View by Organization, Country or Group: All
« Previous ( 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 16 ) Next »Title | Distro | Country |
Restaurant Le Bellagio | Ubuntu | Canada |
Vancouver community College | Suse | Canada |
Keewaytinook Okimakanak | Canada | |
Legal Aid Manitoba | Canada | |
Canadian National Railways | Linux | Canada |
Quebec Government website | Canada | |
Canadian Hurricane center | Unknown, KDE | Canada |
Environment Canada | Unknown linux | Canada |
GHY International, Canada | Suse Enterprise and Red Hat ES3 | Canada |
Pioneer Petroleums LP (partial) | Red Hat | Canada |
Acadia University | Xandros | Canada |
Perimeter Institute of Theoretical Physics, Waterloo, Canada | Unknown linux servers | Canada |
Chemawawin School | Ubuntu | Canada |
Holy Cross Elementary School | Gentoo + LSTP | Canada |
Geneva (Switzerland) | Unknown | Switzerland |
Swisscom IT services | Suse and others | Switzerland |
Chilean schools (10.000 computers) | EduLinux | Chile |
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China | Turbolinux | China |
Xiaolan('s servers) in China's Guangdong province | Unknown | China |
China (well, theoretically) | Sun Java Desktop | China |