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First Zenwalk live CD goes gold

The Zenwalk team on July 2 released its first live CD version, ZenLive 2.6, featuring a kernel and the latest (v4.3.90.2) XFCE windowing environment. The new distribution takes advantage of the latest current Zenwalk updates, which include extensive UDEV support.

From 0 to 1 in 100 years

  • Linux Journal; By Doc Searls (Posted by dcparris on Jul 7, 2006 9:19 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Editorial; Groups: Linux
Net Neutrality is a snowball.That is, it's an idea that started small but grew steadily as it rolled forward, gaining mass and speed as it accreted the passions and opinions of many -- on all sides of the issue. Today the topic is so large and complex that it's hard to find where it began. It has also become so highly politicized that it may sink the telecom reform legislation that carriers have been working on sincethe last round of reform, in 1996.

Debian update for xine-lib

Debian has issued an update for xine-lib. This fixes a weakness, which can be exploited by malicious people to crash certain applications on a user's system.

Firestar Files Patent Suit Against Red Hat

One IP attorney says the suit, which relates to JBoss' Hibernate 3.0 object mapping technology, could have serious ramifications for the Linux company and other software developers.

EFF Patent Busting Project

Tired of bogus software patents? So are we! To combat these annoying and often dangerous legal weapons, EFF has launched the Patent Busting Project to take down some of worst offenders.

Away From a Standard of Openness

I am, as you may have noticed, unequivocally in favor of the adoption of free and open source software by schools and governments. I have also spent a considerable portion of my career in ed-tech creating tools that support interoperability via open standards like RDF, iCalendar and SIF. Open source and open standards are two good things. So I have found it difficult to explain precisely why it is a bad idea for K-12 Open Technologies, a recent intitiative by CoSN, IBM, and the Hewlett Foundation to lump them together and promote the two concepts as "open technologies."

Software tools detect bugs by inferring programmer’s intentions

The task of debugging huge computer programs can be made faster and easier by using new software tools developed by programming experts at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Ultra-low power network appliance platform runs Linux

ARinfotek is shipping an entry-level, fanless network security appliance platform said to draw just 2.4 Watts. The Teak 3011 is based on an x86-compatible AMD Geode processor, comes housed in a compact steel chassis, and targets security appliances for SMBs (small- and medium-sized businesses).

Donate to advertise

Following the successful community-based marketing efforts that raised awareness of the FireFox browser, another grassroots organisation is planning a similar campaign to market the suite. The campaign's first project is to place a full back page advert in New York's free daily <i>Metro</i> newspaper.

The Dark Side of the Plugin

Leader of the Native Lang confederation raises suspicions about Microsoft's ODF converter plugin.

Musings From Studio Dave

  • Linux Journal; By Dave Phillips (Posted by dcparris on Jul 7, 2006 4:30 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Editorial; Groups: Linux
So now I'm a blogger. Well, this column has been a kind of journal anyway, a chronicle of my life and times in the world of Linux sound and music software, and hopefully it's as enjoyable for you to read as it is for me to write. You can expect little change from the style and content of my previous articles, despite my imminent bloggification, but in accord with the popular definitions of a blog I'll be a little less formal and sometimes a lot more personal. Not that there's much fuel for acrid controversy in the world of Linux sound and music software, but there are issues occasionally and I'd like to speak plainly regarding them.

Rethinking Community Documentation

A new era is halfway here, and nobody has recognized its impact--even though we've all participated eagerly in its arrival. The way we educate ourselves to use and program computers is shifting along many of the same historic lines as journalism, scientific publication, and other information-rich fields. Researchers have pounced on those other trends, but computer education remains short on commentary.

Government and IBM sign strategic alliance

The strategic programmes and initiatives offered by IBM include educational initiatives such as the setting up of a Linux education programme to certify Maltese students, selected by the Government, as Linux Entry Level Administrators.

Ubuntu and Debian

From the VS. dept.:
Ubuntu caused a lot of friction with and for Debian. In discussions with its founder, Mark Shuttleworth, and other Ubuntu developers during (and before) Debconf6, I was able to spell out the main criticisms from the Debian perspectives of the way Canonical/Ubuntu is handling things (without a claim to completeness). These criticisms mainly stem from discussions with fellow developers over the past 18 months, and I largely support all of them. I am publicising them here to help make the status quo more transparent.

Microsoft's Open XML Project Deemed a Short-Term Fix

Critics say the installable software plug-ins created by the Open XML Translator project are a stopgap measure that will probably not be acceptable to governments in the long run.

Toronto high school expels Linux lab

A computer science facility that had been running without a hitch for years is shut down as a Microsoft system is set up across the board. Was it a knock against open source, or just classroom politics?

[Anybody got a rope? I have pitchforks, scythes and torches. -- grouch]

Get some answers on Ubuntu Linux with this review and interview ...

Contributor Jaqui Greenlees had a few problems with his attempt to install Ubuntu Linux so he decided to confront one of the developers for some answers.

[Is this FUD or real? Is there a worse website? -- grouch]

Playing the Standards Game the Microsoft Way

Opinion: Don't believe for one second that Microsoft is actually "supporting" ODF.

Ubuntu Makes Opera 9 Available For Download

After the launch of Ubuntu 6.06 LTS, Canonical is announcing the availability of Opera 9 for Ubuntu. With just a few clicks of the mouse, all Ubuntu users can download and install the latest version of the Opera browser.

A scanner for wireless interlopers

Wireless security firm Network Chemistry recently released a cross-platform, free software security tool called RogueScanner in conjunction with its wireless network protection package RFprotect. RogueScanner, licensed under the GPL and the latest of three free software security modules available from Network Chemistry, allows you to monitor your network for rogue wireless devices. Release 1.0 comes in both Windows and Linux versions.

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