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Startup unleashes low-cost, secure, IoT cloud service

Ayla Networks announced a partnership with USI to develop wireless modules enabled with Ayla’s “Internet of Things” connectivity platform. The Ayla Platform, unveiled last month, offers a cost-effective way to implement secure device-to-device communications via an embedded software or hardware component, and provides end-user access to Ayla-enabled devices via Android and iOS mobile apps.

Intel Releases System Studio Extended For Linux

For benefiting embedded Linux developers with greater system performance and power efficiency, Intel has ported their System Studio Extended software to Linux.

Announcing the release of Fedora 19

The Fedora Project is delighted to announce the release of Fedora 19 ("Schrödinger's Cat"). Open the box and take a look for yourself!

Summer fun: Android 4.3 leaks, Google gadget rumors

  •; By Eric Brown (Posted by bob on Jul 2, 2013 5:31 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Android
Android 4.3 firmware for the Samsung Galaxy S4 was leaked, revealing new features like battery-friendly WiFi hotspot searching and a more power-stingy version of Bluetooth. Meanwhile, a Wall Street Journal report suggests Google is working on its own Android-based game console, as well as a smartwatch and a new version of the Nexus Q media player, and is prepping new low-end smartphones for emerging markets.

News: Linux 3.10 Improves Multi-tasking and SSD Caching

What are the top three new features of the latest Linux kernel?

Tiny control computer runs Linux on Atmel ARM9 SoC

Artila Electronics began shipping a new version of its tiny ARM9-based control computer, with Linux 2.6 pre-installed. The Matrix-505 is equipped with a 400MHz Atmel AT91SAM9G45 SoC, provides two Fast Ethernet ports, and is designed for headless applications using browser-based monitoring and control. The Matrix-505 is a variation on the company’s earlier Matrix-504 model, featuring [...]

Microsoft partners seriously underwhelmed by Windows 8.1

Can we sell it? No, non, nein Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer promised a flood of touch-enabled devices to fill the market as he previewed Windows 8.1, but is the technology channel raring to snap them up? Not really, it seems.…

On a mission to change the citizen experience

  • (Posted by bob on Jun 28, 2013 1:10 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Interview
In this episode of the Dave and Gunnar Show, I interviewed's lead project manager, Jason Hibbets. He recently self-published a book advocating for citizen involvement in local government and shared with us how it's changing everything. Listeners get insight into how the open source way is shaping how citizens influence change and progress in cities across the US. Jason also shares tips for self-publishing with, how to run a successful crowdfunding campaign, steps for planning your own unconference, like CityCamp, and how he got started with Code for America.

Fedora 19 is go for release

In an on-line meeting of Fedora developers today, the unanimous decision was reached to approve "Release Candidate RC3" as the final Fedora 19 which has been dubbed "Schrödinger's Cat".

How to get a class involved with an open source project

We talk about "community" a lot when it comes to open source, but it's important to remember that just like local communities within a city, town, state, and country, each community has its own culture. One community is not just like another. Each has its own ways of communication and tracking and decision-making. Processes for code submission differ—perhaps two communities both use Bugzilla, but with different flags. Others require you to also alert a mailing list. A large software project may even have smaller sub-communities within it with their own customs and quirks.

Linux-friendly development board supports TI AM1705 SoC

Modulixtech announced a development board based on a Texas Instruments AM1705 ARM9 system-on-chip, supported by ready-to-run ports of Buildroot embedded Linux and the U-Boot bootloader. The EVB1L board provides Ethernet, serial, USB, and MMC/SD expansion, is implemented on a 158 x 100mm Eurocard form factor, and provides PC/104-style expansion. Modulixtech is a small Malta-based consultancy [...]

50 community building tips from Feverbee

If you're looking for a few immediately useful actions for community building, here are 50 that might help.

Find an open source RSS reader today

We'll be quick about this. Google Reader is shutting down on Monday. This is disappointing to more than a few RSS junkies—and we get it. We're right there with you. In our recent poll, many folks from our community told us they're seeking alternatives to Google's beloved tool. So that you don't miss a single unread item, and for those of you who have been searching for an open source RSS reader, we've put together a short list of Google Reader replacements.

The Best and Worst Features of Linux Desktops

  • Datamation; By Bruce Byfield (Posted by bob on Jun 26, 2013 6:19 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews
In any given week, I am likely to use two or three Linux desktop environments. Partly, I switch so often to keep up to date. But the main reason is that, whatever environment I am using, I soon become aware of its shortcomings and start thinking of another's advantages.

Shisutena to launch a 10 inch Tizen Linux tablet in Japan

  • liliputing (Posted by bob on Jun 26, 2013 5:22 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Mobile
Smartphones and tablets running the Tizen operating system are expected to hit the streets this year, and it looks like Japan could be a good place to find some of the first. Hot on the heels of news that wireless carrier NTT DoComo would offer one of the first Tizen-powered phones, a company called Shisutena has announced it’s developed a 10 inch Tizen tablet. Tizen is a Linux-based operating system which places a heavy emphasis on web technologies. Third-party apps, for instance, can be written in HTML5 and JavaScript.

Munich to distribute Linux CDs to get people to ditch Windows XP

  • Geek; By Lee Mathews (Posted by bob on Jun 26, 2013 4:25 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Next year, the Munich city council plans to distribute two thousand copies of Lubuntu to local residents who still own computers running Windows XP.

Introducing Sony SmartWatch 2

Today Sony announced a smart watch with a sunlight readable 220x176 pixel display, and NFC pairing to the Android smartphone in your pocket.

Want a cloud where you call the shots? Consider ownCloud

  • ZDNet | Linux And Open Source Blog RSS (Posted by bob on Jun 25, 2013 10:43 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux; Story Type: News Story
If you want an easy-to-use, private open-source cloud for your needs, the new ownCloud may just be what the CIO ordered.

Desperate times call for Tux Paint

  • (Posted by bob on Jun 25, 2013 9:46 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Bill Kendrick created Tux Paint in only a couple of days. A friend asked why there wasn't a free and open source drawing program for kids, something like GIMP. Bill chuckled, knowing that many adults have a hard time learning how to use GIMP, much less kids. He replied, "I can probably put something together." 

Linux Top 3: Linux 3.10 and GNOME 3.10 Updates Near

New kernel, new GNOME and a new Linux Mint KDE release

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