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OLS Day 4: Kroah-Hartman's Keynote Address

  • NewsForge; By David 'cdlu' Graham (Posted by dcparris on Jul 23, 2006 1:00 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Linux
The fourth and final day of the 2006 Ottawa Linux Symposium saw the annual tradition of the closing keynote address, this year by Greg Kroah-Hartman, introduced by last year's keynote speaker, Dave Jones, and the announcement of the next year's speaker.

ARTiSAN Ships ARTiSAN Studio 6.1 as OMG Announces the Adoption of SysML

ARTiSAN Studio 6.1 Includes Support for New SysML Standard

Debian update for gnupg2

Debian has issued an update for gnupg2. This fixes a vulnerability, which potentially can be exploited by malicious people to cause a DoS (Denial of Service).

AIDE Integrity Checking

  • - Feature Stories; By Chris Parker (Posted by dcparris on Jul 23, 2006 10:09 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: GNU, Linux
AIDE, Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment, is a file integrity checker, a type of intrusion det...

Suspected Weekend Hacker Attack on Ubuntu

Unfortunately three significant pieces of information seem to add up and point to a hacker attack on Ubuntu this weekend.

JEE - no funeral planned

Not surprisingly, Sun’s response to the recent report from analyst Richard Monson Haefel of The Burton Group, which suggested that Java Enterprise Edition (JEE) was effectively under a death sentence born of its over-complexity, have erred towards the dismissive.

Technalign Ships Frontier Version Of Linux

Technalign has started shipments of TaFusion MEPIS Linux Frontier. Frontier is the next generation of TaFusion MEPIS Linux that is Ubuntu based. Version XI is still available from Partners and Technalign directly. The company also announced that they would start development of the 64-bit version of the operating system to be followed by their Enterprise Server offering.

Red Hat Preps Enterprise Linux 5 Desktop

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Desktop, which is expected to move into beta testing within weeks, offers an improved desktop with enhanced graphics, Open Office 2.0, support for the Oasis file format, a new Access-like database application, improved wireless support and improved compatibility with Microsoft Office, according to a Red Hat document on the new desktop released at the company's recent summit.

Lic opts for Linux

India's biggest life insurer, the LIC, recently decided to shift its IT requirements on to Linux. Rishiraj Verma spoke to all those who were behind this landmark decision

Open-source Mesh Software Group Receives Large Grant

The National Science Foundation has awarded $500,000 in grant funding to support a research and development partnership between the Champaign-Urbana Community Wireless Network and the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. This initiative, "Toward building a Performance-Predictable Wireless Mesh Network", focuses on the development of wireless routing protocols, network testing systems, and gateway discovery in open-source technology. The grant, part of the Network Technology and Systems Program of the NSF, provides support over a three-year period.

Open source software for Palm OS

Although Palm no longer rules the PDA world, it doesn't mean that your old Palm OS device has to collect dust. You can still use it for some nifty open source applications.

Embedded Linux service gains docs, chip-specific patches

TimeSys's subscription-based online service offering for embedded developers has gained a Linux 2.6.17 reference distribution for Atmel's AT91SAM9261 SoC (system-on-chip), new 2.6.11 patches for Freescale's MPC8272-ADS PowerQUICC II development board, and documentation related to static device nodes, cross-compiling drivers, and subversion.

System Administration: Another Step toward the BIND

How important are Domain Name Services? Consider this, suppose you want to set up your own web site, you go to a commercial registrar and attempt to acquire a domain name. The purchasing process won't proceed unless you can enter the IP addresses or Internet names of two existing, registered DNS servers for your domain.

Second draft of GPL 3 due out Tuesday

The Free Software Foundation (FSF) is due to release the second draft of the GNU general public license version 3 (GPLv3) Tuesday, according to sources close to the organization.

Announcing End of Life times for various Legacy supported releases.

With Fedora Core 6 Test 2 set to be released July 26th, it is time we announce the End of Life of our various Legacy supported releases. After much discussion on fedora-legacy-list and the fedora-legacy on the freenode network, we have decided to end of life the following releases when FC6 Test2 is released.

Upcoming new Linux distro : Sectoo Linux

Sectoo Linux is an upcoming Linux distribution aimed to help all sort of people with tasks related to network security. Under the form of a LiveCD based on Gentoo Linux, you will be able to achieve tasks such as port scanning, packet sniffing, OS fingerprinting, intrusion detection, ..."

C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4 Published

Prentice Hall has published a new book, C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4, authored by Jasmin Blanchette and Mark Summerfield of Trolltech. Billed as "The Only Official Best-Practice Guide to Qt 4.1 Programming", readers will discover the most effective Qt 4 programming patterns and techniques as one masters key technologies ranging from Qt's model/view architecture to Qt's powerful new 2D paint engine. The authors provide readers with unparalleled insight into Qt's event model and layout system. Then, using realistic examples, they introduce superior techniques for everything from basic GUI development to advanced database and XML integration.

On data models, data types and dangerous liaisons

Context, dear boy, context A data model is a methodology for storing, handling and manipulating data. There are lots of them around. One of the most commonly employed at present is the relational model. Brainchild of Edgar Codd, it rapidly came into favour after he published hisseminal paper in 1970. Many of the popular database engines today (for example DB2, Oracle and SQL Server) are based on the relational model.

Enea to demo Linux, fast IPC at FTF

Enea will demonstrate the Linux port of its "Linx" interprocess communication (IPC) technology at the Freescale Technology Forum (FTF), next week in Orlando, Fla. The company touts Linx as a more performant, scalable alternative to TIPC (transparent IPC) in heterogeneous, distributed computing environments such as those found in telecommunications.

Techies flock to Red Hat "Unconference"

An unconference is based on the idea that the best parts of conferences are the discussions in the hallways and over meals -- not the planned sessions. BarCamp will begin today with a blank, wall-sized paper agenda that participants fill in with sessions they want to lead. Some will come with ideas in mind, others might be inspired during the day.

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