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WiFi Radar eases connections

WiFi Radar is a handy tool for those who move from one wireless access point (AP) to another. My laptop regularly connects to a wireless AP on my home LAN, to a free wireless service in downtown Austin where we hold our weekly LUG meetings, and to whatever is available at airports and hotels when I'm on the road. WiFi Radar makes it simple to switch connections no matter where I am.

Fujitsu Unveils PRIMEQUEST 500 Series Servers For Linux

Fujitsu Computer Systems unveiled the PRIMEQUEST 500 series servers with Dual-core Intel Itanium 2 processors, providing performance improvements up to 2.5 times that of previous models. The PRIMEQUEST servers are built to meet the highest demands on reliability and availability in the data center.

Human-rights group targets China cooperation

  • CNET; By Declan McCullagh (Posted by grouch on Jul 20, 2006 12:36 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Community
Amnesty International upped its already-harsh criticism of Internet companies on Wednesday by accusing Google, Microsoft and Yahoo of violating their own principles in China.

Online LPI training launched

SA Linux trainers Linux Holdings have launched a full range of LPI training courses that will be taught using online and correspondence methods. Providing the courses online with a mix of chat, forums and training materials will allow the company to keep their prices down as well as give students longer-term support.

openSUSE 10.1 package manager fix due this week

"We love openSUSE, but we hate openSUSE's package management problems," Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols,'s resident Linux curmudgeon, reports from his vacation. But there's good news: a fix is coming soon, he says.

Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise 10 Arrives

Novell has announced the availability of the SUSE Linux Enterprise 10 operating system for servers and desktops. Novell plans on shipping the OS on Monday, which is going to be the first full release of SUSE Linux since the summer of 2004.

[Note confusion in the comments there. -- grouch]

Surfing for the World to See

At a time of increasing anxiety about online privacy, is letting volunteers download software that turns their Web surfing habits into a virtual window display for visitors.

Grep FOSSBiz

  • LXer - Grep FOSSBiz; By DC Parris (Posted by grouch on Jul 20, 2006 9:01 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: LXer Features; Groups: LXer
LXer Feature: 20-Jul-2006

LXer goes on the search for businesses that provide migration and support services, software development, and products related to Free and Open Source Software. Do you know of a business focused on Free and Open Source Software?

A Gentoo diary part 1

A Gentoo Diary part 1 LXer Feature: 19-July-06

It's been a while since I promised to write about my Gentoo desktops. In the intro, I gave some general information about Gentoo, and explained my setup.
The reason I didn't write a bit earlier is, amongst others, not that much interesting happened the last few weeks. Anyway, let's talk about what did happen: I set up an old 300 mHz server with Gentoo, tried to make distributed compiling work, learned a bit more about Windowmaker, tried to get a Broadcom Wireless card working on a laptop, switched to Grub, and finally got rid of Xmms. Uhhm, the latter kind of unnoticeable.

Boy Who Never Slept - An Open Source Movie

At the beginning of this month, what some claim is the first fully open source full length movie was released on the internet. Boy Who Never Slept written, directed, and starring Solomon Rothman and made for almost no money has now been viewed around 200,000 times. Every aspect of the movie is available online including: the raw footage, the finished product, the audio track, and script.

Freeswitch: Open-Source Telco Switch

If you are scratching your head and asking "What's Ajax?", well, it's the new (really not so new) way of doing interactive web pages. It's how Google does Gmail, and more and more it's how a lot of web pages handle the need for smooth interaction with the public.

New Fedora test lead begins work

Will Woods, the new test lead for the Fedora Project, has only been in his position a few weeks, but already he has a clear goal in mind. Whenever Fedora is mentioned on Slashdot, he notes, "There's always someone who will comment that Fedora is just Red Hat's beta test for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). It's not true, and I want no one to have cause to say that ever again."

Review: Linspire Five-O Linux OS Gives System Builders Low-End PC ...

Linspire aims to take over the low-end desktop with its Linspire Five-0 Linux operating system. The San Diego-based company is taking a different approach to Linux by focusing on mimicking Microsoft Windows. Linspire looks to make links as easy as possible and boasts that its flavor of the open-source OS is the easiest to use. That could prove attractive to many system builders, which are always looking to differentiate their offerings from those of tier-one vendors.

Conform Your Applications to the LSB

  •; By Martin Streicher (Posted by IdaAshley on Jul 20, 2006 4:28 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux; Story Type: News Story
In this tutorial, discover the Linux Standard Base (LSB), and learn how to port your code to the LSB standard. While a variety and choices are beneficial for Linux users, heterogeneity can vex software developers who must build and support packages on similar but subtly different platforms. Fortunately, if an application conforms to the LSB, and a flavor of Linux is LSB compliant, the application is guaranteed to run.

Season of KDE 2006

The first Season of KDE has started. The Season of KDE is a follow-up project to Google's Summer of Code, giving all the applications that did not make it into the final selection a chance to be implemented anyway. We are happy to announce that 14 students have agreed to work on their projects even without the financial support from Google.

Extended Open Source DRM

MutableMedia has released version 2 of its OpenIPMP, a Digital Rights Management program based on open standards. The goal of the Open Source project is to provide an interoperable and easily portable solution for the management of rights to digital media on Windows, Mac OS, Linux, and embedded systems.

Create a secure Linux-based wireless access point

Wi-Fi Protected Access version 2 (WPA2) is becoming the de facto standard for securing wireless networks, and a mandatory feature for all new Wi-Fi products certified by the Wi-Fi Alliance. We all know the security weaknesses of its predecessor, WEP; this time they got it right. Here's how to implement the WPA2 protocol on a Linux host and create a secure wireless access point (WAP) for your network.

Red Hat Magazine: Issue 21: Latin America loves Linux

This month Red Hat Magazine takes a look at the open source community in Latin America with features on the International Free Software Forum in Brazil, music with Latino flair, and the travel diary of one Red Hat associate visiting Sao Paulo for LinuxWorld.

Healthcare IT budget boost good news for Linux

The consortium dedicated to accelerating the adoption of Linux and open source software cited a Rand Corporation study suggesting that IT budgets average just two to three per cent of overall healthcare expenditure. In contrast, IT spending comprised between 12 and 15 per cent in other industries. As a result, healthcare IT spending is expected to grow at a faster rate than overall IT, increasing the appeal of open source software.

Via-specific Linux distro eyes UMPCs

EpiOS is a hardware-specific Linux distribution for Via Epia boards. It is based on Gentoo and KDE, and aims to support traditionally problematic Via processor features, such as hardware MPEG and cryptography acceleration, "out-of-the-box." For example, the project relies on software from the OpenChrome project, in order to support Via's advanced graphics features.

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