LXer Weekly Roundup for 21-Dec-2008
There were several articles about Netbooks this week. One article entitled "Small is beautiful" that talks about the joys of the Netbook, another of how now that Microsoft has dumped XP on the Netbook market, that it has of course taken the majority of the share of pre-installs. Isn't it nice to know that you can buy a little Netbook with XP installed on it without having to pay for the 'downgrade' (I mean upgrade) like you would have to if you did not want Vista to come pre-installed on a new desktop or laptop? I didn't think so either. In some cool Linux gaming news, MystOnline is to be open sourced by their creators and I came across Linux games - Lots of great choices. I'm not a big gamer, but I could be if I wanted too. ;-) Phoronix has a good comparison of Java Performance on Ubuntu Linux and Windows Vista. And for all you budding Directors out there, here is a nice list of 7 Free Open Source Video Editors For Linux. The Debian mailing list made the news this week when a male contributor made several blatantly sexist comments about Women on a announcement list and as a result many female Debian contributors said they may leave because if it. I was glad to see Debian Project Leader Steve McIntyre withdraw the developer's posting privileges but I do not think it is nearly enough. Sexism, along with Racism has no place and is not welcome in Open Source. Mr. Mouette is lucky I am not the Debian Project Leader because I would have kicked him out on is derrière ten seconds after I read his post. LWN has an interview with Science Fiction Writer and longtime FOSS advocate Vernor Vinge who thinks that free software may be one of the factors that will bring about the Singularity. In what could be called a mistake of "Thermonuclear" proportions Carla Schroder reports that The British Royal Navy is publicly boasting of their roll out of a new "next generation" installation of Windows 2000 and XP on their entire fleet of nuclear submarines in her article "Windows For Submarines: Please Tell Me This Is A Hoax". For my part, I just don't want a BSOD to make half the planet glow in the dark for a few thousand years or have a ticking multi-headed nuclear time bomb at the bottom of the ocean. To wrap things up we have some LXer news for you. Our own Sander Marechal has been promoted to Senior Technology Editor. If you visit the LXer forums then you are already aware of his immense knowledge and kind demeanor. His hands on experience as a programmer and owning his own completely FOSS run business is an invaluable asset. Of the LXer staff, Sander has the most wrinkles on his brain, not by a lot though. ;-) Have a great Week! |
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