Apparently they switched to a *.org...

Story: Linux's DistroWatch site stumblesTotal Replies: 6
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Jul 07, 2014
1:35 AM EDT
Apparently they switched to a *.org... So, if you go to ... you'll get them just fine...

Jul 07, 2014
2:32 AM EDT
Maybe not 'just fine'. Using the search text-entry links to the dot-com side, which goes straight to the 'unavailable -- has issues" parking page. If you manually change the URL to *.org, the site ignores the CGI argument, going instead back to the *.org front page. Clicking on one of the announcement titles goes to the appropriate page, but somebody's got some homework to do.

Jul 07, 2014
11:59 AM EDT
At the present moment, redirects to my ISP's Webhelper page, which is the functional equivalent of 404 Not Found.

Jul 07, 2014
1:43 PM EDT
The message at the following link:

... reads:
Quoting: domain name status

As many of you noticed, the domain name was suspended by the domain's registrar, Doteasy, last Sunday. I don't want to go into details about what exactly happened as it's a long and boring story. Suffice to say that I feel grossly aggrieved by the series of greedy and even malicious actions taken by Doteasy and as soon as I get this sorted out, I will be looking into transferring the domain name to another registrar. If any of you have a recommendation for a good registrar (preferably with customer support personnel that is competent), please let me know in the comments section below or send me an email to (the mail service has also been suspended by Doteasy).

Jul 07, 2014
1:53 PM EDT
Many thanks to JaseP for the info! is working perfectly for me.

Jul 07, 2014
5:02 PM EDT
>> Suffice to say that I feel grossly aggrieved by the series of greedy and even malicious actions taken by Doteasy and as soon as I get this sorted out, I will be looking into transferring the domain name to another registrar.

thanks also, to Jasep,

Short on the top of my conspiracy list for the REAL reason behind Doteasy's suspension are definitely the NSA and M$. Tinfoil Hat me!


Jul 07, 2014
6:23 PM EDT
Quoting:Short on the top of my conspiracy list for the REAL reason behind Doteasy's suspension are definitely the NSA and M$. Tinfoil Hat me!

Well, considering that Linux people are now extremists, it only makes sense to target the gathering spot.

(Does the tinfoil hat make my head look fat?)

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