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Red Hat Creates JBoss Stack

  • SYS-CON Media; By Enterprise Open Source News Desk (Posted by bob on Sep 24, 2006 12:55 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: JBoss, Linux, Red Hat
Red Hat has integrated JBoss, which it acquired 90 days ago, into Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and put the resulting Red Hat Application Stack (RHAS) up for sale as a new subscription possibility...

How to get root on a Linux box, step 1: Make four billion system calls

Step 2: ??? Step 3: /# Oh look, it's another Linux kernel bug that allows a local user to escalate themselves to root.…

Is blockchain a security topic?

  • (Posted by bob on Jul 1, 4000 5:40 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Blockchains are big news at the moment. There are conferences, startups, exhibitions, open source projects (in fact, pretty much all of the blockchain stuff going on out there is open source—look at Ethereum, Zcash, and Bitcoin as examples); all we need now are hipster-run blockchain-themed cafés.1 If you're looking for an initial overview, you could do worse than the Wikipedia entry—but that's not the aim of this post. read more

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