering people to that list when I get a chance. Good to hear it may be browsable in a friendlier manner soon. :)

Btw, there is now a new site out which aims to complement GetGNULinux.org: http://polishlinux.org/vortal/polishlinuxorg-got-out-of-beta...

I'll see if I can get the two projects to cooperate as that seems logical. In fact it's three projects now (if you count Nuxified forums we use). ;)

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