LXer Weekly Roundup for 19-Jan-2009
The Wall Street Journal had a piece on Mark Shuttleworth and our own Steven Rosenberg thinks All roads lead to Ubuntu. SJVN goes over Linux 2.6.28's five best features and Sander came across this great piece of FUD called Why Windows 7 will crush Linux and Hans Bezemer noticed and couldn't stop himself from responding with Why Linux makes Windows 7 obsolete. I came across something that made me scared for Comcast customers. In some OO.o news Bruce Byfield does a nice review of multiple Office Suites and it seems that some of the brass inside of the organization itself are worried about getting among other things, more involvement. Over at Linux Today Carla Schroder tells us how Linux is succumbing to Creeping Windows-Itis. Apple made newswire this week with Christopher Dawson talking about the end of his love affair with Appleand Steve Jobs announced he is stepping aside citing health issues until some time in July. I personally think it is going to be much longer than that. Apple has transformed itself into something much bigger and better under him, again. Apple is on a permanent upward swing now, take care of your health Steve, Apple is going to be just fine. It seems that a virus sunk the British Royal Navy fleet comms recently. I guess I know how that "upgrade" to Windows 2000 is going huh? Shane O'Neill asks if Linux stands a chance now that Windows 7 will run on netbooks?. Vista 2.0 on a Netbook? Only if every laptop under $500 is considered a Netbook. And last but not least we have some LXer news, earlier this week I announced the addition of "tracyanne" to our staff and I should be flogged for forgetting to mention to everyone that on January 1st 2009 LXer celebrated its 5th Anniversary. It was five years ago that Dave Introduced LXer, and the world of Linux News has never been the same... |
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