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Open Source Software to Grow Fastest in Government Sector

Open source software will gain momentum faster within government sector than it will in other market, said a study conducted by IT research firm IDC. Government Insights predicts government IT will most likely see the most substantial growth in the use of open source software over the next five years, with rapid growth in the five to ten year time frame.

New Companies Join Linux Phone Group

Several companies including Texas Instruments (TI) and ZTE have joined the Linux Phone Standards (LiPS) Forum, the group announced on Monday.

Open, programmable humanoid robot runs Linux

Four companies in Japan have created a low-cost, user-programmable humanoid robot targeting educational and research applications. The HRP-2m Choromet uses technology from Japan's National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), and is user-programmable thanks to open software running on a user-space real-time Linux implementation.

Croatian Government Adopts Free Software Policy in State ...

Last week, on July 12, the Government of Croatia adopted an official document titled Directions for Development and Use of Open Source Code Computer Programmes in Bodies and Institutions of State Administration. In the document, the Government accepts the responsibility to develop, prepare and procure open-source software solutions in the development of information systems of state administration bodies.

PHP is dead. Long live PHP!

  •; By Jason Norwood-Young (Posted by dcparris on Jul 18, 2006 6:01 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Editorial; Groups: PHP
A friend recently told me that PHP is on its way out, Ruby on Rails is where it's at. I scoffed. I chuckled. Then I gave it some thought. Could PHP have had its day?

Nagios and Oreon (Nagios web front end) installation and Configuration

  •; By (Posted by gg234 on Jul 18, 2006 5:29 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Debian
Nagios and Oreon (Nagios web front end) installation and Configuration

Verizon & T-Mobile Minutes Used Firefox Extension

Lifehacker's found a very useful Firefox extension for our Verizon and T-Mobile readers.

Kick the Windows habit

There are some refuges from Windows’ frustrating flood of spyware, worms and security problems. You could buy a Mac, use a free version of Linux such as Ubuntu, or you could purchase a Linux product such as Xandros desktop 4.0.

[Better yet, you could get Debian, SUSE Linux OSS, or Ubuntu - or a number of other GNU/Linux systems that do not restrict your freedom. The article does mention Ubuntu though. - dcparris]

Get Hands-On Experience Programming Blue Gene

  • (Posted by dcparris on Jul 18, 2006 3:35 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: IBM
The integrated Cell BE SDK supersedes all previous versions, and now contains Support for Linux kernel 2.6.16, GNU GCC 4.0.2, and binutils 2.16.1, Support for PowerPC 64-bit hardware, NUMA, XL C compiler now supports C++, and a greatly enhanced install experience. Download the new Cell Broadband Engine and gain hands-on experience programming Blue Gene.

Dreamlinux 2.0 goes gold

The Brazil-based Dreamlinux project team introduced Dreamlinux 2.0 on July 16. The install/live CD distribution is based on a 2.6.14 Kanotix Kernel and the XFce desktop, and comprises a combination of Debian, Knoppix, and Morphix code.

The GNU "Lesser" General Public License gets some love

  • Free Software Magazine; By David Sugar (Posted by dcparris on Jul 18, 2006 2:35 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Editorial; Groups: GNU
With the introduction of the GNU GPLv3, the GNU Lesser General Public License (L-GPL) has seen much less attention. This has changed with the recent GPLv3 conference in Barcelona, and I think it has changed for the better.

Getting closer with Etch

Today I tried Debian Etch on my Dell Optiplex GX 620 at work again. I updated, dist-upgraded, and after a bit of special tweaking, everything worked - including mail and calendar access from Evolution to our Exchange 2k3 server in the company.

Ohio LinuxFest registration now open

Registration is now open for the fourth annual Ohio LinuxFest, which takes place at the Greater Columbus Convention Center in Columbus, Ohio on Sept. 30. The single-day event features sessions for both experienced and inexperienced Linux users, plus an expo for commercial exhibitors and non-profit free and open-source software projects.

Computer training

TODAY, computers have invaded almost every field of human activity. No wonder, becoming a hardware or a software engineer is the dream of many a young person.

[Article mentions schools in India offering GNU/Linux training, among other IT-related courses. - dcparris]

Eclipse: We don't have a relationship with Sun

Sun brings no sign of a thawProspects of a thaw between Sun and the Eclipse Foundation seem as slim as ever, judging by remarks made toThe Register by Eclipse executive director Mike Melinkovich.

DWR makes interportlet messaging with Ajax easy

  • developerWorks; By IBM (Posted by solrac on Jul 18, 2006 11:52 AM EDT)
DWR simplifies your work by hiding almost all the details of Ajax and allows you to concentrate on the task at hand instead of the nuts and bolts of Ajax development.

Mozilla Firefox Extensions

  • ABC News; By Jamie Lendino (Posted by grouch on Jul 18, 2006 11:19 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Mozilla
Feast your eyes on the following collection of free tools, ad-blockers, performance tuners, and tabbed-browsing enhancers.

[Even ABC has heard of Firefox? -- grouch]

Open Source Software Will Grow Fastest in Government Sector, Says ...

  • Tekrati Industry Analyst Reporter (Posted by grouch on Jul 18, 2006 10:46 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: GNU, Linux
Open source software will gain momentum faster within the government sector than it will in other markets, according to Government Insights, an IDC company. Government Insights estimates a 30 percent compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of open source software as part of total IT spending through 2009. The analysts predict an accompanying paradigm shift in how governments develop and buy enterprise solutions.

SUSE Enterprise Linux Desktop 10 Screenshot Tour

OSNews reports - Since yesterday (July 16, 2006), .iso downloads for SUSE Enterprise Linux Desktop/Server 10 have been available from Novell's download page. After seeking confirmation from Novell's Nat Friedman, we can confirm these are indeed the final releases. SLED 10 is available for x86 and x86-64, while SLES 10 can be obtained for x86, AMD64/EM64T, PPC, IBM Power, Itanium, and IBM's zSeries. OSDir has some sweet shots of SUSE Enterprise Linux Desktop 10 in the SUSE Enterprise Linux Desktop 10 Screenshot Tour.

Novell's Suse Linux 10 released

Coinciding with its local roadshow, Novell today announced the woldwide release of Suse Linux Enterprise 10, the company's latest release of its operating system that it is hoping will win over big market share in both the desktop and server sectors.

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