Showing headlines posted by asanabria6910

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How to get information from the Netscaler using Python and Suds

Recently I just started to use the Citrix Netscalers again ( Load Balancers ). Being the person that I am, I wanted a way to grab the information using the SOAP API. Now Citrix has a ton of documentation for Perl/C/C# and Java ( None for Python ). SOAP client support has not been the best for Python, in my opinion. I know you have soappy/ZSI, which I have had issues with consuming Broken WSDL files ( Having to fix the Broken WSDL file manually, SUCKS!). Just 2 weeks ago, I encountered SUDS. This module is by far, the best SOAP client for Python.

HowTo Manage your networked devices using Python and Pexpect

This is my first release of The tool gives you the ability to manage your network devices with out having to purchase a product like Cisco's LMS or go through the planning phase of deploying a product like func. Each of the tools I mentioned before, only have the ability to manage devices in their realm. Func supports Linux devices and Cisco LMS supports only Cisco devices. This tool has one goal. And that is to update your devices with out deploying any software to your remote devices. All you need is either telnet or ssh access to your devices and Python2.4 or better with Pexpect installed. Once you have those 2 requirements fullfilled, then you are pretty much ready to go.

LD Port Report 1.12 update, Can now Follow CDP neighbors during the report option.

We are happy to announce the release of Port Report 1.12. In this release, we can now follow CDP Neighbors while using the --report or -r options. Before when you used the --report option, the script will report on just that one switch. Now if you pass the --follow or -f option with the --report or -r option, port_report will follow the CDP neighbors and create multiple CSV files.

HowTo find the port on a switch that a host belongs to, Update 1.11

We are happy to announce the release of Port Report 1.11. In this release, we have fixed quite a few bugs that were in the previous release. But what we are proud to announce in this release, is the following of EtherChannel aka PortChannel Ports using the Port Agreggation Protocol. Release notes are below....

HowTo get CDP neighbor information through Python and SNMP

This new script is for Network Engineers and System Engineers a like. Though I must admit it is more for the System Engineers who do not have access to the command line on the CDP enabled device. Have you ever wanted to know what CDP enabled devces ( and info related to those devices ) that were directly connected to your your Core Switch? But you just do not have the access to get that info. But you do have access to the monitoring system, which has SNMP access to the Core Switch. Well this is where my script comes into play... Stay tuned for updates, as I'm planning on adding to this script. So you can run it with the detail option and a detail port option.

How to monitor your Red Hat Cluster using Python and SNMP

Now that I am done with the implementation of RHE Cluster with GFS2, I now need to setup monitoring. As you all know, monitoring is a vital part of any environment. Even though we have a cluster of nodes setup, we still need to be aware of what is happening. I created two new commands. The first command is to emulate clustat, but through python and SNMP. The second command is to monitor the cluster using snmp and python ( Nagios/Zenoss Comapatible ).

HowTo setup a Quorum Disk under Red Hat Linux

Today's tutorial will be on the infamous Quorum disk. When I first setup my GFS2 shared Cluster of 3 nodes, I was quite impressed with the fact that 3 nodes were sharing the same file system. Now that everything was up and running, I wanted to see what would happen if I brought down, 2 out of the 3 nodes in the cluster. I turned off 1st node and all was well, I was still able to access my GFS2 mount on the other 2 nodes. Then I decided to reboot the 2nd node, and guess what happened???? QUORUM DISSOLVED!!! Now on my final node the GFS2 file system was still mounted but I could not touch a file or run a ls on the mount... It just hung there!!

HowTo Increase GFS2 Performance in a Cluster

In the last HowTo, I showed you how to setup GFS2 file system with Red Hat Clustering. I will now show you how to optimize the performance of your GFS2 mounts. The gfs_controld daemon manages the mounting, unmounting, and the recovery of the GFS2 mounts. gfs_controld also manages the posix lock. By default the plock_rate_limit option is set to 100. This will allow a maximum of 100 locks per second, which will decrease your GFS2 performance.

HowTo setup GFS2 with Clustering on Red Hat or CentOS

In my last project at work, I had to replace NFS with GFS2 and Clustering. So in this tutorial I will show you how to create a Red Hat cluster with GFS2. I will also show you how to optimize GFS2 performance in the next HowTo, because you will quickly notice some loss of performance until you do a little optimization first.I will 1st show you how do build a Cluster with GFS2 on the Command Line and in the next tutorial I will show you how to do the same thing using Conga. In this tutorial I am using 3 CentOS Virtual Machines in VMware ESX 3.5. For the GFS2 File System I am using a vmdk built with the thick option, that is shared among all the Virtual Machines. You also can use iscsi or fiber... This option is up to you.

Fedora 11 ScreenShots

Here we bring you ScreenShots of the Fedora 11 Installation process, as well with some of the apps that Fedora brings. Now I personally have not been a Fedora/RedHat fan for the Desktop environment since RedHat 7.3. After going through the install process and playing around for about 15 minutes, the only thing that I found impressive was how fast Fedora 11 booted. I know I will get flamed for the previous comment but this is my personal opinion.

Linux Mint 7 ScreenShots

Here we bring you yet another set of Screen Shots, but this time it is of Linux Mint 7 ( Gloria ). Let me start off by saying this... I've been using/managing Linux for almost 11 years now and I want a desktop that just works.. I am so out of that phase on making things work together ( Unless it is programming ). Linux Mint has done that for me, so I really want to say THANK YOU to Linux Mint Staff and Users for all the work you guys have done and for taking the time to make my life easier.

LD Port Report Project aka Switch Port Mapper Tool

The Port Report Project is essentially a Switch Port Mapper Tool or a Switch Port Mapping Tool like a few other commercial products out there, except The Port Report Project is free. Right now there is no GUI or WEB interface for the project but it is in the works. This project started off as being a simple 150 line script that did something quite simple... Its only purpose was to find MAC Addresses on a switch. Then I was asked could you also search by IP, so I added that. Now I was asked to search by Port, so I added that. Well you get where this is all going.... My goal now is to build the equivalent of other commercial port mapping tools, but Open Source....

Switch Port Report 1.7 update

The Script has been tested with the above devices... If you have run this script against other devices, please let us know. Also the speed in the report function has drastically increased. I ran this script against a 6509 with 800+ devices connected to it in just over 2 minutes.

HowTo find the port on a switch that a host belongs to, the easy way, part 2

In my previous HowTO, I created the script. Now this script did the job, but had a few faults in it. This script has been heavily tested on Cisco Core Switches and on Cisco Catalyst Switches. So far no issues like in the previous one. This script has fixed all the issues in the prior script as well as added functionality. See some below.. Major fault was the fact that the script could not match multiple MAC Addresses per port Also if the port had multiple MAC Addresses it usually would fail while doing the search Better error checking. For example if you searched by IP Address before, the error was ambiguous. Now the error will say the IP Address you are looking for is not in the ARP Table

HowTo find the port on a switch that a host belongs to, the easy way, part 1

The other day I was speaking to a buddy of mine. I asked him how cool would it be, if you could just get the port on a switch that you are plugged into, in one line?? So since I thought about it... I figured why not.... I just finished writing the first revision ( I'm assuming more to come). I must say that I am quite pleased with it. Right now you can pass the switch you want to talk too, the community string, and either the MAC or IP address of the host device. In return you will get the MAC Address, IP Address, Port Description (VLAN), and Port you are plugged into.

HowTo check the status of one or multiple network interfaces the easy way

Today a friend of mine wanted to know how he can check the status and or speed of multiple Network Interfaces/Ports on a device ( Switch, Router, Server, etcc ) using SNMP. Specifically he wanted to know if the Interfaces/Ports are Operationally Up or Down and also if it is Administratively. Then he also wanted to know the speed of the Interfaces/Ports that were Up or Down. Now you can easily get this information through SNMP or if you have a monitoring tool like Zenoss. But he wanted a command line script that would run fairly quickly and either print the results to STDOUT or that he can pipe the ouput in an email. So I decided, ok I'll wite you a quick script in Python that will get you that information. FYI, I'm thinking of making this script compatible with the Nagios API. If you want this feature please let me know...

How to check the status of VMware Tools per virtual Machine the easy way.

The other day I was told to check and see if VMware Tools was installed on every Virtual Machine in our Cluster. I figured this was the perfect time for me to write another script to do this. Here are a list of things that I want to have in the script... List all Virtual Machines and the VMstatus and Version if installed 1- Check for toolsOK 2- Check for toolsNotInstalled 3- Check for toolsNotRunning 4- Check for toolsOld 5- And last but not least, able to do this either on a per Virtual Machine or on the entire Cluster

VMware ESX SDK SnapShot Perl Script Part 3

This is the 3rd and I think final revision of this script. I added the --list function, which before had to be combined with the --vm_name function. The main reason for creating this script was so that there can be an easy way to manage snapshots, especially automating the deletion, creation, reverting, and listing of snapshots.

Puppy 4.2 ScreenShots

This is the first time I ever used Puppy Linux and the interface is really impressive. The install was not as simple as I expected it to be. ( But then again, the Ubuntu based Distro's have spoiled me, what can i say??? :) ). Also this is the first time I used JWM ( Java Window manager ). What really grasped me about Puppy Linux was how fast the applications launched. Also Puppy Linux reminded me of Slax on how fast the applications loaded, which is a good thing.

Ubuntu 9.0.4 ScreenShots Beta

Here is my 3rd installment of the 9.0.4 Beta ScreenShots. My first ScreenShot was Kubuntu and then my 2nd one was Xubuntu. Finally I get to Ubuntu, the reason for Ubuntu being last of the ScreenShots is that it took for ever to download. So with out further ado, please enjoy the ScreenShots below....

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