LXer Weekly Roundup for 15-Mar-2009
I figured I would start the Roundup this week with a good play on words with Michael Tiemann's, From the End of the Beginning to the Beginning of the End. Caitlyn Martin gives us a review the very different results in testing the performance of different Linux distributions. Mozilla starts to contemplate a future without Google and Derek Knowlton shows us The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of the The EeePC and Aspire One. Oh and by the way Happy 15th Birthday, Linux! Longtime Linux critic John C. Dvorak not only, finally admits to the world that he likes Linux but then states that Microsoft's business model is done. Sounds like someone has turned over a new leaf, No? And in what has caused a couple of big discussions in our forums it seems Windows 7 may not be the solution for the troubled Microsoft. It seems that the OLPC set to Dump X86 for Arm Chips in XO-2 and Nicholas Negroponte is all but begging Microsoft to port Windows to it but Eric Lai states his three reasons Microsoft shouldn't port Windows to the ARM processor at all. It what is as impressive a report on security specific to Red Hat as I have seen, they have published a Risk Report for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4. Glyn Moody reports in his piece "Open Science, Closed Source" that Microsoft will be releasing, under an open source license, Word plugins that will allow scientists to mark up their papers with scientific entities directly, but they are all still tied to the .doc format so its all lip service anyway. On a humorous note, instead of another list of why you should switch to Linux we have 10 reasons you should not switch to Linux. Very funny stuff. To finish things up I start with not quite a FUD piece, but another in a long line of articles by journalists that take neither the time or the effort to actually research what they write about in "Desktop Linux is ready for the mainstream". But on to the FUD..Stan Beer proclaims the death of Linux with his review of the Asus Eee PC 1000HE in his "The Linux killer 10 inch netbook" and it what ranks up there with some of the best FUD I have seen in a while David Ramel tells us about Linux's dirty little secret. |
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