LXer Weekly Roundup for 30-Nov-2008

Posted by Scott_Ruecker on Nov 30, 2008 10:31 PM
LXer Linux News; By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.)

LXer Feature: 30-Nov-2008

Early in the week there was an article about some deadly Linux commands and I have to admit I personally wouldn't try any of them, except on a 'practice' machine maybe. In another article we have a nice list of advanced Linux distributions to try out. But it did not list Linux From Scratch which I know technically not a "distro" (it's a book about building one) but still, any list of "advanced" distributions has include LFS doesn't it?

Early in the week there was an article about some deadly Linux commands and I have to admit I personally wouldn't try any of them, except on a 'practice' machine maybe. In another article we have a nice list of advanced Linux distributions to try out. But it did not list Linux From Scratch which I know technically not a "distro" (it's a book about building one) but still, any list of "advanced" distributions has include LFS doesn't it?

Microsoft made a move earlier this week in court to quash 'the Vista Capable' case and finally bring the viewing of those tasty internal e-mails to a stop. In a BusinessWeek article Debra Chrapaty ,Microsoft's VP of Global Foundation Services talked about how they are trying to catch Google in the data center race, good luck with that.

On the subject of Google, they have plans to use their Ads system to take over television as we know it according to Keval Desai, product manager for Google's TV Ads unit. It looks like SCO may have finally really and actually have had the last nail in the coffin of their case against Novell/IBM/Linux hammered into them. Carla Schroder asks not what Linux can do for you, but what you can do for Linux in her editorial Free as in Freedom, Not Free as in Freeloader.

Sam Varghese thinks he's got the evolution of a Linux user all figured out. For my part, I find generalizations hard to apply on an individual by individual basis. Everyone is different, I'm different, your different, Linux is different. That's part of why Linux is as popular as it is, its different. And better of course, of course.

The Register, apparently out to save us from Ubuntu gives a very kind review of a "Rock-solid Fedora 10". If I am not mistaken Fedora is where most new software is tested and fleshed out. For anyone wanting a "Rock-solid" Fedora, its called Red Hat.

An article asked if open source is killing developers ability to cash in or not. I can't see how that can be true, not in the long run at least. FOSS is going to make the sale of services on the Free Software that is given away a very good job climate for developers. In the competitive market FOSS creates good developers get jobs, developers that know Free Software that is. AMD has said that it will ignore the Netbook market and now Intel is expressing its doubts too. I personally thought that VIA would have been able to make some serious headway in that area, maybe now they will have a chance.

There were a couple of articles that scratched my nostalgia itch this past week, the first one was the Honeywell Kitchen Computer which looks more like a set piece off of Buck Rogers than a recipe keeper. The other was a walk through the history of PC hardware in pictures. I don't know about you but that mouse looks more like a grinder to me, but that's me.

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