LXer Weekly Roundup for 12-Jan-2009
Sorry for being a day late on posting this. Some new things going on with the kernel like Btrfs put in the mainline and SJVN's review of Linux 2.6.28's five best features. Someone decided to try Linux for a week as their new year Linux resolution and 14 file managers for linux as well. Linux-Tip has a nice article on choosing a secure password which is critical if you want any amount of real security on your systems. Christopher Tozzi says he's happy with Wine in his piece "Gaming on Linux: I’ll Stick With Wine, Please". Cisco was in the news with word that they are getting into blade servers and the lawsuit pending over GPL violations. Tina Gasperson gives us her take on the book "How to Be a Geek Goddess" and UK citizens can now enjoy the knowledge that their government gave itself the right to remotely hack into their computers without prior notification and without a warrant too, nice huh? Carla Schroder talks about Super Hi-Fi Digital Audio in Linux and Mark Shuttleworth is talked about in Ashlee Vance's NYT piece "A Software Populist Who Doesn’t Do Windows". tech Radar has a great review of 7 Linux web editors that get the job done and last but not least my piece on how I barely avoided an epic fail at CES: 2009. |
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